AIRC 2020 - A druggable approach to modulate cancer epigenetics

Finanziato da Fondazione AIRC

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Here the PI aims to create an epigenetic atlas of primary and metastatic CRC and to identify the epigenetic changes that feature metastatization and refractoriness to conventional therapies. Moreover, the applicant aims to reprogram CRC epigenetics to selectively increase the genetic instability and immunogenicity of metastases and make them sensitive to treatments and anti-tumor immunity.

The results collected through this study will allow to understand how much the targeted alteration of CRC Epigenetics influences its genomic stability/instability and it is successful in re-educating cancer cells to respond to conventional and new generation therapies. Finally, an atlas of the epigenetic changes observed during CRC progression, remission and response/refractoriness to therapies will be compiled and immediately tested for its ability to predict disease evolution and patients' therapeutic response.


Importo del progetto

Importo totale del progetto        Euro 390.537,4
Importo del progetto Uniud        Euro 390.537,4
Finanziamento Uniud                Euro 0



  • Dal 01/01/2021
  • Al 31/12/2025

