Digital tecnologies and social sustainability: Harnessing digitalization for a fair distribution of value within agri-food supply chains

PRIN 2022 – Finanziato dall’Unione europea NextGenerationEU

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The project aims at investigating how the adoption of novel digital technologies in the Industry 4.0 domain (such as Internet of Things (loT), big data and analytics, cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, etc.) can provide beneficial impacts on fair value allocation in agri-food supply chains through the development of appropriate governance mechanisms and the enablement of new and resilient business models. The equitable distribution of value represents a critical component of supply chain sustainability, especially from a social viewpoint. There has been a continuous call by international institutions to safeguard the fair and mutually beneficial allocation of profits along the agri-food supply chain; recent examples of this fair allocation are represented by supply chain contracts and collaborative pricing and negotiation, but they are still scarce and far from being widely recognized and adopted. Some weak signals, such as the growing awareness demonstrated by end consumers involved in more sustainable food choice behaviors anticipate that social sustainability in agri-food supply chains will be a key competitive driver determining supply chain success and the generation of new business models. However, the potential role played by digital technologies to enable and support this fair and equitable sharing of value along the agri-food supply chain has been so far overlooked. Despite the development and availability of innovative digital technologies with the potential to improve and revolutionize agri-food processes, the agri-food industry is still facing many challenges in the adoption and implementation of these technologies. Besides economic and financial obstacles, agri-food companies are facing issues related to developing specific knowledge and expertise related to the adoption of new digital technologies. In line with these relevant research gaps and opportunities for impact on the agri-food sector, the project aims at addressing the following main research questions.

  1. What are the new types of governance mechanisms (such as contracts) emerging from the adoption of new digital technologies?
  2. What is the impact of digital technologies on negotiation (for instance, new types of incentives and in turn on profit redistribution along the supply chain) and supply chain relationships?
  3. What are the new business models enabled by digital technologies and their implications for more equitable agri-food supply chains?

The project is based on an action research methodology, following a convergent mix method (qualitative and quantitative) with the aim of carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the problem and providing a comprehensive practical solution. The project will focus on specific agri-food supply chains relevant to the Italian economy (e.g., dairy industry; fruit and vegetables; wine and oil; cereals)-where fair value allocation plays a critical role on the overall system's sustainability.




  • Università degli Studi di TRENTO
  • Università del SALENTO
  • Università degli Studi di GENOVA
  • Università degli Studi di PALERMO
  • Università degli Studi di UDINE


Importo del progetto

Importo totale dell’intero progetto   Euro 249.184,00
Importo del progetto Uniud             Euro 47.570,00

Contributo MUR Uniud                   Euro 35.599,00
Cofinanziamento Uniud                  Euro 11.971,00



  • Data avvio progetto 04 febbraio 2025
  • Data conclusione progetto 03 febbraio 2027



