Fundamentals of Industrial Chemistry (the English translation of "Fondamenti di Chimica Industriale Ambientale")

Fundamentals of Industrial Chemistry (traduzione in inglese del programma di Fondamenti di Chimica Industriale Ambientale) - cdl in Ingegneria Gestionale


prof.ssa Carla de LEITENBURG






The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamentals of Industrial Chemistry providing the theoretical bases and cultural tools to face the operational aspects and the mass and energy balances which are defined through a technological process of industrial transformation.

Acquired skills

- Ability to deal with mass balance problems.
- Ability to evaluate thermodynamics of chemical reactions and related parameters.
- Ability to deal with kinetic aspects of chemical reactions of industrial and environmental interest.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Mass balancesm: mass balances in simple systems, with recycle and purge; conversion, yield and selectivity of reactions (9 hours).
Thermodynamics: the first law: energy, heat and work; internal energy and enthalpy, standard states, heat capacity at constant pressure and volume, reaction enthalpies, laws of Hess and Kirchhoff; the second law, entropy and spontaneous reactions, isothermal reversible expansion of a perfect gas, entropy in a irreversible process, entropy variation with temperature and pressure, standard entropy and third law of thermodynamics; free energies (Gibbs and Helmholtz), maximum non-expansion work, standard free energy, formation free energy; free energy variation with composition, van't Hoff law, Gibbs free energy variation with pressure; operating conditions evaluation; hydrocarbon stability and Frances diagram; chemical potential, real gases, fugacity and coefficient of fugacity; physical transformation of pure substances, phase diagrams, stability and phase transitions at constant temperature or pressure, phase boundaries; liquid surfaces and surface tension; mixtures, Gibbs-Duhem equation; properties of simply mixtures, partial molar volume and partial molar free energy.; free energy, entropy and enthalpy of mixing of gases; chemical potential of liquids, laws of Henry and Raoult, solutions properties, free energy, entropy and enthalpy of mixing of solutions, colligative properties, solvent and solute activity (ideal and real solutions) (22 hours).
Phase equilibria: phase diagrams: pressure-composition diagrams, the phase rule, 1 or 2 component systems, the lever rule; temperature-composition diagrams; azeotropes, immiscible and partially immiscible liquids; liquid-liquid diagrams, phase separation, upper and lower critical temperature, distillation of partially miscible liquids; solid-liquid phase diagrams, eutectics, reacting systems, incongruent melting; 3 component systems, partially miscible liquids (9 hours).
Chemical kinetics: the rate of reactions, rate laws and rate costant, reaction order, isolation method, differential and integrated methods; one component irreversible reactions, 1, 2 e 0 orders; half lives e second order bimolecular reactions; transition state theory and the Arrhenius law; reactions approaching equilibrium, consecutive and parallel irreversible reactions, steady state approximation, reactions with pre-equilibria and homogeneous catalysts; in Batch, CSTR and PFR reactor kinetics, mass balance and conversion; basic reactor sizing and in series reactors (14 hours).
Catalysis: catalytic phenomenon and steps, catalysts classification, synthesis, selectivity, promoters, dopants and poisons (6 hours).


- P.W. Atkins "Physical chemistry" 5a ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994
- O. Levenspiel "Chemical Reaction Engineering" 2a ed., Wiley International Editions, New York, 1972
- H.S. Fogler "Elements of chemical reaction engineering" 2a ed., Prentice-Hall International Editions, New Jersey, 1992
- I. Pasquon "Chimica Industriale" 4a ed., Città Studi, Milano, 1993
- G. Natta, I. Pasquon e P. Centola "Principi della chimica industriale: 2 catalisi e cinetica applicata alle reazioni della grande industria" 2a ed., Città Studi
- J.F. La Page "Applied heterogeneous catalysis" Ed. Technip, Paris, 1987

Type of exam
