Ciclo XXXVIII (2022-2025)
BORTOLETTO Riccardo (Prof. Balestrieri)
BOUGUERRA Marouane Dhia Eddine (Prof.ssa Moret)
BUSATO Marta (Prof. Baratta)
MASTANTUONO Serena (Prof. Beltrami)
PARADISO Antonella (Prof. Curcio)
ROSSI Anna (Prof.ssa Innocente)
STEFANIZZI Daniele (Prof. Curcio)
Ciclo XXXVII (2021-2024)
BAROZZI Lorenzo (Prof.ssa Manzocco) Proteine vegetali per il settore delle bevande ready to drink: funzionalità tecnologica, proprietà nutrizionali, caratteristiche sensoriali e accettabilità da parte dei consumatori.
DE BERARDINIS Lorenzo (Prof.ssa Manzocco) Engineering of bioaerogels as key ingredients in the development of funcional foods to deliver health through diet.
DI FILIPPO Giulia (Prof.ssa Innocente) Health-promoting whey protein-derived peptides in functional foodstuff.
LANZA Umberto (Prof.ssa Nicoli) Food and food bioactives fighting chronic inflammation.
LENA Alessia (Prof. Maifreni) Applicazione di una tecnologia ecosostenibile: utilizzo della luce UV LED diretta o fotodinamica per processi di decontaminazione microbica nell'industria alimentare.
LOPIORE Marco (Prof.ssa Nicoli) Investigating the relationship between food structure and difestibility outcomes by means of in silico models to drive the rational food design.
MOLTENI Elisabetta (Prof Damante) Durio zibethius-enriched flavonoids for triple negative breast cancer reprogramming.
ORECCHIA Elissabetta (Prof. Comi) Innovazione sostenibile per il miglioramento della qualità dei prodotti carnei nell'era del Green Deal.
PICCO Ilaria (Prof. Comuzzo) Study of oenological practices for the production of long-lived white wines.
PINAMONTI Debora (Prof. Manzano) New strategies to face antibiotic resistence in healthcare and food sectors.
Ciclo XXXVI (2020-2023)
ALESSI Dario (Proff. Damante e Prof. W. Baratta) Systematic modification and structure activity relationship of metal-containing compounds via an innovative synthesis.
BISSON Giulia (Dr.ssa M. Marino) Microbial exopolysaccharides as postbiotics for the development of new functional foods
CIUFFARIN Francesco (Prof.ssa S. Calligaris) Oil structuring for improving healthy and sustainable diets
DEL MESTRE Pierfrancesco (Dr. A. P. Beltrami) Effects of the combination of nutraceuticals with anticancer drugs
MARIN Dario, (senza borsa Prof.ssa P. Cogo) Comparison of two multidimensional psychological models of family based treatments for childhood obesity and diabets
PELLEGRINI Michela (Proff. G. Comi e L. Iacumin) Genotoxic inhibition and antioxidant activity by microbial bioprotection
SIMONIT Francesco (Prof. L. Desinan) Alcohol and forensic pathology. Systematic reviews of literature, analysis of casuistries and of bizarre fatal cases in Friuli
TAGLIASCO Marianna (borsa Wageningen University Prof.ssa N. Pellegrini) Innovative approach to design cereal-based product with low glycemic response
TOPO Angelo (borsa Multi impresa Dr. P. Comuzzo) Creation of a forecast model to predict the shelf-life of a white wine, considering various environmental parameters
Ciclo XXXV (2019-2022)
BASSO Federico(Proff. L. Manzocco e M. C. Nicoli) Non thermal processes for preparation of high added value food in professional catering - Poster scientifico
COLAUTTI Andrea (Prof. L. Iacumin) Probiotics for genetic and rare diseases - Poster scientifico
LIGUORO Ilaria(borsa ONLUS Prof. P. Cogo) DTI-Fiber Tractography: A novel approach to the definition of white matter damage and its correlations with sleep disturbances and clinical characteristics in children with sickle cell disease
MENEGOZ URSOL Luca(borsa Multi-Impresa Prof. S. Moret) Ottimizzazione di protocolli analitici rapidi per il monitoraggio della contaminazione con idrocarburi di origine petrogenica nella filiera dell’olio di oliva.
MORETTON Martina(borsa FSE Prof. M. Anese) Extraction of the protein from soybean okara: nutritional properties, functional characterization and possible application in food - Poster scientifico
ROMANO Giulia (borsa Electrolux Professional Proff. M. C. Nicoli e M. Anese)Optimization of cooking for food service: matching sensory and nutritional requirements as drivers for development of real-time sensors
SALINI Francesco (Prof. G. Comi) Mechanisms and biocontrol impact of bacteriocins in food and human health
VOCE Sabrina (borsa Vaso Dr. P. Comuzzo) New strategies to produce inactive dry yeasts for winemaking - Poster scientifico
XODO Serena (senza borsa Prof. G. Damante) Differently expressed oxidative stress pathways in small and normal fetuses and their correlation with maternal high fat diet
Ciclo XXXIV (2018-2021)
FERRARA Veronica (Prof. U. Livi) Alimentazione e sport nei pazienti cardiotrapiantati.
GRILLONE Lucrezia(senza borsa Prof. S. Brusaferro) Sanità pubblica, alimentazione e buone pratiche per la prevenzione dei rischi.
RENOLDI Nicolò (Prof. D. Peressini) Investigation of the effect of selected functional ingredients on rheological properties and microstructure of formulations of cereal products using small and large deformation rheological test and different microscopy techniques. Study the effect of selected functional ingredients on in vitro starch digestion. Development of a new functional food.
PRAVISANI Riccardo (Prof. U. Baccarani) Metabolic syndrome and changes of skeletal muscularity and visceral adiposity after liver transplantation: investigation on potential correlation with muscle oxidative metabolism and liver graft function.
SRBINOVSKA Ana (Prof.ssa S. Moret) Development of an integrated, multidimensional approaches for food safety assessment with a special focus on contaminants from food packaging.