PLAT4M – Platform Leveraging AI Technology FOR Manufacturing - 2022JRZ875
Platform-based business approaches are spreading fast in many sectors ranging from retail (Amazon) to apparel (Zalando), entertainment (Netflix), etc. Most of these platforms match the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) scheme, with the platform operator acting as the single point of contact for customers and managing a wide range of other actors in the ecosystem. The extension of this scheme to the B2B scheme is lagging due to the need of addressing more complex and technical interactions between customers and suppliers. Manufacturing is a concrete example of these cases, where these interactions ground on technical information, specifications, and requirements. Nevertheless, the increasing digitalization in the manufacturing industry, the development of digital models representing products, processes, resources, and systems, generally named Digital Twins, as well as the adoption of AI to support classification and automatic reasoning approaches, are paving the way for the raise of platform-based business approaches for manufacturing very shortly. The project will primarily address the production of mechanical components, focusing on a reduced set of technological processes (turning and milling) and a simplified business and logistic structure where a single supplier is able to provide the full set of services for a product. Two families of products will be used as use cases, namely drive shafts and flanges for turning parts, supports and brackets for milling/threading parts. Concerning these classes of products, the generation of a process plan allows a simplified approach that can be embedded in the defined architecture. The viability of the approach is demonstrated by means of real manufacturing cases.
- Politecnico di Milano
- Università degli Studi di Udine
- Università degli Studi di Firenze
Importo del progetto
Importo totale dell’intero progetto Euro 284.326,00
Importo del progetto Uniud Euro 91.725,00
Contributo MUR Uniud Euro 63.133,00
Cofinanziamento Uniud Euro 28.592,00
- Data avvio progetto: 28 settembre 2023
- Data conclusione progetto: 27 settembre 2025