Project plan
By month 11, we plan to produce a set of reports of the state of the art and the emerging trends of the literature on firm growth. In particular, we will produce three reports concerning the areas given by actors and organisational structures, by strategies and business models and by contextual factors and one comprehensive report synthesising the three levels of analysis.
By month 14, we will design the methodology for the qualitative study of our research; by month 20 we will design the methodology for the qualitative study of our research.
By month 22, we will carry out the qualitative study. Each research unit will complete six case studies of firms operating in the sectors defined by the key enabling technologies of Horizon 2020. The aim is to cover all of these sectors through partners’ coordinated set of activities by means of shared guidelines. The most interesting case studies will be collected in a book which will submitted to an international publisher.
By month 28, we will collect quantitative data on a sample of about 1500 firms operating in the sectors defined by the key enabling technologies of Horizon 2020. The analysis of the dataset will produce a mapping of the Italian entrepreneurship system and of its growth patterns of growth.
By month 34, we will perform a statistical analysis on the dataset. The analysis will rely on inferential statistical techniques and fuzzy set analysis, in order to identify configurations of growth for the high technology firms in Italy. This analysis will enable a the comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of competitive development and growth in relation to the objectives of Horizon 2020. On these grounds we will identify the tools and policies for territorial development that we aim at transferring to key industrial and policy decision makers.
By month 36, each unit will carry out a thematic investigation aimed at deepening specific factors within each dimension of growth. These investigations will generate a series of papers to be submitted to international top-level journals.
By month 36, we will organise a conclusive Workshop in order to disseminate the outcomes of the project. The workshop will be structured in a section addressing the international academic community, and in another section addressing entrepreneurs, trade associations and policy makers. The most significant contributes will be submitted to international journals.