Operations Management and Business Game 1st unit (the English translation of "Organizzazione della Produzione e Business Game - I modulo")

Operations Management and Business Game 1st unit (traduzione in inglese del programma di Organizzazione della Produzione e Business Game - I modulo) - cdl in Ingegneria Gestionale


prof. Alberto Felice DE TONI






The course provides the fundamental elements of manufacturing operation management, highlighting different modalities of production, design variables, management of production systems and features of production automatic system. Moreover, the course will include the case studies discussion.

Acquired skills

- Analysis and evaluation of the operation system.
- Analysis and evaluation of product structures.
- Analysis and evaluation of planning and control's systems.
- Integrated design of process, product and planning systems, and production control.

Lectures and exercises (Topics and specific content)

Productive system: logistic flow; classification of productive system; job-shop, cells e production lines; classification of factory automation systems; group technology (6 hours).
Intermittent-repetitive operations: analysis of intermittent-repetitive manufacturing; variables in product-process standardization; focused-factory concept (6 hours).
Simultaneous design product - process: advantages of simultaneous design product-process; life cycle cost curve; planning and implementation phases; elettropompe case study (12 hours).
Material management: reorder point (ROP), periodic replenishment system, mini-max system, economic order quantity (EOQ), quantity discounted model (QDM); cutting approach (CA), TPOP, MRP. Exercises (12 hours).
Planning and production control: Manufacturing Planning and Control System, demand management, production plan, master production schedule, resource requirements planning, rough cut capacityplanning,material requirements planning, capacity requirements planning, finite loading, shop floor control (14 hours).
Operations Strategy: focalization and reconciliation; content context process; value chain; elettropompe case study (10 hours).
Exercises (16 hours).


- R.J. Schomberger, E.M. Knod jr, Gestione della produzione, Mc Graw-Hill, 1999
- R. Schmenner, Produzione, Edizioni Sole 24 ore, Milano, 1991
- N.Slack et al., Operations Management, Pitman Publisshing, 1995
- A.F. De Toni, Dispense del corso di Gestione della Produzione
- A.F. De Toni, Manuale di Organizzazione aziendale - La produzione (Vol.3), UTET, 1997
- Vollmann et al., Manufacturing planning and control systems for Supply Chain Management, Mac Graw Hill, 2005
- Da Villa F., La logistica dei sistemi manifatturieri, ETAS, 2000
- Home topics will be proposed thanks to the teaching materials developed in the "IOM - International Operations Management project", co-financed by the European Commission
- Materials available on the project website (please, enter  DIDACTICAL PLATFORM in the homepage)

Type of exam

Written and oral

Additional material or information on line