General Physics 2 and Laboratory (the English translation of "Fisica Generale 2 con laboratorio")

General Physics 2 and Laboratory (traduzione in inglese del programma di Fisica Generale 2 con laboratorio) - cdl in Ingegneria Gestionale


prof. aggr. Diego CAUZ






The course aims at introducing the concepts, the quantities and the physical method for the description and interpretation of the phenomena of electromagnetic induction and waves, and the general wave phenomena like reflection, refraction, interference and diffraction. Object of the course is the establishment of the quantitative and predictive character of the physical approach, the application of the exposed laws to the solution of simple problems in electromagnetism and the execution of laboratory experiments.

Acquired skills

- Use of the experimental method for the treatment of physical quantities in the field of the classical electromagnetism.
- Ability to describe physical phenomena in which the electromagnetic nature of the matter plays an important role.
- Knowledge of the laws which rules time dependent electromagnetism and the electromagnetic waves.
- Treatment at a quantitative level of simple problems in the field of time dependent electromagnetism.
- Knowledge of the basic concepts of special relativity.
- Introduction to quantum physics.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Electrostatics and magnetostatics in matter: electric dipole, polarization; energy density in a dielectric medium; magnetostatics in matter; orbital and intrinsic magnetic moments of atomic electrons; diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism; continuity and discontinuity of electric and magnetic vectors at the interface between two different media (6 hours).
Time dependent fields: motion in a magnetic field and electromagnetic induction; Faraday's law; Lenz's law; applications of Faraday's law; self and mutual induction; RL circuit, energy and energy density of a magnetic field; free and forced oscillations in a RLC circuit (14 hours).
Electromagnetic waves: Ampere-Maxwell's law, induced magnetic fields and displacement current; Maxwell equations in the integral and differential forms; electromagnetic waves; derivation of the wave equation from Maxwell's equations; plane waves; spherical waves; energy transportation and Poynting's vector; radiation produced by an accelerated charge (8 hours).
Wave phenomena, physical optics: Huygens' principle; reflection and refraction of waves; dispersion; polarization of light, Fresnel's coefficients, Malus' law; interference; diffraction; resolution of a lenses (12 hours).
Geometrical optics: object, optical instrument, image; focus; mirrors and diopters; principle of reversibility of light rays; special rays; signs convention; enlargement; thin lenses (6 hours).
Special relativity: clock synchronization; relativity of simultaneity; Lorentz' transformations time dilation and length contraction; proper quantities; velocity transformation; relativistic kinetic energy and momentum; relativistic energy and mass and their conservation; relation between force and acceleration; transformations of the E and B fields (6 hours).
Introduction to quantum physics: thermal radiation and black body radiation; Planck's law; photoelectric effect and Compton's effect; emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom; Bohr's atomic model; material waves; De Broglie's wave length; complementarity and uncertainty principles (6 hours).
Exercises (20 hours).
Labs (13 hours).


- R.A.Serway, J.W.Jewett, "Fisica per scienze ed ingegneria", vol. 2, EDISES
- D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, FONDAMENTI DI FISICA: vol. "Elettrologia, Magnetismo e Ottica" e vol. "Fisica Moderna", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana (2006)
- S. Focardi, I. Massa, A. Uguzzoni, Fisica Generale (Elettromagnetismo), Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
- S. Focardi, I. Massa, A. Uguzzoni, Fisica Generale (Onde), Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
- P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, ELEMENTI DI FISICA: vol. "Elettromagnetismo" e vol. "Onde", EDISES (2005)

Type of exam

Written and oral

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