Interazione uomo-macchina avanzata

Programma dell'insegnamento di Interazione uomo-macchina avanzata - Corso di laurea magistrale in Comunicazione Multimediale e tecnologie dell'Informazione (2012/13)


Prof. Luca Chittaro




Scopo primario del corso è quello di esplorare i più recenti sviluppi e tendenze nel settore dell'Interazione Uomo-Macchina e di approfondirne le più importanti ricadute applicative. I temi trattati rientrano in tre categorie di pari importanza:

  • l'interazione con dispositivi e servizi mobili (ad esempio, telefoni cellulari, strumenti di bordo degli autoveicoli),
  • la Realtà Virtuale (Immersiva, Desktop o Web-based) ed i Serious Games,
  • la visualizzazione delle informazioni (progetto di interfacce visuali e tecniche di Information Visualization).

Il corso considera anche il tema delle Tecnologie Persuasive.


  • Information Visualization (IV): definizione. Data vs. Information. Obbiettivi dell’IV. Information Visualization vs. Scientific Visualization. IV Design. Mapping: principles, visual attributes. Esempi. 2D vs. 3D visualization. Tipici problem di IV design. Classificazione dei tipi di dati: Categorical, Numerical, Topological, Symbolic, Textual Data.
  • Tecniche di visualizzazione: Bivariate, Trivariate, Multivariate data: Scatterplots, Mosaic Display, Parallel coordinate plots, Starplot, Chernoff Faces. Hierarchical Axis. Dimensional Stacking. Classificazione dei compiti: overview, zoom, filter, details-on-demand, relate, history, extract. Dynamic Queries, Alphasliders, The Attribute Explorer. InfoZoom. Dimostrazione del software XMDV. Pixel-oriented visualizations: screen-filling curves, recursive pattern, circle segments.
  • Il presentation problem: Overview+Detail. Focus+Context. Distortion-oriented techniques. Table Lens. Perspective Wall. Fish-eye view. Una classificazione alternative dei tipi di dati:: 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, temporal, multi-dimensional, tree, network. Trees: Treemaps, Cone Trees, Camtrees, Star Tree, Hyperbolic Trees. Networks: SeeNet, HierNet, NetMap. Dimostrazione del software Many Eyes. Temporal data: Lifelines, AsbruView, Paint Strips. Documents: TileBars, document Galaxies, Themescape, Citeseer-Relator, MDS-interactive.
  • Caso di studio: IV in Medicina: Visualizing medical data: medical imaging vs. IV. Dimostrazione di un visualizzatore DICOM. Esempi di IV in medicina: Interactive Data Exploration of clinical databases, Digital libraries of anatomical images. Visual data mining of Hemodialysis data.
  • Caso di studio: IV per il Web: Visual interfaces to Web search engines. Web page caricatures. Visualizing Social activities on the Web. NattoView. Self-organizing maps. Skitter. Cichlid. Web Forager. Disk tree. Time tube. Dome tree.
  • Aspetti Percettivi, Cognitivi e Fattori Umani: Neurophysiological basis of visual perception: visual cortex, ventral pathway, dorsal pathway. Colour vision: trichromatic theory, opponent process theory, dual-process theory. Depth and size perception: monocular cues, binocular and oculomotor cues. Perception without awareness. Perceptual organization and Gestalt laws. Uniform connectedness. Contours. Feature, pattern, and object processing. Object recognition theories. Face recognition. Basic facial expressions. Motion recognition. Optic Flow. Bottom-up and top-down visual processing. Visual attention. Eye movement planning. Attention and performance. Focused and divided attention. Perceptual load theory. Visual task analysis. Visual salience in simple task. Visual salience in complex task. Controlled and automatic processes. Navigation in abstract or physical spaces. Improving navigation. Navigation aids.
  • Interazione con dispositivi mobili: Differenze tra il contesto mobile e desktop. Problemi legati alle dimensioni dei dispositivi. Interface Elements of Menu-based Mobile Phones. Menu Interfaces in Mobile Phones. Dual tasking. Attentional blink. Perceptual, motor, social and cognitive aspects of mobile interaction. Workload and stress mitigation issues. Cross-modal effects. Eyes-free interfaces. Multimodal Mobile Interfaces. Cross-modal attention.
  • Telefoni cellulari: User Interfaces (UIs) of Mobile Phones. Mobile Product Categories. UI Styles in Mobile Phones. Example: Two-softkey UI vs. Navi-key UI. Usability of different UI Styles. Evolving different UI Styles. Case Study: unexpected reactions to Nokia Ringo. Case Study: the Nokia Navi-roller failure.
  • Valutazione di sistemi mobili: Ethnographic methods. Caso di studio: Indian users. Social aspects of Mobile HCI. Longitudinal User Studies. Example: the Nokia One-Row Keyboard. The Mobile User Experience.
  • Mobile Information Visualization: The selection problem and the presentation problem on mobile devices. The off-screen objects issue. New trends in mobile visualization. Mobile Persuasion. Visualizing data about mobile users.
  • Interfacce utente per automobili ed aspetti di sicurezza: Centralized Control Systems. Examples: COMAND, Connect, iDrive, future concepts. The Keystroke-level model in the Automotive Domain (SAE J2365). Distraction-related crashes. Types of driver distraction. Task performed by drivers with mobile devices (cell phones, navigation systems, Internet services). Measuring driver distraction and behavior.
  • Interazione con sistemi di realtà virtuale: Virtual reality and its applications. Examples of medical applications. Virtual Prototyping. Immersion. Presence. Case studies. General architecture of a virtual reality (VR) systemVirtual reality in learning, education and training. Serious games. Issues in serious games and virtual reality for education and training. Virtual Humans: Avatars. Ergonomic dummies. Autonomous agents. Embodied interface agents. General architecture. Applications. Virtual humans in learning and training.
  • Tecnologie Persuasive: Definitions. Fogg's Behavior Model (FBM). The functional triad framework. The 8-step design process. Persuasive technologies based on operant conditioning. Persuasion heuristics: reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority, scarcity.

Letture consigliate

R. Spence. Information Visualization, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.
C. Lindholm, T. Keinonen. Mobile Usability, McGraw-Hill Education, 2003.
W.R. Sherman, A.B. Craig. Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, and Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.

Modalità d'esame

The exam is organized in two parts: (i) practical project, (ii) oral exam. The topic of the practical project is agreed with the professor.