Young new migrants, multilingual spaces and Italian non native language between spontaneous and guided learning
The project aims at: a) describing the linguistic profiles of some tens of 'Giovani Nuovi Migranti' (henceforth GMN), both through accurate linguistic biographies and by documenting and analysing their multilingual practices in the interaction with other GMNs both face-to-face and digital; b) describing the relationship between these GMNs, in terms of perception and representation in linguistic uses, and the ML that characterises some areas of contemporary Italy. With reference to this aim, we will look at two frontier realities: Palermo and Udine. The elements that these two areas have in common are clear: a) they are the place of first arrival of the two main migratory routes; b) they are home to a deep-rooted endogenous ML that is still very present in ordinary communication.
- Università di Palermo
Importo del progetto
Importo totale del progetto Euro 330.523,00
Importo del progetto Uniud Euro 165.988,00
Finanziamento Uniud Euro 59.142,00
- Data avvio progetto 05/10/2023
- Data conclusione progetto 04/10/2025