Ciclo XXXIX (2023/2026)
ASHRAF Iqra (Supervisor: Prof. Cipriani Guido) Grafting affinity in kiwifruit: physiological and molecular studies for crop adaptation to the climate crisis
CANCIANI Michele (Supervisors: Prof. Tommasi Nicoala) Effects of root exudates on the iron and phosphate acquisition of cultivated plants
CHANA Getalew Ayizengaw (Supervisor: Prof. De Paoli Emanuele) Breeding drought tolerant buckwheat for sustainable Plant Protein production in Italy
FABBRI Daniele (Supervisor: Dott.ssa Beraldo Paola) Ecological Niche and Risk Model for Hantavirus in FVG
LUCCI Martina (Supervisor: Dott.ssa Alessandra Di Francesco) Genetic biodiversity extremophilic yeasts and potential application in the agriculture sector
OPERE Roselida (Supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Tulli) Effects of Insect meal derived bioactive compounds on the intestinal physiology of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
SUMON Tofael Ahmed (Supervisor: Prof. Marco Galeotti) Understanding emerging and remerging diseases in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) aquaculture through integrated diagnostic approaches
VIT Margherita (Supervisor: Prof.ssa Sabina Susmel) Use of (bio)sensors specifically optimized for the analysis of priority and emerging contaminants in surface water
YASSIN Elias Shewabez (Supervisor: Dott.ssa Elisa Angelini ) The Flavescence Dorée (FD) Resistant Grapevine Development
Ciclo XXXVIII (2022/2025)
BOSCAROL Giacomo (Supervisor: Prof.ssa Petrussa Elisa) Ecophysiological response of maize (Zea mays L.) to water stress: remote sensing and upscaling techniques for a more efficient management of water resources in agriculture
BRUNO Antonio (Supervisors: Prof.ssa Marraccini Elisa, Martin Philippe) Modellizzazione e mappatura degli ordinamenti colturali a supporto delle politiche agricole della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia
BUNELLO Fiamma (Supervisor: Falchi Rachele) Insights into the genetic and epigenetic regulation of budbreak in grapevine
CORTE PAUSE Francesca (Supervisor: Prof. Stradaioli Giuseppe) A carbon-based alternative therapy to reduce the antimicrobial drugs administration in the treatment of bovine uterine infections
LIVA Mario (Supervisor: Prof. Marroni Fabio) Genome reconstruction for the analysis of functional diversity
PAVANELLO Cristina (Supervisor: Prof. Corazzin Mirco) Environmental sustainability in dairy farms
PIVIDORI Isabella (Supervisor: Prof.ssa Peric Tanja) A One-health approach: from feed to functionalized food
URLI Susy (Supervisor: Prof. Stradaioli Giuseppe) Impact of microplastics and nanoplastics on ruminant reproductio
VINCI Gabriella (Supervisor: Prof.ssa Zanin Laura) Physiological and molecular characterization of the interplay among N nutrition and water deficit in cultivated plants
Ciclo XXXVII (2021/2024)
BALOUEI Fatemeh (Supervisor: Prof. Bruno Stefanon) Variation of the Dog-Microbiome in Relation to Genetic and Environmental Factors.
CIGNOLA Rudy (Supervisors: prof. Giuseppe Firrao, dr. Alessandra Di Francesco) Innovative and sustainable approaches for the control of fungal diseases of fruit and vegetables.
DI BONAVENTURA Azzurra (Supervisors: Prof. Marco Zancani, Dr. Luciano Navarini) In vitro production of secondary metabolites for potential use in nutraceutics from Coffea spp. cell cultures.
CANTAO Fernando (Supervisor: prof. Rita Musetti, co-supervisors: prof. Simonetta Santi and prof. Fabio Marroni) Transcriptomic analyses as tools to give insights to sieve-element response to pathogenic mollicutes.
FLORIT Eleonora (Supervisor: Prof. Mauro Spanghero) Feed efficiency and reduction of the environmental impact of cattle farms.
GUAZZINI Massimo (Supervisor: Prof. Fabio Marroni) Multi-omics data integration to decode the interaction between soil, microbiome and grapevine.
PARENZAN Silvia (Supervisor: prof. Desiderato Annoscia) Varroa destructor: a study on the biology of the main enemy of honeybee.
Ciclo XXXVI (2020/2023)
JABEEN Farwa (Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Ermacora) Postharvest disease management of kiwifruit.
KHALIL Sarker Mohammed Ibrahim (Supervisor: Prof. Marco Galeotti, Prof. Donatella Volpatti) Insights on immune and inflammatory responses of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) affected by Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) and Lactococcosis.
MIAN Giovanni (Supervisor: prof. Guido Cipriani, dott. Paolo Ermacora, prof. Marta Martini) Kiwifruit vine decline syndrome: interactions between genotype, rhizosphere/soil microbial community and aetiological agents.
PASCON Giulia (Supervisor:Prof.ssa Francesca Tulli) Nutritional value and functional properties of insect meal in fish feeds.
SANDRINI Marco (Supervisor: Prof Walter Chitarra; Dott. Luca Nerva.) Sustainable approaches to improve microbial biodiversity in the vineyard.
SCARPIN Dora (Supervisor: Prof. Enrico Braidot, Dott.ssa Elisa Petrussa) Intelligent administration of biological agents by means of nanomaterials: modulation of physiological resistance characters and biocidal action against vine diseases
ZORATTI Aloma (Supervisor: Prof. Edi Piasentier) Effect of the length of the rest stop period during transport on stress in the horse.