REWILD-FIRE "Rewilding policies for carbon sequestration under increasing fire risk”

PRIN 2022 - Finanziato dall'Unione Europea Next Generation EU

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REWILD-FIRE will assess the additional carbon (C) sink associated with promoting reforestation on former agricultural land and proforestation of existing forests. The project will assess trade-offs between increased biomass C and potential C losses from wildfire emissions and compare choices regarding the spatial planning of reforestation and proforestation throughout the Italian Alps. Project outcomes include estimates of land cover changes expected at the Alpine scale under alternative rewilding policies and climate change scenarios (WP1), projections of vegetation growth and carbon dynamics as a function of land use and climate changes (WP2), and the carbon trade-off due to emerging fire regimes under rewilding and climate change scenarios (WP3).



  • Università degli Studi di Udine
  • Università degli Studi di Torino (Principal Investigator)
  • Università degli Studi di Milano


Importo del progetto

Importo totale del progetto        Euro 246.936,00
Importo del progetto Uniud        Euro 74.401,00
Finanziamento Uniud                Euro 12.000,00



  • Data avvio progetto: 28/09/2023
  • Data conclusione progetto: 27/09/2025


Link del progetto


Docente di riferimento



Ulteriori info

CUP G53D23001360006