FUTURe Spaces for Cinema and Entertainment

PRIN 2022 – Finanziato dall’Unione europea NextGenerationEU

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FUTURSpaCE is an advanced research proposal articulated on complementary areas responding to the need to redefine the public entertainment hall in Italy as an innovative audio-visual space.

The history and evolution of the place dedicated to cinema have a centuries-old record. However, technological innovations and modifications of social interaction systems have made it urgent to identify new models for audio-visual entertainment spaces. With the knowledge of technologies and historical analytical data that embrace the changes that have taken place in the last 30 years, the audience recently accelerated a new way of relating to entertainment spaces due to the persistence of the global pandemic.

While audio-visual entertainment had already moved to various digital platforms, becoming more and more a personal and unsocial experience, pandemic forced isolation has developed a new desire to join activities of collective entertainment, albeit together with the request for more significant innovation (technological component) and superior safety (emotional-spatial component). From these premises, contemporary Italian society requires a) a better order and variety in the audio-visual-entertainment offer with b) the definition and the introduction of structural (formal and spatial) innovations regarding places dedicated to public entertainment.

This description well expresses the fast and resilient response of contemporary Italian society that is reactive to the intense endogenous changes that have occurred in the past three years, leading to difficulties in analysing and responding to the production and distribution chain of the entertainment industry.

The FUTURSpaCE project intends:

  1. to redefine the hall for public entertainment through an interdisciplinary interpretation as a node of the supply chain, locus, apparatus, business, and social and cultural space;
  2. to enhance the movie theatre as an innovative place, reinterpreting and integrating its spatial, architectural /structural components with the new expectations of the spectators;
  3. to verify the potential of the innovative cinemas as a practical and strategic element for the regeneration of communities;
  4. to define a series of valuable guidelines to develop a redesign based on a model promoting the hall for public entertainment as a social and cultural meeting, training, and experience space for the public.

FUTURSpaCE, which will proceed to have a plus in the partnerships with MiC and with the leading trade associations (AGIS, ANEC, ACEC, FICE), is based on studies and research carried out, also in collaboration and at a practical level, and aims in returning not only a new snapshot of the current expectations regarding the renewal of cinemas but, also, in providing an apparatus of accessible and replicable knowledge and planning tools.



  • Politecnico di MILANO
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • Università degli Studi di UDINE


Importo del progetto


Importo totale dell’intero progetto   Euro  215.445,00
Importo del progetto Uniud             Euro    49.843,00

Contributo MUR Uniud                   Euro    42.691,00
Cofinanziamento Uniud                  Euro      7.152,00



  • Data avvio progetto 04 febbraio 2025
  • Data conclusione progetto 03 febbraio 2027

Acronimo progetto: FUTURSpaCE


