Communicating the environmental emergency through verbal and non-verbal metaphor - venerdì 28 febbraio, ore 10-12

La dott.ssa Elisabetta Zurru (Università di Genova) will take a seminar dal titolo "Communicating the environmental emergency through verbal and non-verbal metaphor" venerdì 28 febbraio dalle ore 10 alle 12, presso l'Aula 7 di Palazzo Antonini.

The communication about the environmental emergency is a social practice of primary importance in the world we live in. Yet, finding a healthy balance between communicating the urgency of positive environmental action and the risk of falling into apocalyptic and paralysing narratives is far from easy. By exploring the verbal and non-verbal use of the TICKING CLOCK metaphor, this seminar will focus on showing how communicative strategies meant to be beneficial might end up having ambivalent, if not destructive, effects, as per Stibbe’s ([2015] 2021) terminology.

The event will also be streamed on Microsoft Teams at the following link: 

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