Programmi di finanziamento
ACRI (Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio Spa)
ACRI intende promuovere la ricerca scientifica e le collaborazioni internazionali tra Centri di ricerca, favorendo la mobilità dei giovani ricercatori. In particolare, ACRI promuove la partecipazione di giovani ricercatori, impegnati in strutture di ricerca all'estero, a congressi di rilevanza internazionale organizzati da enti di ricerca italiani, e sostiene progetti di ricerca coinvolgendo giovani ricercatori presso una rete di centri di ricerca italiani.
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
L' ASI, istituita nel 1988, è un ente pubblico nazionale con il compito di preparare e attuare la politica spaziale italiana in accordo con le linee guida del Governo. L’ASI pubblica bandi di finanziamento per progetti di ricerca e sviluppo a medio termine relativi alle “Giornate della Ricerca Accademica Spaziale”.
Ager (Agroalimentare e ricerca)
Ager promuove e sostiene la ricerca scientifica nell’agroalimentare italiano Ager (Agroalimentare e ricerca) è un progetto di collaborazione tra Fondazioni di origine bancaria unite per promuovere e sostenere la ricerca scientifica nell’agroalimentare italiano. Ager mette al centro della ricerca le produzioni italiane d’eccellenza, puntando al miglioramento dei processi e allo sviluppo di tecnologie d’avanguardia. Tutto questo per rafforzare la leadership dell’agroalimentare italiano, preservando il delicato equilibrio tra rese produttive e sostenibilità ambientale delle filiere agricole. Obiettivo primario di Ager è portare conoscenza e innovazione in un settore che è alla base della nutrizione e della vita.
Alpine Space
The Alpine Space Programme 2014–2020 is an EU transnational cooperation programme to support sustainable regional development in the Alpine region. Contributing to the EU 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, it provides stakeholders with a framework to develop, test, implement and coordinate new ideas. In its role as a driver of development and change, the Programme combines three functions: • trigger and fund result-oriented projects contributing to the Programme objectives; • nourish debates on cohesion policy and the future of the Alpine Space; • act as a catalyst of cooperation and common solutions in the Programme area. Projects are selected in a two-step application procedure. Calls for proposals are opened on a regular basis, usually once a year.
Biodiversa+ is the new European Biodiversity Partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for society and policy. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and will contribute to the ambition that "by 2030, nature in Europe is back on a path of recovery, and that by 2050 people are living in harmony with Nature".
MISSION One central mission: working towards European integration and sustainable development through regional cooperation. The Central European Initiative (CEI) is a regional intergovernmental forum established in 1989, following the fall of the Berlin wall. It gathers 17 Member States in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. It supports a united Europe with shared values embracing all countries, regions, peoples and citizens; and fosters the strengthening of capacities of its Member States towards good governance, rule of law and sustainable economic development for stability, social cohesion, environmental sustainability, security and prosperity. • A platform for political dialogue through a 4-pillar system; • A resource for people, businesses and communities through a strong, result-oriented and multi-partnership approach. PILLAR SYSTEM The CEI operates in a flexible and demand-driven manner to promote cooperation at intergovernmental, inter-parliamentary, economic and local level.
The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) was launched at Davos 2017 as the result of a consensus that a coordinated, international, and intergovernmental plan was needed to develop and deploy new vaccines to prevent future epidemics. We are an innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations working to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable equitable access to these vaccines for affected populations during outbreaks. Close collaboration with global partners will be crucial to the success of our work to develop vaccines against emerging infectious diseases. Therefore, we will support coordinating activities to improve our collective response to epidemics, strengthening capacity in countries at risk, and advancing the regulatory science that governs product development.
CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme)
The Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme is running from 2021 to 2027.It aims to sustain and develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law. That includes a vibrant and empowered civil society, encouraging people's democratic, civic and social participation and cultivating the rich diversity of European society, based on our common values, history and memory.
CETP - Clean Energy Transition Partnership
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) is a multilateral and strategic partnership of national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) programmes in European Member States and Associated Countries aiming to boost and accelerate the energy transition and to support the implementation of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan).
Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027
The CEF 2021-2027 is aimed at supporting investment in key projects in the areas of transport, digital and energy infrastructure. In the transport sector, the programme will promote interconnected and multimodal networks in order to develop and modernise rail, road, inland waterway and maritime infrastructure, as well as ensuring safe and secure mobility. In the energy sector, the programme aims to contribute to further integration of the European energy market, improving the interoperability of energy networks across borders and sectors, facilitating decarbonisation, and ensuring security of supply. The CEF 2021-2027 emphasises synergies between the transport, energy and digital sectors and promotes cross-sectoral work in areas such as connected and automated mobility and alternative fuels.The programme also aims to mainstream climate action, taking into account the EU’s long-term decarbonisation commitments such as the Paris Agreement.
COSME programme
COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) running from 2014 to 2020 with a planned budget of €2.3bn. Universities may participate in some calls to support SMEs.
Cost programme
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. COST has a very specific mission and goal. It contributes to reducing the fragmentation in European research investments and opening the European Research Area to cooperation worldwide. As a precursor of advanced multidisciplinary research, COST plays a very important role in building a European Research Area (ERA). It anticipates and complements the activities of the EU Framework Programmes, constituting a “bridge” towards the scientific communities of emerging countries. It also increases the mobility of researchers across Europe and fosters the establishment of scientific excellence in the nine key domains: • Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences • Food and Agriculture • Forests, their Products and Services • Materials, Physics and Nanosciences • Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technologies • Earth System Science and Environmental Management • Information and Communication Technologies • Transport and Urban Development • Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health
Creative Europe
Creative Europe is the European Commission's framework programme for support to the culture and media sectors. The Creative Europe programme has two sub-programmes, Culture and media in addition to a cross –sectoral strand. The Culture sub-programme helps cultural and creative organisations to operate transnationally and promotes the cross-border circulation of works of culture and the mobility of cultural players. It provides financial support to projects with a European dimension aiming to share cultural content across borders. The Programme shall be open to the participation of the Member States aln also of other Countries. The Culture Sub-programme shall provide support for: transnational cooperation projects; cooperation projects; literary translation; networks or platforms. The supported activities aim to enable cultural and creative players to work internationally.
Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA)
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) finds and funds exploitable innovation to support UK defence and security quickly and effectively, and support UK prosperity. Their vision is for the UK to maintain its strategic advantage over its adversaries through the most innovative defence and security capabilities in the world. DASA is a cross-Government organisation, launched in December 2016 by the Secretary of State for Defence. DASA is a cross-Government team of nearly 50 people from a wide range of backgrounds including Defence, security, the private sector and academia. It is co-located with Dstl at Porton Down and also have a London Hub based at Imperial College, White City. They have 11 regionally based innovation partners, covering the length and breadth of the UK including offices at Harwell and Cranfield University. Strategy To help UK defence and security maintain strategic advantage over its adversaries they will: • build an innovation network of government, private sector, academics and individuals for defence and security, including those who have never worked with them before • understand requirements of defence and security stakeholders and help them scout out, develop and exploit innovative ideas, inform decision making and find potential solutions to their challenges. • find, fund and support industry, embracing small and medium-sized enterprises and academia to develop their innovative ideas into exploitable products and services for defence and security customers. • experiment with novel methodology and innovative approaches to facilitate accelerating delivery of the best solutions. Open call for innovation The Open Call exists to offer suppliers the opportunity to submit their ideas to defence and security stakeholders. The Open Call is open for proposals all year round, with assessment dates scheduled across the year. Themed competitions Themed Competitions exist to offer suppliers the opportunity to submit proposals around specific government areas of interest. Themed competitions may only run for a short time and have set closing dates.
Digital Europe
It is the first EU programme that aims to accelerate the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe. It will provide funding for projects in 5 crucial areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and ensuring the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society. Investments under this programme supports the EU’s twin objectives of a green transition and digital transformation.
Driving Urban Transition – EU Partnership for sustainable future for cities
Through research and innovation as well as capacity building the urban players, such as local authorities and municipalities, service and infrastructure providers, and of course the citizens themselves can translate global strategies into local action. The DUT partnership develops the skills and tools to make urban change happen and boosts the urgently needed urban transformations towards a sustainable future with an enhanced quality of life for citizens.
EaSI - EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation
The Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme is a financing instrument at EU level to promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions. Main objectives of the programme are: * Strengthen ownership of EU objectives and coordination of action at EU and national level in the areas of employment, social affairs and inclusion. * Support the development of adequate social protection systems and labour market policies. * Modernise EU legislation and ensure its effective application. * Promote geographical mobility and boost employment opportunities by developing an open labour market. * Increase the availability and accessibility of microfinance for vulnerable groups and micro-enterprises, and increase access to finance for social enterprises.
EDCTP - European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
EDCTP was formed by a European Parliament and European Council decision in order to pool resources, funding and activities to achieve a greater impact against the three poverty-related diseases. EDCTP aims to accelerate the development of new or improved drugs, vaccines, microbicides and diagnostics against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, with a focus on phase II and III clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa. EDCTP supports multicentre projects that combine clinical trials, capacity building and networking. The aim of integrating these three activities is to ensure that the developed capacity is optimally utilised to successfully conduct the clinical trials in a sustainable way. The basis of EDCTP is partnership. The partnership helps EU Member States to integrate and coordinate their own national research and development programmes and form partnerships with their African counterparts. All EDCTP-funded projects are undertaken in partnership with sub-Saharan countries. EDCTP currently unites 14 participating European Union (EU) Member States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom + Norway and Switzerland with sub-Saharan African countries. EDCTP will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
EDCTP3 European Partnership for EU-Africa Global Health
The EU–Africa Global Health Partnership – the third programme of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP3) – will support international research partnerships accelerating the clinical evaluation of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics for key infectious diseases affecting sub-Saharan Africa, as well as novel approaches for surveillance and control of emerging/re-emerging infections. It will also strengthen clinical research capacity in the region. Building on the two previous EDCTP programmes, the Partnership will ensure that more people gain access to new medical interventions and help to protect regional and global health security.
EIBURS - The EIB University Research Sponsorship Programme
The EIBURS Programme will provide support to EU University Research Centres working on research topics and themes of major interest to the EIB. The sponsorship is awarded through a competitive process to interested University Departments, Institutes and Faculties or Research Centres associated with universities in EU or Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries, with recognised expertise in the research theme in question. An EIBURS sponsorship entitles the beneficiary centre to obtain up to EUR 100 000 a year, for a period of three years, to develop activities in the selected research area, additional to those that would normally be carried out by the University Centre. These activities are jointly agreed between the EIB and the beneficiary, on the basis of the programme proposed by the latter in its application and are included in a contractual agreement to be signed by the legal representatives of the University Centre and the President of the EIB Group. The contract entails the delivery of a variety of outputs (research, education, networking, dissemination of results, etc.). For the academic year 2014/2015, the EIBURS programme has selected three new lines of research: Economic analysis of energy efficiency ; Demographic change in the EU, the oldest-old and the need for innovative models of more efficient elderly care; Impact of microfinance on financial and social inclusion in Europe
The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) is an independent body of the European Union set up in 2008 to deliver innovation across Europe. The EIT brings together leading business, education and research organisations to form dynamic cross-border partnerships. These are called Innovation Communities and each is dedicated to finding solutions to a specific global challenge. EIT Innovation Communities develop innovative products and services, start new companies, and train a new generation of entrepreneurs. Together, they power innovators and entrepreneurs across Europe to turn their best ideas into products, services, jobs and growth. The EIT has created eight Innovation Communities to date: EIT Climate-KIC EIT Digital EIT Food EIT Health EIT InnoEnergy EIT Manufacturing EIT Raw Materials EIT Urban Mobility
EP PerMed
The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) aims to improve future healthcare for all citizens through personalised therapy, diagnosis and prevention. With a total budget of around €375 million, provided by the EU and more than 50 international partners, EP PerMed will not only significantly support the transnational development of personalised medicine approaches over the next ten years, but also their successful translation into clinical practice.
