Elenco progetti PRIN 2022

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- ON-COLOUR - Investigating vascular predictors of poor visual outcome in the multidisciplinary management of immune-mediated optic neuritis
- Long-COVID syndrome: pathophysiology of the impaired exercise tolerance
- Proteomic and miRnomic investigations of senescence-derived exosomes to identify circuits modulating cancer chemoresistance and tumor microenvironment
- OCT4TME - Reprogramming the ovarian tumor microenvironment by interfering with epigenetic self-renewal circuits centered on OCT4 and trans-acting OCT4 pseudogene lncRNA
- The additive effect of ketamine in combination with electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS) in major depressive disorder (MDD): a translational study
ARREST - tArgeting glioma invasion: an additional weapon to impRove theRapeutic Efficacy towards glioblaSToma
- Identification of genetic and epigenetic regulators supervising R-loops formation
- An indole-based conductive biocompatible adhesive to promote charge transfer among nerve structures
- INDACO - Incorporating Nonadditivity and nonlinearity within the Dietary patterns And Cancer risk association: statistics and machine learning to create novel research Opportunities from dietary assessment to cancer prediction
- Sensing and integrating different microenvironmental signals in innate immune cells: role of MS4A4A protein
- Genomic, immune, and clinical characterization of estrogen receptor-positive, HER2-low breast cancer to improve treatment personalization in early breast cancer patients: a translational, multicenter trial
- G4-APTASTAT - Design, synthesis and investigations on new G-quadruplex aptamers against STAT3 and the interleukine-6 receptor
- EXTREMEHEART- EXTRacellular vEsicle-mediated transplantation of Mitochondria to rEscue end-stage failing HEARTs
- Myelodisplasia-related molecular abnormalities and Clonal Hematopoiesis in patients with relapsed-refractory lymphoid malignancies receiving chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T Cells
- Re-Cure - Resetting of the epigenomic landscape to restore the normal spatial genomic organization in cancer cells
- Mechanisms and functions of channel formation by mitochondrial F-ATP synthase
- Improving drug discovery strategies targeting Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endodeoxyribonuclease-1 in miR processing through integrated molecular approaches on cancer cell lines and tumor organoids

- The forms of the museum: pilot project for a digital atlas of Italian museums
- Italian Cold War Borders. A new Research Framework on Transformation during Détente
- MeCo. The forms of contemporary italian poetry
- Marco Polo - from Venice to World Literatures (MarVeLs). Textual, linguistic, and socio-cultural factors in the spreading of "Devisement dou monde" through space and time (13th-16th centuries). "Devisement dou monde" through space and time (13th-16th centuries)
- SCribes and notaRIes in Byzantine Oxyrhynchus (SCRIBO)
- Cinephemera. Ephemeral materials for the study of Italian cinema between the 1930s and 1960s
- Contact-induced language change: perspectives from minority languages in the Italian linguistic space
- "Alla moderna" Fortresses for a Prototypical Early Modern State. The Bastion Forts of the Papal State of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: New Urban Roles beyond Centre and Periphery
- From the Pen to the Type-sort. A Renaissance Mass-media Revolution, 1465-1515
- IdeNtity and SPECializaTion in Upper Mesopotamia (INSPECT): the genesis of social complexity during the Early Chalcolithic
- FilmBaseMatters: A Material Approach to the History of Small-gauge Film in Italy
- HistHors. A social history of horses in the age of italian communes
- TeLPh,Teaching and Learning Philosophy in the Regnum Italiae (1250-1450): from Exception to European Heritage
- Unconventionally mendicant. Voluntary poverty and mendicancy between religious inspiration and institutions
- Reception and Transmission of Greek Texts from Byzantium to the Renaissance: Towards a Repertorium of the Greek Scribes in the Italian Libraries (RCG-Italia)
- Near Eastern Empires at Work (NEEW). An archaeological approach to the study of empires, their organisation and impact on local societies and landscapes in northern Iraq.
- MOV.I.E. Musei del cinema e patrimonio audiovisivo: prospettive storiche, strategie di valorizzazione, ecosistemi contemporanei
- ArDIRe. Archivio e dizionario digitale dei primi ricettari artistici in lingua italiana (fine XIV-XVI secolo)
- FALSVM - Forging Authorship in Literature, Scholarship, and Visual Media Phase 1: Classical Antiquity
- MIDA - A Case of Minor History? Agency and dissent in Italian “independent” cinema, between art and counter-information, viewing modalities, and experimental film-format practices (1961-1976)