Electromagnetic modeling and design of WPT systems in compliance with EMC and safety guidelines for automotive applications

PRIN 2022 SCORRIMENTO – Finanziato dall’Unione europea NextGenerationEU

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are deputed to replace conventional internal combustion engines (ICEs) in the next future. However, their widespread diffusion is still limited by the charging infrastructure and their on-board energy storage systems, mainly batteries. This results in a limited coverage range for EVs compared to ICEs. To overcome the so-called ‘range anxiety’, static (S) or dynamic wireless transfer power (D-WPT) systems have been proposed to transfer electric power to an EV when it is moving along an electrified road. Whereas this technology is extremely promising, it presents several issues including electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems with other electrical infra-structures and electromagnetic field (EMF) safety for human exposure of passengers or bystander in the walkside. Indeed, WPT coil currents are an intentional source of EMFs and hence any reduction in the magnetic field can negatively affect the performance of the WPT system itself. Extreme attention must be therefore paid to the combined design of the WPT coils and shields. This topic is new, very hot and challenging. Currently the shields are applied only after the realization of the WPT systems, without taking into account the problems of mitigation of the magnetic field in the design phase of the WPT coils.

This entails a significant increase in costs and times to comply with the standards and regulations of EMC and EMF safety.

The ultimate goal of the Research Project is then to develop guidelines for complying with EMF exposure limits and to design an efficient shielding technique to mitigate the magnetic field produced by D-WPT coils. Despite these tasks are very ambitious, the Research Units (RUs) have the skills and necessary experience to carry out the objectives of the Project, as evidenced by several publications on issues related to the Project. Indeed, the PI has gained a huge experience in the field of numerical dosimetry and EMF safety compliance. He is member of the IEEE-International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES)-Technical Committee (TC) 95-Subcommittee (SC) 6 and of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) TC 106, specifically of the Working Group (WG) 9, which is an ad-hoc WG related to the human exposure of WPT systems. The substitute of the PI instead has large experience in electronic power converters (switching) and advanced control systems. The responsible of the PoliTO RU has a consolidated experience in modelling and designing magnetic field mitigation systems. Furthermore, he is strongly active in the field of numerical dosimetry and member of IEC TC 106 and IEEE-ICES-TC95-SC6 as well. Moreover, he is currently serving the ICNIRP as member of the Scientific Expert Group (SEG). Finally, the responsible of the UniRM1 RU has long experience in the field of EMC, shielding theory and techniques, and WPT technology.


  • Università degli Studi dell’AQUILA
  • Università degli Studi di UDINE
  • Università degli Studi di ROMA “La Sapienza”
  • Politecnico di TORINO


Importo del progetto


Importo totale dell’intero progetto   Euro 245.746,00
Importo del progetto Uniud             Euro 65.300,00

Contributo MUR Uniud                   Euro 45.300,00
Cofinanziamento Uniud                  Euro 20.000,00



Data avvio progetto 04 febbraio 2025

Data conclusione progetto 03 febbraio 2027





