CLIWEP – Climbing the Waste Hierarchy: Enabling Factors and Policies
This project aims to:
•identify and apply effective performance indicators to measure the compliance to the Waste Hierarchy
•Identify and understand trade-offs among different steps of the ladder
•provide an integrated economic analysis of the enabling factors (regulatory instruments and performance indicators, value chains creation and development etc) and existing bottlenecks (lacks of incentives for reduction, reuse, and recycling, normative constraints etc)
•identify best practices, governance models, regulatory tools, and policy actions and designs to provide policymakers support to define future country-, municipal-, and firm-level strategies to effectively implement the EUWH to realize the CE transition.
- Università di Udine (capofila); principal investigator: prof. Antonio Massarutto (DIES)
- Università di Pisa; responsabile locale: prof. Giulia Romano
- Università di Firenze; responsabile locale: prof. Ginevra Virginia Lombardi
Importo del progetto
Importo totale dell’intero progetto Euro 336.616,00
Importo del progetto Uniud Euro 120.007,00
Contributo MUR Euro 76.719,00
Cofinanziamento Uniud Euro 43.288,00
- Data avvio progetto 28.09.2023
- Data conclusione progetto 27.09.2025
Docente di riferimento
Antonio Massarutto