ERA-Net Actions
The objective of the ERA-NET scheme is to develop and strengthen the coordination of national and regional research programmes through two specific actions: 'ERA-NET actions' - providing a framework for actors implementing public research programmes to coordinate their activities e.g. by developing joint activities or by mutually supporting joint calls for trans-national proposals. 'ERA-NET Plus actions'- providing, in a limited number of cases with high European added value, additional EU financial support to facilitate joint calls for proposals between national and/or regional programmes. Under the ERA-NET scheme, national and regional authorities identify research programmes they wish to coordinate or open up mutually. The participants in these actions are therefore programme 'owners' (typically ministries or regional authorities defining research programmes) or programme 'managers' (such as research councils or other research funding agencies managing research programmes).
The Programme includes 35 research funding organizations and ministries from 28 countries. The objective is to support basic, clinical and translational research in the diverse field of research into the brain and its diseases. Annual joint calls for proposals are one of the key elements of NEURON’s transnational activities.
ERA4Health Partnership
The ERA4Health Partnership brings together 32 entities and 27 funding organisations from 21 countries, with the common goal of fostering high-impact translational research for addressing public health needs. Through cross-national joint calls for proposals and making the most of interregional and international cooperation, ERA4Health aims to provide influential contributions as well as a sustainable model of funding for ground-breaking translational research in the health domain across Europe and beyond. ERA4Health focuses on tackling diseases and reducing disease burden by addressing the following challenges: the increasing demand for a better quality of life and a better care of patients, the need to transform public health care systems in a more effective, efficient, equitable, accessible, and resilient ones, and the need to strengthen disease prevention and health promotion.
EU Partnership “AGROECOLOGY - Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures”
AGROECOLOGY is supporting an agriculture sector that is fit to meet the targets and challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty, and the environment, while ensuring a profitable and attractive activity for farmers. Major change is needed to make the agriculture sector more sustainable, resilient and responsive to societal and policy demands. Agroecology builds on natural, biological interactions while using state-of-the-art science, technology and innovation based on farmers’ knowledge. It represents a promising approach with the potential to respond to challenges faced by the European agriculture sector and to meet its needs. Real-life testing and experimentation environments, living labs are an appropriate instrument to accelerate the agroecology transition. Research infrastructures will also contribute to making scientific knowledge on agroecology available for this transition. Together these instruments will allow for ambitious experimentation at different scales, merging science and practice, to provide science-based evidence on the effects of novel approaches and accelerate the agroecology transition. AGROECOLOGY pools the resources of the EC and the states involved to fund high-level research generating appropriate knowledge and technologies aligned with the core themes described in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, while also implementing a series of supporting activities to inform, consult, advise and involve different stakeholders to build capacities, raise awareness and manage and exchange the knowledge and data created.
EU Partnership “Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking”
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership's main objective is to contribute to EU Green Deal and Hydrogen Strategy through optimised funding of R&I activities. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is the successor of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU). The Clean Hydrogen Partnership will contribute to the European climate neutrality goal by producing noticeable, quantifiable results towards the development and scaling up of hydrogen applications. This will help develop a number of hydrogen technologies, which are currently either not competitive or have a low technology readiness level, but are expected to contribute to the 2030 energy and climate targets and most importantly make possible climate neutrality by 2050. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership will aim to accelerate the development and deployment of the European value chain for safe and sustainable clean hydrogen technologies, strengthening its competitiveness and with a view to supporting notably SMEs, accelerating the market entry of innovative competitive clean solutions. The final goal is to contribute to a sustainable, decarbonised and fully integrated EU energy system, and to the EU’s Hydrogen Strategy, playing an important role in the implementation of its roadmap towards climate neutrality.
EU Partnership “European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking” (SNS JU)
The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is a Public-Private Partnership that aims to facilitate and develop industrial leadership in Europe in 5G and 6G networks and services. The SNS JU funds projects that shape a solid research and innovation (R&I) roadmap and deployment agenda by engaging a critical mass of European stakeholders and facilitating international cooperation on various 6G initiatives.
EU Partnership Agroecology
The objective of the EU Partnership Agroecology is to facilitate and promote a large-scale European effort aimed at transitioning the agricultural sector to agroecology. This transition is essential to address pressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and environmental degradation while ensuring profitability and attractiveness for farmers. Agroecology aims to coordinate efforts, pool resources, and facilitate the transition to agroecology, envisioning resilient, productive, and prosperous farming systems that are environmentally sustainable, climate-friendly, and people-centric by 2050.
EU Partnership Animal Health and Welfare (EUPAHW)
The European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare is focused on the control infectious diseases of animals and the promotion of the animal welfare. The Partnership is anticipated to invest €360 million over seven years to boost research and facilitate cooperation between all actors. The scope goes beyond the animal health and welfare actors to enhance cross sector collaboration and, through a One Health and One Welfare approach, to provide societal impact. The objectives of the EUP AH&W align with the European Green Deal and its associated Farm to Fork strategy for a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system.
EU Partnership Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE)
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a partnership between the EU and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) that funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe. The CBE is building on the success of its predecessor, the Bio-based Indutries Join Undertaking (BBI JU), while addressing the current challenges facing the industry.
EU Partnership European Partnership on transforming health and care systems (THCS)
The European Partnership on transforming health and care systems (THCS) is a Cofund action under the Horizon Europe Programme designed to support coordinated national and regional research and innovation programmes along with capacity building, networking , dissemination and other key activities to support health and care systems transformation.
EU Partnership Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT)
The Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking is a Public-Private Partnership for research, development and innovation and funds projects for assuring world-class expertise in these key enabling technologies, essential for Europe's competitive leadership in the era of the digital economy. KDT JU is the successor to the ECSEL JU programme, supporting its ongoing projects.
EU4Health 2021-2027
The EU4Health Programme is performed by organisations that share the vision of a Europe where all people are as healthy as they can be throughout their lives. COVID-19 has shown EU action on health is more urgently needed than ever Europe cannot wait for the next pandemic for more EU action on health. The time to invest in a healthy future is now.
EURAMET – The EU Association of National Metrology Institutes
The Association aims to develop and disseminate an integrated, cost effective and internationally competitive measurement infrastructure for Europe, taking into account the needs of industry, business and governments. The EU Partnership opens call for proposal to fund research projects.
Europe for citizens
The aim of the Europe for citizens programme is: to contribute to citizens' understanding of the EU, its history and diversity; to foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level; to raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values; to encourage democratic participation of citizens at EU level, by developing citizens' understanding of the EU policy making-process and, by promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at EU level The Programme is implemented through two Strands and a horizontal Action Strand 1 – European remembrance:raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values and the Union's aim. Strand 2 – Democratic engagement and civic participation: encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level Horizontal Action:Valorization: analysis, dissemination and use of project results
The Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is responsible for designing European international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world. DG DEVCO is responsible for formulating European Union development policy and thematic policies in order to reduce poverty in the world, to ensure sustainable economic, social and environmental development and to promote democracy, the rule of law, good governance and the respect of human rights, notably through external aid. EuropeAid provides funding in the form of grants to support projects and organisations furthering its development objectives. It also offers public contracts and provides budget and sector support. To help candidates submit applications for call for proposals, EuropeAid has developed a new IT tool accessible at the link reported below.
European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD)
The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) offers support in all areas of diabetes research through a wide range of joint and stand-alone initiatives. Funding is available throughout the year. Grant programmes offer funding for researchers working in Europe and associated countries, but Travel Fellowships are open to scientists worldwide. All applications are subject to peer review by a panel of leading experts.
EuroHPC JU is a joint initiative between the EU, European countries and private partners to develop a World Class Supercomputing Ecosystem in Europe. It allows the European Union and the EuroHPC JU participating countries to coordinate their efforts and pool their resources to make Europe a world leader in supercomputing. This boosts Europe's scientific excellence and industrial strength, support the digital transformation of its economy while ensuring its technological sovereignty.
European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)
The EMFAF runs from 2021 to 2027 and supports the EU common fisheries policy (CFP), the EU maritime policy and the EU agenda for international ocean governance. It provides support for developing innovative projects ensuring that aquatic and maritime resources are used sustainably. The fund helps achieve sustainable fisheries and conserve marine biological resources. This leads to: 1) food security through the supply of seafood products, 2) growth of a sustainable blue economy, 3) healthy, safe and sustainably managed seas and oceans.
European Rare Disease Research Alliance (ERDERA)
The European Rare Disease Research Alliance (ERDERA) takes over European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases to deliver concrete health benefits to rare disease patients in the next decade by advancing prevention, diagnosis and treatment research. ERDERA will develop a robust and comprehensive data and expertise infrastructure and innovative clinical research services —with a focus on advanced therapies—, funding new research projects, providing training and expediting translation of findings into tangible solutions for patients. It will also ensure alignment on international and national rare diseases research strategies.
European Science Foundation ESF
The European Science Foundation (ESF) is a non-governmental, internationally-oriented, non-profit association established in France in 1974. ESF is committed to promoting the highest quality science in Europe to drive progress in research and innovation. It works closely with its members and partners, sharing expertise and offering solution-orientated scientific support aimed at increasing the quality and effectiveness of science and science-related activities in Europe. It partners with diverse institutions by leading successful projects, facilitating informed decision-making through a broad range of science support partnerships: Research Project Grant Evaluation, the coordination of European projects, funding programmes and the hosting scientific platforms.
The European Urban Initiative is a tool to support cities of all sizes, to build capacity and knowledge, to support innovation and develop transferable and scalable innovative solutions to urban challenges of EU relevance. The EUI is funded by the European Union and supports urban areas of all sizes with innovative actions, capacity and knowledge building, as well as policy development and communication on sustainable urban development.
Eurostars supports international innovative projects led by research and development- performing small- and medium-sized enterprises (R&D-performing SMEs). With its bottom-up approach, Eurostars supports the development of rapidly marketable innovative products, processes and services that help improve the daily lives of people around the world. Eurostars has been carefully developed to meet the specific needs of SMEs. It is an ideal first step in international cooperation, enabling small businesses to combine and share expertise and benefit from working beyond national borders. Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission, co-funded from the national budgets of 34 Eurostars Participating States and Partner Countries and by the European Union through Horizon 2020. In the 2014-2020 period it has a total public budget of €1.14 billion.
Finanziamenti della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
La Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia attraverso propri atti normativi, quali a titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo le Leggi di Stabilità, stanzia risorse per perseguire obiettivi di interesse per il territorio regionale. In questa categoria sono ricompresi finanziamenti a favore della ricerca scientifica e del trasferimento tecnologico, per i quali in ogni bando sono specificati le tematiche e gli obiettivi.
