Introduction to Intellectual Property

Seminari - Area PI


Seminar Agenda
Different types of IP rights
What is a patent?
Advantages and Disadvantages in Patenting
Patentability requirements
What is patentable and what is NOT
Discoveries vs Inventions
Examples and Exercises

Viviana Maria Opinato graduated magna cum laude in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in 2014 and, in 2018 got a PhD in Molecular Biomedicine from the National Laboratory of the Italian Biotechnology Consortium (LNCIB), University of Trieste. After working as research fellow at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), she is currently a patent analyst and IP information professional at the Patlib Office in Area Science Park, Trieste. She is a member of the Italian Association of Patent Documentalists (AIDB).

Seminar Agenda
The social role of patents
Patents and their informative content
Patent filing procedures

Costanza Galbardi has a degree in translation and several years of work experience as a documentalist in research centres and biotech industries. In 2010 she joined the Patlib Team at Area Science Park as an IP information professional with expertise in patent information and IP-related issues. She is a Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP) as certified by ISBQPIP for documented activities and skills. Active in junior staff training and tutorship, capacity building and awareness raising for SMEs and students, she has contributed to foresight methodologies and studies in EU-funded projects. She is listed in the EPO catalogue of IP Experts and, in 2023, has been elected member in the Patlib Advisory Committee c/o EPO.

Seminar Agenda
Prior-art search
Use of «charge free» patent databases (Espacenet)
Patent Landscape basic level

Riccardo Priore has a background in Molecular Genetics, graduated in Molecular Biology in 1995 and subsequently received his PhD title at the International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in 2001. As a post-doc he has then worked for three years the New York University and for two years at the University of Trieste. He is presently a Patent analyst and IP information professional for the PATLIB Center at Area Science Park, is listed in the EPO catalogue of Patlib IP experts and provides online and onsite training for IP students and professionals. In Jun 2019 has been acknowledged as Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP) by the International Standards Board for Qualified Patent Information Professionals (ISBQPIP) and is proficient in Patent Landscape Analysis.


Modalità di iscrizione

PhD students must insert the activity into the PhD Notebook by:

  •  November 21, 2024 - Inventions vs. Discoveries and Patentability Requirements
  •  November 29, 2024 - Patent Information and the Patent Granting Process
  •  December 5, 2024 - Prior Art Search and Basics of Patent Statistics

Attendance will be recorded in the PhD Notebook by the Ufficio Formazione per la Ricerca.


Modalità di erogazione

In English, on-line (Teams). The seminars link will be sent via email to the enrolled PhD students.



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