Operations Management and Business Game 2nd unit (the English translation of "Organizzazione della Produzione e Business Game - II modulo")

Operations Management and Business Game 2nd unit (traduzione in inglese del programma di Organizzazione della Produzione e Business Game - II modulo) - cdl in Ingegneria Gestionale


prof. Alberto Felice DE TONI






The course provides tools to develop skills in solving problems, making decisions, and work in teams. The course includes a series of exercises (including software) and classroom discussion of business cases.

Acquired skills

- Management techniques

- Confidence in situations of risk and uncertainty

- Refinement of the decision-making skills in terms of timeliness and effectiveness of take decisions

- Strategic approach to understand and to solve problems of the different business functions.

Lectures and exercises (Topics and specific content)

Business Game: game of business history; Game theory; classification of the business game; management training; objectives of the Business Game, competitive success and profitability; analysis of corporate sustainability; business analysis through performance indicators (6 hours).
Simulation and Performance Models: simulation models; performance system; internal and external performance; decision-making levers; production systems; production planning; trends in demand and sales forecast; impact on the performance of the levers; If modeling business area; Behavior Assessment (6 hours).
The Business Game: test tournament; debriefing on the test tournament; insights into the performance model; conduct official tournament; negotiation; impacts of unforeseen events; corporate positioning in the market (12 hours).
Company Strategy: description of business strategies; analysis of the strategies carried out in the tournament; analysis of competitiveness by product line; analysis of economic and financial indicators (6 hours).
Exercises (12 hours).


- R.J. Schomberger, E.M. Knod jr, Gestione della produzione, Mc Graw-Hill, 1999
- R. Schmenner, Produzione, Edizioni Sole 24 ore, Milano, 1991
- N.Slack et al., Operations Management, Pitman Publisshing, 1995
- A.F. De Toni, Dispense del corso di Gestione della Produzione
- A.F. De Toni, Manuale di Organizzazione aziendale - La produzione (Vol.3), UTET, 1997
- Vollmann et al., Manufacturing planning and control systems for Supply Chain Management, Mac Graw Hill, 2005
- Da Villa F., La logistica dei sistemi manifatturieri, ETAS, 2000
- Home topics will be proposed thanks to the teaching materials developed in the "IOM - International Operations Management project", co-financed by the European Commission
- Materials available on the project website (please, enter  DIDACTICAL PLATFORM in the homepage)

Type of exam


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