Fondazione AMGA
La Fondazione AMGA è stata costituita nel 2003 al fine di realizzare e sostenere iniziative scientifiche, didattiche e culturali finalizzate alla tutela dell’ambiente e delle risorse idriche ed energetiche e ad una gestione ottimale dei servizi. Le attività promosse dalla Fondazione hanno l’obiettivo di identificare le migliori pratiche per la gestione dei servizi e a favorire la crescita economica e lo sviluppo sostenibile nei territori in cui opera. Le attività istituzionali della Fondazione includono: la promozione di progetti di ricerca nel settore idrico, energetico, ambientale e della regolazione dei servizi; la realizzazione di iniziative di formazione, cultura e informazione; la pubblicazione di volumi, articoli e rapporti di progetto.
Fondazione Cariplo
Fondazione Cariplo (di seguito “Fondazione”) è una persona giuridica privata, dotata di piena autonomia gestionale, che, nel quadro delle disposizioni della Legge 23 dicembre 1998, n. 461, e del Decreto legislativo 17 maggio 1999, n. 153, persegue scopi di utilità sociale e di promozione dello sviluppo economico. La Fondazione opera prevalentemente attraverso: l’assegnazione di contributi in denaro a fondo perduto (di seguito “Contributi” e singolarmente “Contributo”) a enti terzi per la realizzazione di progetti e iniziative e la realizzazione diretta di progetti e iniziative propri. La Fondazione concede inoltre Contributi per il sostegno dell’attività ordinaria di istituzioni particolarmente meritevoli. La Fondazione definisce gli specifici ambiti di intervento e gli stanziamenti a loro supporto con gli strumenti di programmazione pluriennale e annuale. La realizzazione di tali programmi è subordinata alla loro sostenibilità economica in dipendenza dell’andamento della gestione patrimoniale, essendo la Fondazione tenuta in via prioritaria alla preservazione della integrità e alla conservazione del valore reale del proprio patrimonio. I presenti criteri si applicano ai Contributi concessi a enti terzi al di fuori di programmi e progetti propri della Fondazione, ovvero iniziative, anche promosse in collaborazione con enti terzi, direttamente strutturate e realizzate dalla Fondazione stessa. La Fondazione, in quanto soggetto privato, non è tenuta all’osservanza di procedure di evidenza pubblica; la medesima, peraltro, in via prioritaria sollecita la presentazione delle richieste di Contributi a sostegno della realizzazione di progetti con avvisi e bandi, contenenti indicazione di specifiche finalità, tempistiche, procedure e criteri di valutazione. Eventuali ulteriori criteri previsti nei singoli bandi, avvisi o provvedimenti resi noti mediante pubblicazione prevalgono, ove in contrasto, sui presenti. Ai fini dell’applicazione dei presenti criteri, si intendono: - per “Contributi Sollecitati”, i Contributi concessi a enti terzi in accoglimento di richieste presentate dagli stessi (i) in adesione ad avvisi, bandi o provvedimenti resi noti mediante pubblicazione e (ii) a sostegno di progetti aventi le caratteristiche specificate in tali avvisi, bandi o provvedimenti; - per “Contributi Non Sollecitati”, i Contributi concessi a enti terzi in accoglimento di richieste spontaneamente presentate dagli stessi.
Fondazione Guido Berlucchi
Dal 2000 la Fondazione Guido Berlucchi lavora per trovare risposte e soluzioni alle sfide che il cancro pone. La Fondazione si pone come obiettivo quello di sostenere e attivare azioni specifiche, a livello territoriale e non, per focalizzare l’attenzione pubblica e privata sul dare senso e dignità alla vita del malato e del suo contesto familiare fino alla fine, alleviandone il dolore. Affinché non vi siano cure esclusive ma accessibili a chiunque.
Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla - FISM
La Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla finanzia progetti di eccellenza, in linea con le priorità strategiche dell’Agenda della sclerosi multipla e patologie correlate 2025, che promettono un significativo contributo alla ricerca sulla sclerosi multipla così come sullo Spettro dei Disordini della Neuromielite Ottica (NMOSD), sulla Malattia Associata agli Anticorpu anti-MOG (MOGAD).
Fondazione per la Ricerca sulla Fibrosi Cistica ONLUS
La Fondazione per la Ricerca sulla Fibrosi Cistica – Onlus promuove, seleziona e finanzia progetti avanzati di ricerca per migliorare la durata e la qualità di vita dei malati e sconfiggere definitivamente la fibrosi cistica. È stata riconosciuta dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR) come ente promotore dell’attività di ricerca scientifica sulla malattia. La promozione della ricerca scientifica avviene principalmente attraverso il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca selezionati fra quelli pervenuti a seguito di un bando annuale. La selezione si basa sulla valutazione rigorosa, obiettiva e indipendente operata dal Comitato scientifico della Fondazione con il contributo di esperti internazionali.
Fondazione Roche
La Fondazione Roche, costituita nel 2017, intende sviluppare iniziative che riguardino il paziente e le sue necessità, indipendentemente dalla patologia che lo affligge, per portare alla luce sia le risposte che il Sistema Sanitario Nazionale e l’ordinamento giuridico possono dare ai suoi bisogni di diagnosi, cura, assistenza e attenzione, sia le limitazioni che possono subire i diritti del cittadino in una condizione di fragilità e disabilità.
Fondazione Telethon
Ente senza scopo di lucro nato nel 1990 e riconosciuto dal Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca per rispondere all'appello di pazienti affetti da malattie rare.
Fondazione TIM
La Fondazione TIM, nata nel 2008 come espressione della Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa del Gruppo TIM, opera sul territorio nazionale italiano e nei territori dove il Gruppo è istituzionalmente presente. La Fondazione ha come principale obiettivo quello di migliorare le condizioni di vita delle persone, attraverso contributi a iniziative di soggetti e associazioni senza fini di lucro. La Fondazione opera in tre ambiti: l’inclusione sociale, con interventi educativi e assistenziali in favore delle fasce di popolazione meno protette o comunque svantaggiate; l’istruzione e la ricerca scientifica; l'arte e la cultura. In tutti e tre questi ambiti la Fondazione cerca di sviluppare forme e modi innovativi di fruizione e diffusione della conoscenza.
Fondo Europeo per gli affari marittimi, la pesca e l'acquacoltura (FEAMPA)
Il sistema di finanziamento per il settore della pesca rappresenta una delle componenti più antiche della politica della pesca dell'UE. L'attuale programma è il Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi, la pesca e l'acquacoltura (FEAMPA), che mira a sostenere a livello europeo una pesca sostenibile al fine di conseguire la sicurezza alimentare attraverso l'approvvigionamento di prodotti ittici, la crescita di un'economia blu sostenibile, nonché mari e oceani sani, sicuri e gestiti in modo sostenibile.
Fondo Sociale Europeo
L'Università degli Studi di Udine partecipa alle attività finanziate dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia per quanto riguarda i progetti che rientrano nel Programma Operativo Obiettivo 2 - Competitività regionale ed Occupazione del Fondo Sociale Europeo 2007-2013 (POR FSE), che d'intesa con la Commissione Europea e le autorità nazionali preposte, stabilisce obiettivi, contenuti e modalità attuative della strategia regionale a favore del consolidamento e della crescita delle competenze e dei saperi della sua popolazione. Il principale obiettivo è assicurare l'incentivazione e la formazione necessarie ad affrontare le complesse sfide che la globalizzazione dei mercati, l'innovazione tecnologica ed i cambiamenti demografici in atto propongono al sistema economico e sociale della nostra Regione
French Muscolar Dystrophy Associatio AFM-Téléthon
The AFM-Téléthon is composed of patients and their families who are affected by a genetic, rare, progressive and severely disabling illness: neuromuscular diseases. To fight those diseases AFM-Téléthon started innovative actions and a strategy of general interest that benefits all rare diseases and all persons with disabilities. Since the first Telethon in 1987, AFM has taken care to allocate at least 80% of the money collected to its missions: to cure neuromuscular diseases, help patients, provide information to boost research progress and provide treatment and improve the daily life.
Fritz Thyssen Foundation
The Fritz Thyssen Foundation, headquartered in Cologne, was established on 7th July 1959 by Amélie Thyssen and her daughter, Anita Countess Zichy-Thyssen, in memory of August and Fritz Thyssen for the purpose of promoting the science and research. It was the first large private individual foundation promoting science and research to be founded in the Federal Republic of Germany after the Second World War. Under its Statutes, the sole aim of the Foundation is to provide direct support for science and research at universities and research institutes primarily in Germany, with a special emphasis on junior researchers. Since 1961, the year it began its active work, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation has been a reliable partner for researchers working in the humanities, social science and medicine. Originally funded with a stock package of August Thyssen-Hütte AG having a nominal value of DM 100 million, it has contributed approx. EUR 561 million to scholarly research at universities and non-profit research centres over this period. The Fritz Thyssen Foundation supports research in the fields of history, language and culture, state, economics and society as well as medicine, devoting special attention to support for junior researchers. The award of grants to doctoral graduates and the funding of staff positions in projects help lay the material foundations for scientific work.
Fulbright Program
Le borse di studio Fulbright, offerte per progetti di studio, ricerca ed insegnamento nelle migliori università statunitensi, sono riservate a cittadini italiani: Laureati (laurea vecchio ordinamento, laurea magistrale e laurea triennale) o diplomati dalle Accademie d’Arte o Musica. Assegnisti di ricerca, ricercatori, professori associati, professori universitari. Requisito di partecipazione ai concorsi Fulbright è una ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese comprovata dal certificato TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) o dal certificato IELTS (International English Language Testing System, modalità Academic format). Per maggiori informazioni sul test TOEFL consultare anche la Guida allo studio negli USA. Tutte le borse di studio Fulbright includono le spese di viaggio tra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti e la copertura medico assicurativa finanziata dal Governo degli Stati Uniti. Il numero di borse di studio da assegnare nelle diverse categorie.viene determinato dalla Commissione Fulbright sulla base della verifica annuale della disponibilità finanziaria assicurata dai contributi dei due Governi Statunitense ed Italiano
H2020 - BBI JU
The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) is a €3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership between the EU and the Bio-based Industries Consortium. Operating under Horizon 2020, this EU body is driven by the Vision and Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA) developed by the industry. €3.7 billion investments in bio-based innovation from 2014-2020; €975 million of EU funds (Horizon 2020) and €2.7 billion of private Investments Leveraging capital markets and additional private and public funds (e.g. synergies with EU Structural Funds). A strong European bio-based industrial sector will significantly reduce Europe’s dependency on fossil-based products, help the EU meet climate change targets, and lead to greener and more environmentally friendly growth. The key is to develop new biorefining technologies to sustainably transform renewable natural resources into bio-based products, materials and fuels. This nascent sector is expected to grow rapidly and create new markets and jobs, and is already attracting substantial investments in the US, China and Brazil. The EU has the industrial, research and renewable resources potential. It is now a matter of deploying it in a sustainable manner to compete in the global bioeconomy race. Focus. Feedstock: foster a sustainable biomass supply with increased productivity and building new supply chains. Biorefineries: optimise efficient processing through R&D and demonstrate their efficiency and economic viability at large-scale demo/flagship biorefineries. Markets, products and policies: develop markets for bio-based products and optimise policy frameworks
H2020 - Research & Innovation actions
Activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Projects may contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment. For more detail see Annex D to the work programme. In case of Research and Innovation Lump Sum actions (RIA-LS), funding for grants awarded will take the form of lump sums. For more information on the specificities of Lump Sum actions, see the video or check the presentation.
