Equivalence of foreign PhDs
PhDs awarded in a foreign country on completion of a period of university studies and research at advanced level may be legally recognised as equivalent to an Italian PhD or 'Dottorato di Ricerca'.
Candidates have to request the application of Art. 74 of DPR No. 382 11 luglio 1980, that is the legal provision which introduced the research doctorate into the Italian university system in 1980.
The following authority is responsible to provide all necessary information about the recognition procedure of foreign PhDs in Italy and about the documents to be submitted:
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR)
Direzione Generale per l'Università - Uff. IX
P.le Kennedy, 20 - I - 00144 Roma
tel. +39-06-9772.1 (operator); fax Uff. IX: +39-06-9772.7242
Director: Ms. Teresa Cuomo; tel. +39-06-9772.7061; email: teresa.cuomo@miur.it
Contact: Mr. Luigi Basile; tel. +39-06-9772.7693; email: luigi.basile@miur.it