Circuit Theory and Electrotechnics (the English translation of "Teoria delle reti elettriche ed Elettrotecnica")

Circuit Theory and Electrotechnics (traduzione in inglese del programma di Teoria delle reti elettriche ed Elettrotecnica) - cdl in Ingegneria Elettronica


prof.  Fabrizio BELLINA


12 CFU




The course will provide fundamental knowledge as regards electrical networks, studied with an engineering approach starting from the electrical phenomena studied in the physics courses.

Acquired skills

- Ability to analyse, from both the qualitative and quantitative points of view, simple electrical circuits in steady state, in periodic and quasi steady-state regimes.
- Ability to simplify and obtain the global equivalent parameters of lumped networkseady-state, periodical and quasi steady-state regime.
- Achievement of knowledges necessary to study and understand electronic circuits.
- Ability to analyse fundamental configurations of electrical and magnetic fields in steady and quasi-steady state and to obtain equivalent parameters for electrical network models.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Electric charges and current density field: free charges; charge density; current and current density, charge balance law (3 hours).
Electrical forces and voltages: electrical forces and fields; electrical work, voltage; scalar potential, equipotential surfaces; specific electrical work and power (4 hours).
Resistive phenomena: Ohm's and Joule's laws; electrical resistance; material electrical conductivity; constitutive law; general expressions for the electrical resistance (4 hours).
Electrical generators: no-load behaviour, electromotive forces; behaviour under load; power balance; voltage measurements in the generators; types of generators (3 hours).
Steady-state network analysis: from the electromagnetic fields to the electrical circuits; electric power and work; amperometer, voltmeter, wattmeter; Kirchhoff's laws; affine dipoles; circuits topology; node potentials and loop currents methods; theorems about dipoles circuits; passive affine double dipoles; synthesis of double dipoles; driven generators (20 hours).
Electrostatic field: electrostatic potential; Faraday’s experience, electric induction; conductive bodies; polarisation, constitutive laws for dielectric materials; Laplace and Poisson equations; boundary conditions; capacitor, partial capacitances; electrostatic energy and specific energy (12 hours).
Magnetostatic field and magnetic circuits:  Faraday-Neumann’s and Lenz laws; magnetic induction, magnetic vector potential; magnetic field vector, Ampére's law; displacement current density; Maxwell equations; Laplace and Poisson equations; boundary conditions; magnetisation, constitutive laws magnetic hysteresis; self and mutual inductance and inertance coefficients; magnetisation work and energy; scalar magnetic potential, reluctance and permeance, Hopkinson's law; ferromagnetic nuclei, Kirchhoff's laws for magnetic circuits; circuits with permanent magnets, inductors with ferromagnetic nuclei (17 hours).
Circuit behaviour of capacitors and inductors: response to the main types of input waveforms; charge and discharge, time constant; capacitors and inductors in series and in parallel, equivalent circuits (5 hours).
Periodical and sinusoidal quantities: periodical quantities; description in the time and in the complex domains; phasors; operations with sinusoidal and phasorial quantities (3 hours).
Networks in sinusoidal regime: Kirchhoff's laws; impedance, admittance; synthesis of impedances /admittances; power; theorems for the circuits in sinusoidal regime; analysis in the frequency domain, resonance; inductive double dipoles (19 hours).
Three phases-systems: Delta and Y connections for loads and generators; balanced loads; power, measures (2 hours).
Networks in periodical non-sinusoidal regime: representation as Fourier's series; power; generators; components; circuit analysis methods (5 hours).
Network analysis in variable regime: overview; initial conditions; analysis in the time domain; homogeneous differential equation solution, free evolution; particular solutions; use of Laplace transform (9 hours).


- Lectures notes
- M. Guarnieri: Elementi di elettrotecnica circuitale, Ed. Progetto, Padova, 2010
- E. Tonti, E. Nuzzo: Gradiente, rotore, divergenza, Ed. Pitagora, Bologna, 2007
- M. Guarnieri, G. Malesani: Elementi di Elettrotecnica: Reti Elettriche, Ed. Progetto, Padova, 1998
- F. Bellina, P. Bettini, A. Stella, F. Trevisan: Esercizi di elettrotecnica, Ed. Progetto, Padova, 2005
- M. Bagatin, G. Chitarin, D. Desideri, F. Dughiero et al.: Esercizi di Elettrotecnica - Reti Elettriche, Esculapio,  Bologna, 2004
- L.O. Chua, C.A. Desoer, E.S. Kuh: Circuiti lineari e non lineari, Ed. Jackson, Milano, 1991
- G. Biorci: Fondamenti di elettrotecnica. Circuiti (2), Ed. UTET, Torino, 1984
- Barozzi F., Gasparini F.: Fondamenti di Elettromagnetismo ed Elettrotecnica, Ed. UTET, Torino, 1989

Type of exam

Written and oral

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