HERA - Humanities in the European Research Area
The Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) is a network among a growing number of National Humanities funding Agencies across Europe. Currently HERA is a partnership between 24 Humanities Research Councils and the European Commission, with the aim of establishing the humanities in the European Research Area and in the European Commission Framework Programmes. In 2009, HERA launched its first Joint Research Programme (HERA JRP) under the themes "Cultural Dynamics: Inheritance and Identity" and "Humanities as a Source of Creativity and Innovation”. In 2012, HERA launched its second Joint Research Programme (HERA JRP) under the theme " Cultural Encounters". In 2015 HERA launched its third Joint Research Programme under the theme “Uses of the Past”.
Horizon 2020 - ERC
The European Research Council supports frontier research, cross disciplinary proposals and pioneering ideas in new and emerging fields which introduce unconventional and innovative approaches. The ERC's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields of research, on the basis of scientific excellence. A total budget of 13 095 million euro is available for the implementation of the ERC funding schemes under Horizon 2020.
Horizon 2020 - Future and Emerging Technologies
Future and emerging technologies will support collaborative research in order to extend Europe’s capacity for advanced and paradigm-changing innovation. They will foster scientific collaboration across disciplines on radically new, high-risk ideas and accelerate development of the most promising emerging areas of science and technology as well as the Union-wide structuring of the corresponding scientific communities.
Horizon 2020 - Industrial Leadership
This pillar aims to speed up development of the technologies and innovations that will underpin tomorrow's businesses and help innovative European SMEs to grow into world-leading companies. It consists of three specific objectives: "Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies" will provide dedicated support for research, development and demonstration and, where appropriate, for standardisation and certification, on information and communications technology (ICT), nanotechnology, advanced materials, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing and space. Emphasis will be placed on interactions and convergence across and between the different technologies and their relations to societal challenges. User needs will be taken into account in all these fields. "Access to risk finance" will aim to overcome deficits in the availability of debt and equity finance for R&D and innovation-driven companies and projects at all stages of development. Together with the equity instrument of the Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (COSME) (2014‑2020) it will support the development of Union-level venture capital. "Innovation in SMEs" will provide SME-tailored support to stimulate all forms of innovation in SMEs, targeting those with the potential to grow and internationalise across the single market and beyond. The goal is to make Europe a more attractive location to invest in research and innovation (including eco-innovation), by promoting activities where businesses set the agenda. It will provide major investment in key industrial technologies, maximise the growth potential of European companies by providing them with adequate levels of finance and help innovative SMEs to grow into world-leading companies.
Horizon 2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
Endowing researchers with new skills and a wider range of competences, while offering them attractive working conditions, is a crucial aspect of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. In addition to mobility between countries, the actions also seek to break the real and perceived barriers between academic and other sectors, especially business. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions follow a "bottom-up" approach, i.e. individuals and organisations working in any area of research can apply for funding. The objective of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions is to support the career development and training of researchers – with a focus on innovation skills – in all scientific disciplines through worldwide and cross-sector mobility. For this, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions provide grants at all stages of researchers' careers, from PhD candidates to highly experienced researchers, and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. There are four main types of Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions: research networks (ITN) support for Innovative Training Networks that develop new researchers; individual fellowships (IF) support for experienced researchers undertaking mobility between countries, with the option to work outside academia; research and innovation staff exchanges (RISE) for international and inter-sectoral cooperation; co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) that finance research training or fellowships involving mobility to or from another country. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions also funds the European Researchers' Night (NIGHT), Choose translations of the previous link public events involving researchers which take place every year across Europe on the fourth Friday of September.
Horizon 2020 - Science with and for Society
“Science with and for Society” will be instrumental in addressing the European societal challenges tackled by Horizon 2020, building capacities and developing innovative ways of connecting science to society. It will help build effective cooperation between science and society, to recruit new talent for science and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility .
Horizon 2020 - societal challenge agri-food
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, together with the bio-based industries, are integral parts of the European economy and society. Relying on the use of limited natural resources, these sectors produce and process biological resources to satisfy the demand of consumers and a wide range of industries for food, feed, bio-energy and bio-based products. While they enhance Europe’s self-reliance and provide jobs and business opportunities essential for rural, coastal and marine areas, these sectors are also facing significant challenges which require solutions based on research and innovation.
Horizon 2020 - societal challenge Europe in a changing world
Reducing inequalities and social exclusion in Europe (80 million people at risk of poverty, 14 million young people not in education, employment or training), overcoming the economic and financial crisis and tackling unemployment (12% in EU and above 20% of youth unemployment in 2012) are crucial challenges for the future of Europe. At the same time, there is great potential for Europe through opportunities provided, for example, by new forms of innovation and by the engagement of citizens. Supporting inclusive, innovative and reflective societies is a prerequisite for a sustainable European integration.
Horizon 2020 - Societal Challenge Health
Responding to this challenge, research and innovation (R&I) under Horizon 2020 is an investment in better health for all. It aims to keep older people active and independent for longer and supports the development of new, safer and more effective interventions. R&I under Horizon 2020 also contributes to the sustainability of health and care systems.
Horizon 2020 - Societal challenges
New european research and innovation program 2014-2020. One of the 3 major pillars is called "societal challenges": a challenge-based approach that will bring together resources and knowledge across different fields, technologies and disciplines, including social sciences and the humanities. This will cover activities from research to market with a new focus on innovation-related activities. Funding will focus on the following challenges: • Health, demographic change and wellbeing; • Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy; • Secure, clean and efficient energy; • Smart, green and integrated transport; • Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials; • Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies; • Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens.
Horizon 2020 – Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation
The European Union sees significant internal disparities in terms of research and innovation performance. So greater commitment by the low-performing Member States and regions can be instrumental. This focus will enable the European Research Area to function in a more streamlined and homogeneous way, where the individual strengths of every Member State and region may be optimised. Furthermore, research and innovation performance is correlated with the efficiency of the national research and innovation systems. Technical assistance and expertise is needed for those low performing Member States and regions to improve their research and innovation systems and policies. Moreover, participation in the EU Framework Programmes is increasingly dependent on networking and staying connected with partners across the EU. It is imperative for those pockets of excellence in Europe to enter and remain on the "framework programmes grid", thus facilitating access to networks and partnering opportunities. Two specific measures (among others): TEAMING will invest in Europe’s research and innovation potential through supporting the creation of new (or upgrading of existing) Centres of Excellence on the basis of partnerships with internationally leading institutions. TWINNING aims to build on the huge potential of networking for excellence through knowledge transfer and, exchange of best practice between research institutions and leading partners.
HORIZON EUROPE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), part of Horizon Europe, are the European Union’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers. There are 5 types of MSCA targeting different objectives: 1) Doctoral Networks (DN): supporting programmes to train doctoral candidates in academic and non-academic organisations. DN aim to train creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient doctoral candidates, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. DN will equip researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences and provide them with enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors through international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility combined with an innovation-oriented mind-set. 2) Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF): supporting career perspectives and excellence of postdoctoral researchers. The goal of PF is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD, wishing to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. PF are open to excellent researchers of any nationality, including researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, researchers who are displaced by conflict as well as researchers with high potential aiming for a career restart in research. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector. 3) Staff Exchanges (SE): encouraging collaborations between organisations through staff exchanges. SE promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. 4) COFUND: co-funding of regional, national and international programmes. 5) MSCA and Citizens: bringing research and researchers closer to the public at large, through the European Researchers’ Night.
HORIZON EUROPE – European Research Council
The European Research Council supports frontier research, cross disciplinary proposals and pioneering ideas in new and emerging fields which introduce unconventional and innovative approaches. The ERC's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields of research, on the basis of scientific excellence.
HORIZON EUROPE – Global challenges & European industrial competitiveness
The second pillar of Horizon Europe includes a challenge-based approach that will bring together resources and knowledge across different fields, technologies and disciplines, including social sciences and the humanities. This will cover activities from research to market with a new focus on innovation-related activities. Funding will focus on the following clusters: “Health”, “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”, “Civil Security for Society”, “Digital, Industry & Space”, “Climate, Energy & Mobility”, “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment”.
Horizon Europe – Missions
Within the clusters of pillar II, Horizon Europe incorporates missions to increase the effectiveness of funding by pursuing clearly defined targets with a concrete impact on citizen’s daily lives. The aim is to achieve bold, inspirational and measurable goals within a set timeframe. The following 5 mission areas have been identified, each with a dedicated mission board and assembly: • Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation • Cancer • Climate-neutral and smart cities • Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters • Soil health and food Each mission will operate as a portfolio of actions – such as research projects, policy measures or even legislative initiatives - to achieve a measurable goal that could not be achieved through individual actions. EU missions will contribute to the goals of the European Green Deal, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan as well as the Sustainable Development Goals.
HORIZON EUROPE – Widening participation & strengthening the European Research Area
The European Union sees significant internal disparities in terms of research and innovation performance. So greater commitment by the low-performing Member States and regions can be instrumental. This focus will enable the European Research Area to function in a more streamlined and homogeneous way, where the individual strengths of every Member State and region may be optimised. Furthermore, research and innovation performance is correlated with the efficiency of the national research and innovation systems. Technical assistance and expertise is needed for those low performing Member States and regions to improve their research and innovation systems and policies. Moreover, participation in the EU Framework Programmes is increasingly dependent on networking and staying connected with partners across the EU. It is imperative for those pockets of excellence in Europe to enter and remain on the "framework programmes grid", thus facilitating access to networks and partnering opportunities.
Human Brain Project
The Human Brain Project (HBP) is one of the three FET (Future and Emerging Technology) Flagship projects. Started in 2013, it is one of the largest research projects in the world . More than 500 scientists and engineers at over than 140 universities, teaching hospitals, and research centres across Europe come together to address one of the most challenging research targets – the human brain. To tame brain complexity, the project is building a research infrastructure to help advance neuroscience, medicine, computing and brain-inspired technologies - EBRAINS. The HBP is developing EBRAINS to create lasting research platforms that benefit the wider community. The HBP provides a framework where teams of researchers and technologists work together to scale up ambitious ideas from the lab, explore the different aspects of brain organisation, and understand the mechanisms behind cognition, learning, or plasticity. Scientists in the HBP conduct targeted experimental studies and develop theories and models to shed light on the human connectome, addressing mechanisms that underlie information processing, from the molecule to cellular signaling and large-scale networks. The project teams transfer the acquired knowledge to make an impact in health and innovation: Insights from basic research are translated into medical applications, to prepare the ground for new diagnoses and therapies. Discoveries about learning and brain plasticity mechanisms are used to inspire technologic progress, e.g., in artificial intelligence. In addition, the project studies the ethical and societal implications of the advancement of neuroscience and related fields. In its final phase (April 2020 – March 2023) the HBP’s focus is to advance three core scientific areas – brain networks, their role in consciousness, and artificial neural nets – while further expanding EBRAINS. Currently transitioning into a sustainable infrastructure, EBRAINS will remain available to the scientific community, as a lasting contribution of the HBP to global scientific progress. The HBP’s Core Project is organised in six cross-disciplinary, highly integrated science and infrastructure Work Packages (WPs), and three Work Packages of overarching activities: WP1: The human multiscale brain connectome and its variability – from synapses to large-scale networks and function WP2: Networks underlying brain cognition and consciousness WP3: Adaptive networks for cognitive architectures: from advanced learning to neurorobotics and neuromorphic applications WP4: EBRAINS Data Services WP5: EBRAINS Modelling Services WP6: EBRAINS Computing Services WP7: Management and Coordination WP8: Communication, Outreach and Exploitation WP9: Responsible Research and Innovation Read detailed Work Package descriptions here. General queries:
ICT Agri-Food
CT-AGRI-FOOD is an co-funded EU Partnership that wants to underpin the transition towards more sustainable and resilient agri-food systems with digital technology. Data from the entire food chain is used for this purpose. All stakeholders benefit, but ultimately it is the consumer who will be able to make smarter, healthier and more appropriate choices based on information about environmental impact, origin, nutritional value, safety and integrity
IHI - Innovative Health Initiative
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a public-private partnership (PPP) between the European Union and the European life science industries. The core goals are to translate health research and innovation into tangible benefits for patients and society, and ensure that Europe remains at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary, sustainable, patient-centric health research. It is built on the successes of the Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI), acknowledging the lessons learnt.
