Marco Polo - from Venice to World Literatures (MarVeLs). Textual, linguistic, and socio-cultural factors in the spreading of "Devisement dou monde" through space and time (13th-16th centuries). "Devisement dou monde" through space and time (13th-16th centuries)
MarVels is a collaborative project that aims to provide scholars with the most comprehensive and up-to-date study of Marco Polo's "Devisement dou monde" (DM). The three strengths of the project are: bringing together experts on the text; gathering the results of ongoing projects; enriching them with targeted work in a comprehensive digital environment; carrying out this research in time for the celebrations of Marco Polo's centenary (2024). The Unity of Verona will study the drafting of the DM, Venice will focus on its early dissemination, and Udine will examine how it was widely received.
- Università "Ca' Foscari" VENEZIA (Venezia, VE)
- Università degli Studi di VERONA (Verona, VR)
Importo del progetto
Importo totale del progetto Euro 54.410,00
Importo del progetto Uniud Euro 47.529,00
Finanziamento Uniud Euro 6.881,00
- Data avvio progetto: 17 ottobre 2023
- Data conclusione progetto: 16 ottobre 2025