From the Pen to the Type-sort. A Renaissance Mass-media Revolution, 1465-1515

Bando PRIN 2022 finanziato dall’Unione Europea (Next GenerationEU)

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The project conducts an in-depth exploration of the origins of printing in North and Central Italy with new elements, new sources, new methodological approaches and new analytical tools. Starting from a traditional bibliographical assessment of the output of the major centres, it focuses on the less known features of technological innovation and the spread of the printed word as a vehicle for Renaissance culture, including the rapid increase of works in the Italian language.



  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano, MI)
  • Università degli Studi di Bologna (Bologna, BO)


Importo del progetto

Importo totale del progetto        Euro 59.654,00
Importo del progetto Uniud        Euro 52.683,00
Finanziamento Uniud                Euro   6.971,00



  • Data avvio progetto: 17 ottobre 2023
  • Data conclusione progetto: 16 ottobre 2025