INNOVFUND Innovation Fund
The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies. It is a key funding instrument for delivering the EU’s economy-wide commitments under the Paris Agreement and its objective to become climate-neutral by 2050. The Fund will be financed by revenues from the auctioning of allowances under the EU Emissions Trading System and may amount to about €10 billion, depending on the carbon price. The Innovation Fund will: • help create the right financial incentives for projects to invest now in the next generation of technologies needed for the EU’s low-carbon transition. • boost growth and competitiveness by empowering EU companies with a first-mover advantage to become global technology leaders. • support innovative low-carbon technologies in all Member States in taking off and reaching the market.
Interreg ADRION
Adrion (acronimo di Adriatico-Ionio) è il Programma di cooperazione territoriale europea transnazionale che coinvolge 4 stati membri UE: Italia, Slovenia, Croazia, Grecia e 4 paesi IPA: Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Erzegovina.
Interreg Alpine Space 2021-2027
The Interreg Alpine Space programme 2021-2027 finances cooperation projects across the borders of seven Alpine countries. The programma has redefined its objectives, based on the needs of the Alpine region as well as on the policy goals of the European Union. The projects financed by the programme must contribute to the achievements of the objectives for these priority: priority 1) climate resilient and green alpine region. priority 2) carbon neutral and resource sensitive alpine region. priority 3) innovation and digitalisation supporting a green alpine region. priority 4) cooperatively managed and developed alpine region.
Interreg Central Europe 2014-2020
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme supports regional cooperation among central European countries: Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, as well as parts of Germany and Italy. The overall objective of the programme is “to cooperate beyond borders to make central European cities and regions better places to live and work” by implementing smart solutions answering to regional challenges in the fields of innovation, low-carbon economy, environment, culture and transport. The total programme budget for projects will be around 231 million Euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027
The Interreg Central Europe programme area stretches across nine EU Member States: Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, and selected regions in Germany and Italy. Germany participates with Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen and the Braunschweig region within Niedersachsen. Italy participates with Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta, Liguria, Lombardia, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna and the autonomous provinces of Bolzano/Bozen and Trento. The Programme includes 4 priorities: Priority 1) Cooperating for a smarter central Europe. Priority 2) Cooperating for a greener central Europe. Priority 3) Cooperating for a better connected central Europe. Priority 4) Improving governance for cooperation in central Europe.
Interreg EURO-MED 2021-2027
The Interreg Euro-MED Programme supports cooperation across Mediterranean borders. The Programme brings together partners from 69 regions of 14 countries from the Northern shore of the Mediterranean with a common objective: a climate neutral and resilient society for the benefit of its citizens. For the next seven year it will support to make the region smarter, greener and improve the governance between its stakeholders.
Interreg Europe 2014-2020
The Interreg Europe programme aims to improve the implementation of regional development policies and programmes, in particular programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs and European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes. Public organisations from different regions in Europe work together for 3 to 5 years on a shared policy issue. Action plans in the participating regions will ensure that the lessons learnt from the cooperation are put into action. Partners will monitor how far the action plans are implemented. Calls for project proposals are launched throughout the programming period
Interreg Europe 2021- 2027
The Interreg Europe programme was designed to support interregional learning among policy relevant organisations across Europe with a view to improving the delivery of regional development policies. It allows public authorities and other organisations relevant for regional development policy to exchange and transfer practices on the way public intervention works, and thereby find solutions to improve their policy instruments for the benefit of their citizens. It promotes actions aiming at making the European territory more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive, thus improving the quality of life of the inhabitants.
Interreg Italia-Austria 2014-2020
Programma di cooperazione transfrontaliera che interessa tutto il Friuli Venezia Giulia, le province di Belluno e Treviso, la provincia autonoma di Bolzano e alcuni land Austriaci. Finanzia progetti per: ricerca e innovazione; creazione e l'ampliamento di capacità avanzate per lo sviluppo di prodotti e servizi; conservare, proteggere, promuovere e sviluppare il patrimonio naturale e culturale; Rafforzare la capacità istituzionale delle autorità pubbliche.
Interreg Italia-Austria 2021-2027
Il programma di cooperazione Interreg VI-A Italia-Austria 2021.2027 è stato accettato con decisione della Commissione europea il 16 giugno 2022. Il programma può contare su risorse finanziarie pari a 91 milioni di euro fino al 2027, di cui più di 73 milioni di finanziamento provenienti dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale. La strategia Interreg VI-A Italia-Austria 2021-2027 è stata progettata su cinque priorità: • Priorità I - Innovazione e imprese (OS 1.1 Ricerca e innovazione) • Priorità II - Cambiamento climatico e biodiversità (OS 2.4 Cambiamento climatico; OS 2.7 Biodiversità) • Priorità III - Turismo sostenibile e culturale (OS 4.6 Cultura e turismo) • Priorità IV - Sviluppo locale (OS 5.2 Sviluppo locale, CLLD) • Priorità V - Riduzione ostacoli transfrontalieri di tipo amministrativo (INTERREG Amministrazione pubblica efficiente)
ITALY CROATIA CBC Programme 2014-2020 encourages cross-border cooperation among the territories of the two Countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea (25 Italian provinces and 8 Croatian counties). The total Programme budget allocated is around MEUR 237, MEUR 201 of which from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the remaining amount from National co-financing.
Cross-border cooperation among the territories overlooking the Adriatic Sea has been encouraged by Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme during the 2014-2020 programming period and will be further supported in the forthcoming period 2021-2027. The Interreg Italy-Croatia CBC Programme 2021-2027 focuses on the blue economy, capitalising previous cooperation experiences and creating stronger synergies with EUSAIR.
Interreg Italia-Slovenia 2014-2020
Con una dotazione finanziaria di oltre 90 milioni di euro, il Programma Interreg V-A Italia-Slovenia, sosterrà la strategia per una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva come prevista dalla strategia Europa 2020, investendo risorse significative sulla crescita e l'innovazione, sulla qualità della vita e la sostenibilità ambientale ed anche sostenendo una pubblica amministrazione più efficiente.
Interreg Italia-Slovenia 2021-2027
Il 3 agosto 2022 la Commissione Europea ha approvato il Programma Interreg VI A Italia-Slovenia 2021/2027 con propria decisione C(2022) 5745, che prevede due obiettivi specifici: una migliore governance di Interreg e un’Europa più sicura. L'importo FESR assegnato al Programma ammonta a € 70.898.662.
Interreg MED 2014-2020
The overall objective of the MED Programme is to promote sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area by fostering innovative concepts and practices and a reasonable use of resources and by supporting social integration through an integrated and territorially based cooperation approach.In these different sectors, the objective is to better identify development potential and challenges at the transnational level, to support stakeholders promoting innovation and help them organise, share experiences and knowledge with structures from other regions and countries. PRIORITY AXIS 1: PROMOTING MEDITERRANEAN INNOVATION CAPACITIES TO DEVELOP SMART AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH PRIORITY AXIS 2: FOSTERING LOW CARBON STRATEGIES AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN SPECIFIC MED TERRITORIES: CITIES, ISLANDS AND REMOTE AREAS PRIORITY AXIS 3: PROTECTING AND PROMOTING MEDITERRANEAN NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES Total budget: 265 M€ from ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), + IPA funds + national resources. Public partners should receive 85-100% of funding, private partners (SMEs) 50-85%.
Interregional Innovation Investments I3
The I3 is a EU funding instrument under the ERDF regulation aimed to provide advisory and financial support to mature joint innovation projects in joint S3 areas organised in value-chain investment portfolios. The instrument supports activities on the road towards commercialisation and scale-up phases (from TRL 6 to TRL 9). The I3 is organised into 2 strands: Strand 1 targets well-developed ecosystems and focuses on broad EU priority areas where the interregional approach can contribute to developing European value chains. Strand 2 focuses on increasing the capacity of regional innovation ecosystems in less developed regions to participate in global value chains, as well as the capacity to participate in partnerships with other regions. This strand has a strong cohesion dimension and focuses on creating linkages between less developed regions with those regions where such regional innovation capacity is more advanced. For both strands the indicative list of topics in this strand includes (a) digital transition; (b) green and climate transition including carbon neutrality, environmental sustainability and circular economy; and (c) Smart manufacturing.
The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) is seeking applications for its special Fund, known as Science, Technology and Innovation Transform Fund (IsDB- STI Transform Fund) to support organizations in finding practical solutions to their key development challenges through the power of innovation. IsDB – STI Transform Fund is a multi-million-dollar fund that provides seed money for innovators, startups and SMEs to develop their ideas and compose a strong business proposal.The overall aim of the fund is to support the Muslim World with the power of innovation, facilitate the commercialization of technology, promote joint activities among member countries, research institutions, and ensure the development of entrepreneurship. The objectives of the IsDB-STI Transform Fund are to: -Support the Muslim World with the power of innovation, especially social innovation to address key development challenges; -Support and generate public good through facilitating the commercialization of technology developed through sustained partnerships among researchers and entrepreneurs from IsDB Member Countries (MCs) and non-member countries for socio-economic impact; -Promote joint activities that would lead to innovation and entrepreneurship through the application of science and technology; -Promote the continuity of and access to the chain of financing from various financing sources such as angel funds at early stages and hedge funds at later stages, in order to allow small innovative SMEs to flourish their own ideas and create new market; and -Devote a steady and predictable source of funds that is critical for developing STI.
Joint Action - General Product Safety Directive (GPSD)
The proposed joint actions should improve the effective application of Directive 2001/95/EC on General Product Safety (GPSD) through cooperation between national authorities responsible for the assessment, market surveillance and enforcement of the safety of non-food consumer products and services. The joint actions may cover one or more of the following aspects of administrative cross-border co-operation activities related to surveillance and enforcement of European Union safety requirements for non-food consumer products: Product testing; Market surveillance operations; Exchange of expertise and development and exchange of best practice related to risk assessment, product testing and market surveillance; Meetings and workshops included in the project. In particular, the joint actions may cover the execution of joint or co-ordinated activities, the exchange of information, development of common methods, protocols and check-lists, and database development work.
