Motori di ricerca partner
Per cercare un partner da coinvolgere in un progetto è possibile ad esempio caricare sulle piattaforme disponibili una bozza della propria idea progettuale e le varie caratteristiche ricercate in un partner straniero.In questa pagina sono elencati i principali motori di ricerca partner attivi in ambito comunitario.
EU Research Partners
CORDIS is the European Commission's primary public repository and portal to disseminate information on all EU-funded research projects and their results in the broadest sense. It also provides a Research Partners service.
Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Regione FVG has developed a new Partner Search service to assist organizations like universities, enterprises, research institutions, SMEs and other legal entities in finding appropriate partners/coordinators for participation in Horizon 2020.
Ideal-ist is an international ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) network, with more than 70 ICT national partners from EU and Non-EU Countries, such as Associated States, Eastern European Partner Countries (EEPC) and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and emerging countries like China, Brazil, India, and South Africa.
This web service is strictly focused on the open calls for proposals of the key enabling technologies Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing of HORIZON 2020 and related actions like FET open and ERA-NETs like SIINN and M-ERA.NET.
The NET4SOCIETY database will offer both profiles of partners interested in becoming involved in existing or currently forming consortia as well as partner searches of research consortia looking for specific additional partners.
APRE has developed a new Partner Search service to assist organizations like universities, enterprises, research institutions, SMEs and other legal entities in finding appropriate partners/coordinators for participation in Horizon 2020. This service provides you with details on partner profiles and active partnership requests from organizations across Europe and around the world.