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%%% Bibtex file for my thesis

author = "F.~{Dominici} and M.~Griswold and E.~Johnson and S.L.~Zeger",
title = "Disease case and their medical costst attributable to smoking: an analysis of the national medical expenditure survey",
journal = "Journal of Econometrics",
pages = "135-151",
volume = 112,
number = ,
year =  2003}

author = "P.~Deb and P.K.~Trivedi",
title = "Demand for medical care by the elderly: a finite mixture approach",
journal = "Journal of applied econometrics",
volume =  12,
pages = "313-336",
year = 1997}

title = "Protein folding kinetics: timescales, pathways and energy
landscapes in terms of sequence-dependent properties",
author = "T. Veitshans and D. Klimov and D. Thirumalai",
journal = "Folding \& Design",
volume = 2,
numeber = 1,
pages = "1--22",
year = 1996

AUTHOR = "C. B. Anfinsen",
TITLE = "Principles that govern the folding of protein chains",
JOURNAL = "Science",
VOLUME = "181",
PAGES = " 223-230",
YEAR = "1973",

AUTHOR = "P. Crescenzi and D. Goldman and C. Papadimitrou and A. Piccolboni and M. Yannakakis",
TITLE = "On the complexity of protein folding",
BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of STOC",
YEAR = "1998",
PAGES = "597-603"

AUTHOR = "R. Backofen",
TITLE = "The protein structure prediction problem: {A} constraint optimization approach
        using a new lower bound",
JOURNAL = "Constraints",
volume = 6,
number = "2--3",
pages = "223--255",
year = 2001}

AUTHOR = "R. Backofen and S. Will and Erich Bornberg-Bauer",
TITLE = "Application of constraint programming techniques for structure
       prediction of lattice
        proteins with extended alphabet",
JOURNAL = "Bioinformatics",
VOLUME = "15(3)",
PAGES  = "234-242",
YEAR = "1999"

AUTHOR = "R. Backofen",
TITLE = "An upper bound for number of contacts in the {HP-model} on the face-centered-cubic lattice
BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 11{$^{th}$} {Annual Simposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM2000)}",
SERIES = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
VOLUME = "1848",
EDITOR = "Raffaele Giancarlo and David Sankoff",
YEAR = "2000",
PAGES = "277-292",
ADDRESS = "Berlin",
PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag"

AUTHOR = "R. Backofen and S. Will",
TITLE = "Optimally Compact Finite Sphere Packings --- Hydrophobic Cores in the
BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 12{$^{th}$} {Annual Simposium on Combinatorial Pattern
Matching ({CPM2001)}}",
SERIES = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
YEAR = "2001",

AUTHOR = "R. Backofen and S. Will",
TITLE = "Excluding symmetries in constraint-based search",
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of 5{$^{th}$} {International Conference on Principle and Practice
             of Constraint Programming (CP'99)}",
SERIES = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
VOLUME = "1713",
EDITOR = "Joxan Jaffar",
YEAR = "1999",
PAGES = "73-87",
ADDRESS = "Berlin",
PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag"

AUTHOR = "R. Backofen and S. Will",
TITLE = "Fast, Constraint-Based Threading of {HP}-sequences to Hydrophobic Cores",
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of 7{$^{th}$} {International Conference on Principle and Practice
             of Constraint Programming (CP'01)}",
SERIES = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
VOLUME = "2239",
EDITOR = "T. Walsh",
YEAR = "2001",
PAGES = "494--508",
ADDRESS = "Berlin",
PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag"

AUTHOR = "M. T. Swain and G. J. L. Kemp",
TITLE = "A {CLP} Approach to the Protein Side-Chain Placement Problem",
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of 7{$^{th}$} {International Conference on Principle and Practice
             of Constraint Programming (CP'01)}",
SERIES = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
VOLUME = "2239",
EDITOR = "T. Walsh",
YEAR = "2001",
PAGES = "479--493",
ADDRESS = "Berlin",
PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag"

AUTHOR = "K. Yue and K. A. Dill",
TITLE = "Sequence-structure relationships in proteins and copolymers",
JOURNAL = "{Physical Review E}",
YEAR = "1993",
VOLUME = "48(3)",
PAGES ="2267-2278",
MONTH = "September",

AUTHOR = "G. M. Crippen",
TITLE = "Prediction of protein folding from amino acid sequence over discrete conformation spaces",
JOURNAL = "{Biochemistry}",
YEAR = "1991",
VOLUME = "30",
PAGES ="4232-4237"

        author =        {A. Fern\'{a}ndez and P. M. Hill},
        title =         {A Comparative Study of Eight Constraint Programming
Languages over the {B}oolean and Finite Domains},
        year =          {2000},
        volume = 5,
        pages = {275--301},
        publisher = {Kluwer},
        journal = {Journal of Constraints}

@article{ clpfd,
    author = "P. Codognet and D. Diaz",
    title = "Compiling Constraints in clp({FD})",
    journal = "Journal of Logic Programming",
    volume = "27",
    number = "3",
    pages = "185-226",
    year = "1996" }

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