JPI AAL - Ambient Assisted Living
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The specific aims of Ambient Assisted Living JPI (AAL) are to: 1. Foster the emergence of innovative ICT-based products, services and systems for ageing well at home, in the community, and at work, thus increasing the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life, skills and employability of elderly people, and reducing the costs of health and social care. 2. Create a critical mass of research, development and innovation at EU level in technologies and services for ageing well in the information society, including the establishment of a favourable environment for participation by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 3. Improve conditions for industrial exploitation by providing a coherent European framework for developing common approaches and facilitating the localisation and adaptation of common solutions which are compatible with varying social preferences and regulatory aspects at national or regional level across Europe. AAL participating countries are 21: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. AAL will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI Antimicrobial Resistance
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPIAMR objectives are: • Find routes for novel antibiotics and new anti-infectious strategies. • Scientifically validate means to increase the number of patients treated early with the appropriate antimicrobial. • Provide scientific evidence on ways to reduce the spread of resistant strains. • Provide scientific evidence on strategies to reduce the number of patients with resistant or MDR strains, at any level of antibiotic consumption. • Reduce the consumption of antibiotics. JPIAMR participating countries are: Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK. JPIAMR will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI Climate
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The JPI Climate's Strategic Research Agenda focuses on four interconnected research themes: • theme 1: Moving towards Reliable Decadal Climate Predictions • theme 2: Researching Climate Service Development and Deployment • theme 3: Sustainable Transformations of Society in the Face of Climate Change • theme 4: Improving Tools for Decision-Making under Climate Change JPI Climate participating countries are 14: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom. JPI Climate will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The are 4 priorities: Developing a reflective society Connecting people with heritage Creating knowledge. Safeguarding our cultural heritage resource JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change participating countries are 17: Italy (coordinator), Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. 8 countries have joined the JPI as Observers, i.e. Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Latvia, Portugal. JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change will launch calls to finance specific projects.
JPI FACCE - Agricolture, Food Security and Climate Change
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The integrated FACCE-JPI strategic research agenda defines 5 core research themes: 1. Sustainable food security under climate change, based on an integrated food systems perspective: modeling, benchmarking and policy research perspective 2. Environmentally sustainable growth and intensification of agricultural systems under current and future climate and resource availability 3. Assessing and reducing trade-offs between food production, biodiversity and ecosystem services 4. Adaptation to climate change throughout the whole food chain, including market repercussions 5. Greenhouse gas mitigation: nitrous oxide and methane mitigation in the agriculture and forestry sector, carbon sequestration, fossil fuel substitution and mitigating GHG emissions induced by indirect land use change FACCE participating countries are 16: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK. FACCE will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPI Oceans main objectives are: 1. Foster enabling cross-cutting marine technologies across the maritime sectors. 2. Foster the marine bio economy in relation to new products, services and jobs. 3. Create the best enabling environment to maximise the development of marine renewable energy. 4. Develop the necessary knowledge and technologies to conquer the new deep-sea frontier. 5. Understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change and the pressure from human activities on the marine environment, to reach GES (Good Environmental Status) of our seas by 2020. 6. Improve the understanding of marine ecosystems and their processes, in particular delivery of ecosystem services and the impacts of human activities. 7. Understand climate change impact on coastal areas and design marine and maritime structures and activities, to optimise mitigation and significantly reduce costly damages. 8. Develop and sustain infrastructures to support an integrated data and information base enabling industrial development and supporting maritime governance. 9. Develop a research to policy mechanism, in particular to support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Marine Spatial Planning and Management. 10. Foster the inter-disciplinary human capacities that are necessary to the JPI goals. JPI Ocean participating countries are 22: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom. JPI Ocean will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI healthy diet for a healthy life
TThe overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The ambitious major goals of JPI HDHL are as follows: 1. The coordination of the scope of research programmes across Europe and reducing duplication of efforts. 2. The allowance for easier to address common challenges developing suitable solutions with the same objective concerning food, nutrition and active life policy in the international arena while taking into consideration cultural diversities among countries. 3. The promotion of scientific excellence through joint activities with common funding and peer-review processes to minimise fragmentation of research activities and to use public resources more efficiently and effectively improving the accountability and transparency of public research programmes. 4. The support of cross-border collaboration and facilitation of data pooling and their collection in a uniform and standardised way. 5. The sharing expertise scattered across countries or throughout Europe as a whole promoting creation of a critical mass, cross-border mobility and training to facilitate timely dissemination and translation of research results to inform public health practice and policy. 6. The increase of the scientific, technological and innovative impacts of public investments in research by strengthening the coordination with other related policies through greater programme visibility and promotion of cross-border policy learning. JPI HDHL participating countries are 19: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, New Zeland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, , Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. JPI HDHL will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI JPND - Alzheimer and other Neurodegenerative Deseases
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPND current strategy is to increase coordinated investment in neurodegenerative disease (ND) research aimed at finding causes of disease, developing cures, and identifying appropriate ways to care for those with ND. The neurodegenerative diseases that JPND focuses on are: • Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias • Parkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disorders • Prion disease • Motor neurone diseases (MND) • Huntington’s Disease (HD) • Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) JPND participating countries are 16: Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Turkey. JPND Climate will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI More Years Better Lives
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPI MYBL has 4 main research domains: • Quality of life, health and wellbeing; • Economic and social production; • Governance and institutions; • Sustainable welfare. JPI MYBL participating countries are 15: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK. JPIAMR will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI Urban Europoe
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPI Urban Europe addresses three major research issues: 1. Urban megatrends – what are the prominent demographic, economic and technological megatrends that are decisive for a promising future of urban systems?; 2. Urban networks and connectivity – what are the new mobility, logistic and land use developments and policies that are needed to create vital and attractive cities, and networks of cities, in the decades to come? 3. Socio-ecological sustainability of city systems – which ecological and social constellations have to be met and implemented in order to shape sustainable and balanced long-run urban development patterns in Europe? JPI Urban Europe participating countries are 14: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom. JPI Urban Europe will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
JPI Water
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. WATERJPI research needs and related actions are structured around five core themes: 1. Maintaining ecosystem sustainability; 2. Developing safe water systems for the citizens; 3. Promoting competitiveness in the water industry; 4. Implementing a water-wise bio-based economy; and 5. Closing the water cycle gap. WATER JPI participating countries are 19: Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Moldavia. WATERJPI will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
ECSEL is a partnership between the private and the public sectors for electronic components and systems. The ECSEL Joint Undertaking is established within the meaning of Article 187 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative on 'Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership' for a period up to 31 December 2024. ECSEL will: * maintain semiconductor and smart systems manufacturing capability in Europe and help it grow * secure a leading position in design and systems engineering * provide access for all stakeholders to a world-class infrastructure for the design and manufacture of electronic components and embedded and smart systems * foster the development of ecosystems involving innovative SMEs, strengthen (and create) clusters in promising new areas
JTI IMI2 - Innovative Medicine Initiative 2
The goal of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI 2) programme is to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics. It will build on the successes and lessons learnt under IMI's first phase. As before, it will bring together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient groups and regulators in collaborative projects that will pave the way for breakthrough vaccines, medicines and treatments to tackle Europe’s growing health challenges, and secure the future international competitiveness of Europe’s pharmaceutical industry. The total budget for the IMI 2 programme is €3.276 billion. The EU will contribute up to €1.638 billion of this from Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation framework programme. EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, will commit €1.425 billion in in kind contributions. In addition,other life science industries may contribute a further €213 million if they decide to join IMI 2 as members or as partners in individual projects.
Justice Programme 2014-2020
This programme shall contribute to the further development of a European area of justice based on mutual recognition and mutual trust. The objectives are: judicial cooperation in civil matters, including civil and commercial matters, insolvencies, family matters and successions, etc.; judicial cooperation in criminal matters; judicial training, including language training on legal terminology, with a view to fostering a common legal and judicial culture; effective access to justice in Europe, including rights of victims of crime and procedural rights in criminal proceedings; initiatives in the field of drugs policy (judicial cooperation and crime prevention aspects). Under this programme can be funded the following activities: training activities (staff exchanges, workshops, development of training modules (..); mutual learning, cooperation activities, exchange of good practices, peer reviews, development of ICT tools (..); awareness-raising activities, dissemination, conferences (..); support for main actors (key European NGOs and networks, Member States' authorities implementing Union law…); analytical activities (studies, data collection, development of common methodologies, indicators, surveys, preparation of guides…). All member States can participate except for UK and DK. To apply for grant funding one must reply to open calls for proposals.
Justice Programme 2021-2027
The Justice Programme is running from 2021 to 2027. It provides funding to support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters such as training to judges and other legal practitioners and effective access to justice for citizens and businesses. It contributes to the further development of a European area of justice based on the rule of law, including independence and impartiality of the judiciary, on mutual recognition, mutual trust and judicial cooperation. It is strengthening democracy, rule of law, and fundamental rights.
L.R. 5/2010
Tramite la Legge regionale 5/2010 - Valorizzazione dei dialetti di origine veneta parlati nella Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, la Regione valorizza tali dialetti(art.2), quali patrimonio tradizionale della comunità regionale e strumento di dialogo nelle aree frontaliere e nelle comunità dei corregionali all'estero.
L.R. 11/2013
Al fine di sostenere la crescita di una cultura della pace e della pacifica convivenza tra i popoli la Regione promuove la valorizzazione e la conoscenza del patrimonio storico culturale e ambientale attinente ai fatti della Prima guerra mondiale,
L.R. 19/2000 Interventi per la promozione, a livello regionale e locale, delle attività di cooperazione allo sviluppo e partenariato internazionale.
Si tratta di interventi di supporto ai processi di sviluppo economico, rafforzamento istituzionale e democratizzazione in aree geografiche strategiche come Balcani, Est Europa (Bielorussia, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina), Bacino Sud del Mediterraneo e Mediorientale, Vietnam, India, Brasile e Argentina. I soggetti promotori sono le agenzie di sviluppo, le associazioni degli imprenditori, il sistema camerale, le Università e i loro consorzi, i Parchi scientifici e tecnologici, gli Enti Locali, la società civile organizzata. Sulla base di un programma triennale vengono aperti bandi specifici, indicativamente ogni anno.
L.R. 26/2005 Disciplina generale in materia di innovazione, ricerca scientifica e sviluppo tecnologico
Attraverso la legge regionale 10 novembre 2005 n. 26 Disciplina generale in materia di innovazione, ricerca scientifica e sviluppo tecnologico, la Regione FVG mira a promuovere un ambiente favorevole all'innovazione, ad avviare e sostenere lo sviluppo di un sistema integrato tra ricerca, formazione e innovazione, a incentivare la collaborazione tra imprese, università, centri di ricerca, parchi scientifici e sistema finanziario, a promuovere realtà imprenditoriali innovative e a valorizzare il capitale umano. I bandi NON vengono pubblicati a scadenze predeterminate, bensì suylla base delle risorse disponibili. Consultare regolarmente iul sito della Regione.
LEAP-RE - Long-term Europe Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy
The Long-term Europe Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) seeks to create a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders in the field of renewable energy. Within 5 years, LEAP-RE will support collaborative research and innovation projects, as well as develop renewable energy related innovations directly as part of the project. LEAP-RE is based on the expertise of 83 organisations on both continents and from all sectors: government, research and academia, private sector and civil society.
Life 2014-2020
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value. It is divided into two sub programs and different areas: 1 Environment: 1.1 ‘Environment and Resource Efficiency’; 1.2 ‘Nature and Biodiversity’; 1.3 ‘Environmental Governance and Information’ 2. Climate 2.1 ‘Climate Change Mitigation’; 2.2 ‘Climate Change Adaptation’; 2.3 ‘Climate Governance and Information’. The EU budget for the LIFE programme for 2014-17 is set at EUR 1.796.242.000.
