Ciclo XXXIX (2023–2026)
BUBBOLA Irene (Supervisor prof.ssa Cinzia Battistella)
Sustainability orientation impact on business models for sustainability.
COLANTONI Mariella (Supervisor prof. Riccardo Stacchezzini, Co-Supervisor prof. Alessandro Lai)
Sustainability development goals and integrated reporting: mutual relationships and key challanges.
DAHBI Fatima Co-tutela con l’Universidad de Valencia (Supervisor prof. Josanco Floreani)
Sustainable Finance: International Evidence on Green and Social Bonds.
FILIPOVIC Luka (Supervisor prof. Daniel Pittino, Co-Supervisor prof. Giancarlo Lauto)
Exploring the relationship between culture and formal contracts within interfirm relationship: advancements in conceptualization and measurement.
GULL Sara (Supervisor prof. Josanco Floreani)
Linking Financial literacy with Business Performance and Credit Accessibility in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).
LIU Pujun (Supervisor prof. Alessandro lai, Co-Supervisor prof.ssa Cristina Florio e prof.ssa Francesca Rossignoli)
Economic Policy Uncertainty, Risk Information Disclosure and Corporate Capital Allocation Efficiency.
NGUYEN Manh Thang (Supervisor prof. Andrea Moretti, Co-Supervisor prof.ssa Michela C. Mason)
The impacts of supply chain social sustainability on supply chain performance, mediating role of supply chain integration.
PERVEEN Uzma (Supervisor prof. Filippo Zanin, Co-Supervisor prof. Eugenio Comuzzi)
Does oil price volatility and institutional ownership affect earnings management practices? A comparative study of developed and developing nations.
SHAH MianAli Noor (Supervisor prof.ssa Cecilia Rossignoli, Co-Supervisor porf. Alessandro Zardini)Digital Transformation Management and Sustainability.
GODEASSI Omar (Supervisor prof. Filippo Zanin, Co-Supervisor prof. Eugenio Comuzzi).
Ciclo XXXVIII (2022–2025)
DARWICH EL-HENNAVI Marua (Supervisor prof. Andrea Garlatti)
Common trends, different houses? Financial management and performance management in MENA countries’ public sector organizations.
ELAM Latansa Izzata Dien (Supervisor prof. Roberta Capitello, Co-Supervisor prof. Alex Sclip)
Modeling of decision support indicators integrating human capital and entrepreneurial characteristics in a territorial analysis perspective: The pilot case of the wine supply chain.
LIAQAT Idrees (Supervisor prof. Josanco Floreani)
In attesa di ricezione.
MECCHIA Federico (Supervisor prof. Laura Chiaramonte, Co-Supervisor prof. Alex Sclip)
Low-risk higher returns: explaining beta anomaly through a behavioural finance approach.
SACCO SONADOR Camilla (Supervisor prof. Eugenio Comuzzi, Co-Supervisor prof. Filippo Zanin)
SGUIZZARDI Chiara (Supervisor prof. Ivan Russo, Co-Supervisor prof. Ilenia Confente)
Supply chain strategy and optimization, circular economy and cost-effectiveness: which interfaces?
TOMASETIG Martina (Supervisor prof. Maria Chiarvesio)
The relationship between Green Innovation and Internationalization.
Ciclo XXXVII (2021-2024)
ATTANASIO Giovanna (Supervisor: Prof. Cinzia Battistella)
Stakeholder attraction, engagement, and retention in sustainable business models.
BALDI Benedetta (Supervisor Prof. Barbara Gaudenzi, Co-Supervisor Prof. Ivan Russo)
The concept of resilience ini Supply Chain Management.
BEARZI Michela (Supervisor Prof. Francesca Visintin, Co-Supervisor Prof. Daniel Pittino)
Open innovation and new organizational structures: changing business models and new leadership challenges.
PERICOLO Elisabetta (Supervisor Prof. Andrea Garlatti)
Elderly care services: between co-production, digitalization, and multilevel arrangements.
PIUBELLO ORSINI Luca (Supervisor Prof. Chiara Leardini, Co-Supervisor Prof. Gianluca Veronesi University of Bristol)
The efficienty and quality of hospitals during the Pandemic: which features of the board impact on performance?
RIZZOTTI Alessandro (Supervisor Prof. Ivan Russo, Supervisor per Teddy Group Dott. Federico Francia)
Exploring new challenges for adopting logistics and distribution strategy into a global supply chain in the impatient cutomer era.
VALCOZZENA Silvia (Supervisor Prof. Silvia Cantele, Co-Supervisor Prof. Carlo Terrin Fondazione Studi Universitari Vicenza)
Implementing corporate sustainability: from strategic planning to business model evolution and performance measurement tools.
ZENNARO Giulia (Supervisor Prof. Filippo Zanin).