LIFE 2021-2027
The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. It has the following sub-programmes: Nature and Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Quality of Life, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Clean Energy Transition.
Ministero dell’Agricoltura e della Sovranità Alimentare e delle Foreste
MATTM: Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare
Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare
Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica (MASE)
Il Ministero dell'ambiente e della sicurezza energetica è un dicastero del governo italiano. Nato nel 1986 come Ministero dell'ambiente, negli anni ha assunto diverse denominazioni e competenze.
Ministero della Salute
La ricerca sanitaria un elemento fondamentale per un Servizio Sanitario Nazionale di qualità, che sappia utilizzare al meglio le risorse economiche a disposizione. In tale contesto il Ministero della Salute è impegnato a stimolare e supportare la ricerca nelle strutture del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale. Gli indirizzi strategici, contenuti nel Piano nazionale della ricerca sanitaria, sono proposti al Ministro dal Comitato Tecnico Sanitario, in coerenza con il Piano Nazionale della Ricerca predisposto dal Ministero dell’istruzione, università e ricerca.
Ministero della Transizione Ecologica
Ministero della transizione ecologica (in precedenza Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare)
Ministero delle Imprese e del Made In Italy (MIMIT)
Il Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy (ex MISE) pubblica bandi per promuovere la ricerca industriale e l’innovazione favorendo la collaborazione tra Università ed enti di ricerca e imprese nei diversi campi della conoscenza e del sapere.
MISE - MInistero dello Sviluppo Economico
MISE - MInistero dello Sviluppo Economico
MISTI - MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives
Through an annual call for proposals, MIT-Italy seed funds primarily support travel costs for exchange between MIT faculty and colleagues at partner universities and research institutes in Italy. In all cases, applications must be jointly submitted by an MIT PI and a PI from one of our Italian partner universities: Universita’ di Pisa, Politecnico di Milano, Universita’ di Udine, Universita’ di Trieste, and SISSA, also in Trieste.
Finanziamenti alla ricerca promossi dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca
MIUR - Legge di stabilità 2016
Stipula di un accordo ai sensi art. 1 comma 213 L. 208/2014
Il Ministero dell'università e della ricerca (MUR in precedenza, Ministero dell'università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, in acronimo MURST) è un dicastero del Governo Italiano preposto all'amministrazione dell'università e alla ricerca scientifica e tecnologica del paese.
Next Generation Internet (NGI)
The Next Generation Internet (NGI) is a European Commission initiative that aims to shape the development and evolution of the Internet into an Internet of Humans. An Internet that responds to people’s fundamental needs, including trust, security, and inclusion, while reflecting the values and the norms all citizens enjoy in Europe. The NGI comprises an ambitious research and innovation programme with an initial EC investment of more than €250m between 2018 and 2020 and is part of the upcoming Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027). The ambition of the NGI is to ensure that the development and progressive adoption of advanced technologies, concepts and methodologies contributes to make the future Internet more human-centric, particularly in times of crisis. To achieve its ambition, NGI funds the best Internet researchers and innovators to address technological opportunities arising from collaboration and advances in research fields ranging from network infrastructures to platforms, and from application domains to social innovation. Focus is on advanced technologies including privacy and trust, search and discovery, decentralised architectures, blockchain, Internet of Things, social media, interactive technologies, as well as technologies supporting multilingualism and accessibility. To ensure durable impact NGI also provides mentoring to help bring research and innovation outcomes to the market. The NGI community envisions the information age as an era that should enable human potential, mobility and creativity at the largest possible scale – while dealing responsibly with our natural resources as part of the European Green Deal. The legendary robustness of the Internet must become reality. Connected devices will enhance our homes, factories, offices, hospitals and vehicles. The Next Generation Internet must be both highly adaptive and unrelentingly resilient with a solid technical foundation. If parts of the network were to go down by natural disaster or cyber-attack, the effects should be close to zero. The enduring success of the Internet lies in permission-free innovation, openness and interoperability. The Next Generation Internet fosters diversity and decentralisation and grows the potential for a sustainably open environment for our cultures and economies, celebrating our values, promoting creativity and respecting the environment.
NIH grant
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) are the primary agency of the US government responsible for biomedical and public health research. They award NIH grants through 24 grant-awarding institutes and centers. NIH offers funding for many types of grants, contracts, and even programs that help repay loans for researchers. The NIH supports $31 billion in research annually, given to more than 300,000 researchers at more than 2,500 institutions for research into a variety of conditions.[2] Each institute of the NIH has separate appropriations from Congress determined on an annual basis. Percentages of grant applications funded vary by institute, from 8% (National Institute of Nursing Research) to 29.6% (National Institute of General Medical Sciences), with an overall average of 18%. Funding percentages have dropped from over 30% in the early 2000s, mainly due to an increase in applications, rather than a decrease in funds available. In 1998, 24,100 applications were received, and 7,500 were funded with a total of $1.9 billion. By 2005, the number of applications had grown to 43,000, of which 9,600 were funded with a total of $3.4 billion. In 2015, 52,000 applications were submitted and 9,500 were funded with $4.3 billion.[3] Grants are assessed based on their significance, innovation, and approach. The major grant awards of the NIH are divided into Research Grants (R series), Career Development Awards (K series), Research Training and Fellowships (T & F series), Program Project/Center Grants (P series), and miscellaneous programs. There are various requirements for grants. Some grants are specified for "new investigators", which is defined as someone who has not received a prior NIH grant other than a career award or specific small grants (R15, R21, R56, etc.). An "early stage investigator" is someone who has received their PhD or MD or has finished residency within the past 10 years.
PepsiCo is one of the world’s leading food and beverage companies with a collection of global brands including Pepsi and Quaker, Gatorade and Tropicana, Frito-Lay and beyond. Our broad range of more than 3,000 delicious products offer consumers convenient, nutritious and affordable options in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. We generated more than $64 billion in net revenue in 2018, driven by a complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. PepsiCo External Innovation is an upstream, externally facing, department within PepsiCo R&D. We actively scout for, identify and develop strategic partnerships with external collaborators. Our goal is to locate key external insights, business models and technical unlocks and new capabilities that, when partnered with PepsiCo’s robust internal R&D expertise, will yield disruptive innovation in our core products and/or new and emerging products. We are currently exploring novel technology spaces that can dramatically impact our portfolio of foods and beverages. We are interested in improving all facets of our supply chain—from raw material inputs all the way to the consumer consumption—and identifying global efficiencies in areas including crop science, ingredients, processing, packaging, equipment, distribution/fleet, retail and e-commerce. We are also committed to sustainability for our planet and our communities.
Pfizer Global Medical Grants
Da oltre 150 anni, Pfizer scopre, sviluppa, produce e commercializza vaccini e farmaci leader di mercato, sicuri ed efficaci, per il trattamento e la prevenzione delle malattie, sia quelle più comuni che quelle rare. La sua mission è contribuire al miglioramento della salute e del benessere in ogni fase della vita, mettendo a disposizione risorse e conoscenze scientifiche, stabilendo standard di riferimento in materia di qualità e sicurezza. L'azienda collabora con gli operatori sanitari, i governi e le comunità locali per sostenere e favorire l'accesso a cure sicure ed efficaci, per le persone che ne hanno bisogno e per i servizi sanitari in tutto il mondo. La continua e costante ricerca di farmaci innovativi ha come obiettivo quello di migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone in tutto il mondo, consentendo loro di vivere una vita più lunga, sana e produttiva. Pfizer è tra le più grandi biofarmaceutiche al mondo, con un fatturato di quasi 52.8 miliardi di dollari nel 2016. È presente in 160 Paesi, con oltre 96.000 dipendenti. La gamma dei suoi prodotti, commercializzati in oltre 100 Paesi, è ampia e diversificata: dai farmaci storici in area cardiovascolare, anti-infettiva, urologica, oncologica e del dolore e dell'infiammazione, alle nuove molecole nell'ambito dei vaccini e dei biologici, fino ai prodotti farmaceutici di largo consumo. La sede principale è a New York, ma è presente con filiali operative, centri di ricerca e 63 impianti produttivi in 160 Paesi. Opera anche in Italia dal 1955. Con oltre 7,8 miliardi di dollari investiti in ricerca e sviluppo lo scorso anno, è tra le aziende farmaceutiche che investono di più in questo settore, concentrandosi in particolare nelle seguenti aree: oncologia, malattie rare, infiammatorie e immunologiche, del sistema nervoso centrale e cardio-metaboliche, su bioterapeutici e vaccini. Oltre poter contare su i suoi 1600 ricercatori nel mondo, l'azienda ha ulteriormente ampliato, negli ultimi anni, la sua visione R&D sperimentando nuove strade e focalizzandosi soprattutto sugli accordi di partnership - attualmente più di un migliaio - con altre aziende farmaceutiche, start up e biotech, università, enti, istituzioni e organizzazioni non profit. Un esempio della nuova strategia è il Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation. La mission La salute è un bene fondamentale per tutti noi. Trovare soluzioni sostenibili alle sfide più urgenti a livello globale è una priorità assoluta. Ecco perchè noi di Pfizer siamo impegnati ad applicare le nostre conoscenze scientifiche e le nostre risorse per migliorare la salute e il benessere in ogni fase della vita. Possiamo contare su un ampio portafoglio di prodotti leader, che include: dai farmaci ai vaccini, fino ai più noti vitaminici del nostro Consumer, nonchè su numerosi trattamenti innovativi in una vasta gamma di aree terapeutiche. Abbiamo una pipeline promettente nella sfida alle malattie più temute della nostra epoca, come il morbo di Alzheimer e il cancro. Da sempre collaboriamo con gli operatori sanitari, i governi e le comunità locali per sostenere e favorire l'accesso a cure sicure ed efficaci, per le persone che ne hanno bisogno e per i servizi sanitari in tutto il mondo. Più di 1000 accordi con aziende farmaceutiche e biotech, università, istituzioni e organizzazioni non profit.
Piano di sviluppo rurale (PSR) Friuli Venezia Giulia
Il PRS è il documento con cui la regione definisce le proprie politiche di sviluppo rurale per il periodo 2014-2020. Il documento di programmazione è stato inviato a Bruxelles per l'approvazione e, una volta approvato, la Regione emanerà specifici bandi per il finanziamento di progetti. Fra gli obiettivi del PSR anche ricerca e innovazione nel settore agricolo.
PNRA - Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide
Il programma scientifico prevede l'esecuzione di Spedizioni in Antartide, con attività da svolgersi presso la Stazioni Mario Zucchelli (sulla costa, a Baia Terra Nova), la Stazione Concordia (sul plateau antartico, a Dome C) nonchè presso Basi e/o Navi straniere e nell'ambito di Campagne Oceanografiche nel Mare di Ross. Principali tematiche di ricerca interdisciplinari : •Cambiamenti globali •Processi climatici •Biodiversità e adattamento evolutivo •Adattamento dell'uomo agli ambienti estremi •Struttura ed evoluzione dell'ecosistema oceanico •Osservatori permanenti •L'Antartide e la tettonica globale •Space weather ed astrofisica •Tecnologie
POR FESR 2014-2020
Il programma operativo del FESR (Fondo Europeo per lo sviluppo Regionale) è in via di approvazione definitiva a Bruxelles. Definisce gli obiettivi e le attività da realizzarsi nei prossimi 5 anni (fino al 2020) sul territorio regionale e punta in particolare su ricerca e innovazione, PMI e efficientamento energetico per gli edifici pubblici. Una volta approvato la Regione potrà far partire i primi bandi per il finanziamento di progetti concreti.
PR FESR FVG 2021-2027
Il Programma Regionale (PR) FESR 2021-2027 del Friuli Venezia Giulia si inquadra nell’ambito del quadro programmatico europeo e nazionale di lungo periodo che promuove uno sviluppo dell’Unione sostenibile, durevole ed equilibrato, raccogliendo le sfide della transizione digitale ed ecologica, in linea con gli obiettivi europei in materia di ambiente e di lotta ai cambiamenti climatici. Inoltre, il PR FESR 2021-2027 tiene conto delle misure adottate dal Piano Next Generation EU, con particolare riferimento al Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR).
PRIMA Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
The overall objective of the PRIMA programme is to build research and innovation capacities to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions to make agri-food systems and water provision in the Mediterranean area, more sustainable and resilient to climate change. Through its programme, PRIMA will contribute to solving water scarcity, food security, nutrition, health, well-being and migration problems contributing significantly to the achievement of the United Nation Agenda 2030's Goals in the Mediterranean area. The scale of the research and innovation necessary to address the challenges in the Mediterranean area is immense due to the systemic character of the major bottlenecks. To reach these ambitious goals, an appropriate mobilisation and provision of financial resources, new technological and organisational framework and enhanced capacity development are needed. The PRIMA programme, though a collaborative, cross-boundary approach among the PRIMA Participating States focuses on common problems, aligning national programmes and increasing the required scale and scope by pooling financial and intellectual resources.
Il programma PRIN (Progetti di ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) è destinato al finanziamento di progetti di ricerca pubblica, allo scopo di favorire il rafforzamento delle basi scientifiche nazionali, anche in vista di una più efficace partecipazione alle iniziative europee relative ai Programmi Quadro dell'Unione Europea. A tale scopo, il programma PRIN si prefigge di finanziare progetti che per complessità e natura possono richiedere la collaborazione di più professori/ricercatori, le cui esigenze di finanziamento eccedono la normale disponibilità delle singole istituzioni. La costituzione del gruppo di ricerca è flessibile: a seconda della natura del progetto, il gruppo di ricerca può essere costituito da più unità di ricerca di più atenei/enti; in particolare in alcuni campi di ricerca (ad esempio nelle discipline umanistiche e in matematica, dove la ricerca è spesso eseguita individualmente), può essere prevista unicamente la presenza del Principal Investigator (PI).
Programma di Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica MAECI
L’Unità per la Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica della Direzione Generale per la promozione del Sistema Paese si occupa della negoziazione e firma di Programmi/Protocolli Esecutivi di cooperazione scientifica e tecnologica bilaterali. I Protocolli Esecutivi sono diretta applicazione di specifici Accordi bilaterali di collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica ed hanno valenza pluriennale. I Protocolli Esecutivi specificano le aree di ricerca in cui si concentra la cooperazione bilaterale tra l’Italia e il Paese partner: sulla base di queste aree di ricerca viene emanato un apposito bando per selezionare progetti di ricerca finanziabili da entrambi i Paesi. All'interno dei Protocolli Esecutivi sono elencati i progetti di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica bilaterali che sono stati selezionati. Tali progetti possono essere di due tipi: • Progetti di "Mobilità dei Ricercatori", per i quali è finanziata bilateralmente la mobilità: in particolare, l’Unità per la cooperazione scientifica finanzia i viaggi ai ricercatori italiani e i soggiorni ai ricercatori stranieri; • Progetti di "Grande Rilevanza", che possono ottenere un co-finanziamento annuale per la realizzazione del progetto, ai sensi della legge 401/90.
Programma Nazionale Triennale della Pesca e dell’Acquacoltura 2013 – 2015
Il "Programma nazionale triennale della pesca e dell'acquacoltura 2013-2015", contenente gli interventi di esclusiva competenza nazionale indirizzati alla tutela dell'ecosistema marino e della concorrenza e competitività delle imprese di pesca nazionali, nel rispetto dell'articolo 117 della Costituzione ed in coerenza con la normativa comunitaria.
Programma Public Health
The programme has 4 overarching objectives. It seeks to: 1. Promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the 'health in all policies' principle, 2. Protect Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats, 3. Contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems, 4. Facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens. The third EU health programme is the main instrument the European Commission uses to implement the EU health strategy. It is implemented by means of annual work plans which set out priority areas and the criteria for funding actions under the programme. The total budget for the programme is € 449.4 million.
Programma regionale della cooperazione allo sviluppo 2014-2017
Interventi per la promozione, a livello regionale e locale, delle attività di cooperazione allo sviluppo e partenariato internazionale. Il regolamento regionale definisce i criteri e le modalità per l'erogazione di contributi per progetti in questo ambito.
Regione FVG - Legge Regionale 11 agosto 2014, n. 16 (Norme regionali in materia di attività culturali)”
Regione FVG - Legge Regionale 11 agosto 2014, n. 16 (Norme regionali in materia di attività culturali)”
Gli interventi regionali in materia di attività culturali sostengono, in particolare, i seguenti settori: a) spettacolo dal vivo; b) attività cinematografica e audiovisiva; c) arti figurative, visive, della fotografia e della multimedialità; d) divulgazione della cultura umanistica e scientifica; e) valorizzazione della memoria storica. 2. Gli interventi di cui al comma 1 sono attuati perseguendo, in particolare, l'obiettivo di: a) sostenere le forme di innovazione, ricerca e sperimentazione delle attività culturali, rafforzando in particolare il rapporto della Regione con gli enti di alta formazione; b) valorizzare la qualità del lavoro in ambito culturale, con particolare attenzione alle giovani generazioni e alle donne; c) promuovere le iniziative culturali internazionali, anche favorendo la partecipazione degli operatori culturali regionali ai programmi finanziati direttamente dalla Commissione europea; d) operare la semplificazione amministrativa, anche attraverso l'utilizzo di procedure telematiche per l'accesso agli interventi di sostegno. finanziamenti relativi agli interventi di cui al comma 1 possono essere concessi a soggetti pubblici, a soggetti privati, diversi dalle persone fisiche, senza finalità di lucro o con obbligo statutario di reinvestire gli utili e gli avanzi di gestione nello svolgimento delle attività previste nell'oggetto sociale, e a società cooperative che per statuto svolgono attività esclusivamente o prevalentemente culturali o artistiche, fatto salvo quanto previsto dall'articolo 30 ter, come inserito dall' articolo 6, comma 5, della legge regionale 27 dicembre 2019, n. 24 (Legge di stabilità 2020), in materia di imprese culturali e creative e dalle specifiche esclusioni disposte nei regolamenti o negli avvisi pubblici previsti dagli articoli seguenti, per categorie di beneficiari destinatari di altre tipologie di finanziamenti.
Regolamento per la concessione di contributi per la ricerca clinica, traslazionale, di base, epidemiologica e organizzativa,
Regolamento, ai sensi dell’articolo 20, comma 25, della legge regionale 6 agosto 2015, n. 20, per la concessione di contributi per la ricerca clinica, traslazionale, di base, epidemiologica e organizzativa, di cui all’articolo 15, comma 2, lettera b), della legge regionale 17/2014.
Research Fund for Coal and Steel
The Research Fund for Coal & Steel (RFCS) gives funding of over €50 million every year to innovative projects to enhance the safety, efficiency and competitive edge of the EU coal and steel industries.
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020
This programme shall contribute to the further development of an area where equality and the rights of persons, as enshrined in the Treaty, the Charter and international human rights conventions, are promoted and protected. The objectives are: promote non–discrimination; combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance; promote rights of persons with disabilities; promote equality between women and men and gender mainstreaming; prevent violence against children, young people, women and other groups at risk (Daphne); promote the rights of the child; ensure the highest level of data protection; promote the rights deriving from Union citizenship; enforce consumer rights. Under this programme can be funded the following activities:training activities (staff exchanges, workshops, development of training modules; mutual learning, cooperation activities, exchange of good practices, peer reviews, development of ICT tools(..); awareness-raising activities, dissemination, conferences(..); support for main actors (key European NGOs and networks, Member States' authorities implementing Union law…); analytical activities (studies, data collection, development of common methodologies, indicators, surveys, preparation of guides…). All Member States together with Iceland and Liechtenstein. To apply for grant funding one must reply to open calls for proposals.
Sanofi Genzyme
Sanofi Genzyme è la divisione specialty care di Sanofi dedicata alle malattie rare, alle malattie ematologiche rare, alla neurologia, all'immunologia e all'onco-ematologia. Sanofi Genzyme finanzia azioni di ricerca allo scopo di rendere disponibili terapie più efficaci o con metodi di somministrazione più convenienti per i pazienti.
Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership – SBEP
SBEP constitutes a network of 60 Partner institutions from 25 countries and the European Commission that enables an unprecedent effort to pool research and innovation investments and align national programmes at pan-European scale, taking into consideration the sea-basin (Mediterranean, Black Sea, Baltic and North Sea) and Atlantic Ocean dimension. Its objective is boosting the transformation towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive and competitive blue economy by 2030, creating and supporting the conditions for a healthy ocean for the people by 2050.
AREA Science Park, with the financial contribution of the European Social Fund within the Operational Regional Programme of Friuli Venezia Giulia region, has developed TALENTS³ Project, the fourth edition of TALENTS Fellowship Programmes. The Project is conducted within the long-term strategy for the internationalisation of the Friuli Venezia Giulia scientific system, pursued by AREA Science Park within the CER - Coordination Network of Research institutions of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Fellowship Programme TALENTS³ offers: Activity 1: 7 outgoing research grants to carry out projects at a foreign scientific institution or enterprise developing R&D activities, located in the territory of the EUSAIR (Slovenia*, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece) or the future EUSALP (Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein) macro-regional strategies, with mandatory return to Friuli Venezia Giulia region; the activity is addressed to researchers resident in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. Activity 2: 7 incoming research grants to carry out projects at one of the scientific institutions belonging to the CER - Coordination Network of Research institutions of Friuli Venezia Giulia or at one of the enterprises established in the regional territory and implementing R&D activities. The activity is addressed to researchers resident in the territories part of the EUSAIR (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece) and of the future EUSALP (Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein) macro-regional strategies.
Union Civil Protection Mecnanism - UCPM
The objective of the UCPM is to strengthen the cooperation between the Union and the Member States and to facilitate coordination in the field of civil protection in order to improve the effectiveness of systems for preventing, preparing for and responding to natural and man-made disasters.
Urban Innovative Actions
UIA is an Initiative of the European Commission that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges. Based on article 8 of ERDF, the Initiative has a total ERDF budget of EUR 372 million for 2014-2020.
Water4ll – EU Partnership - Water Security for the Planet
The Water4All Partnership -Water Security for the Planet- is a funding programme for scientific research in freshwater. It aims to tackle water challenges to face climate change, help to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and boost the EU’s competitiveness and growth. It is co-funded by the European Union within the frame of the Horizon Europe programme (a key funding programme for research and innovation). The Partnership duration is for seven years from 2022.