Chemistry and Solid State (the English translation of "Chimica e stato solido")

Chemistry and Solid State (traduzione in inglese del programma di Chimica e stato solido) - cdl in Ingegneria Elettronica


prof. Andrea MELCHIOR






To give the students some fundamental notions of general chemistry, with particular reference to chemical bonding, to interactions between atoms and molecules and to connections between chemical structure and solid state properties.

Acquired skills

- Knowledge of the meaning of a chemical reaction.
- Capability of solving simple stoichiometry problems.
- Knowledge of the atomic structure and of chemical bonding.
- Knowledge of the thermodynamic basis of chemical equilibrium and of some practical applications.
- Knowledge of the various solids and of their fundamental properties.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Introduction to quantum mechanics: principles of quantum mechanics; free particle; particle in a box; hydrogen atom; polyelectronic atoms; periodic system of elements; ionization potential & electron affinity; atomic size; electronegativity (12 hours).
Chemical bondings: ionic bond; ionic solids and lattice energy; covalent bond and Valence bond theory; LCAO theory; sigma and pi bonds; weak interactions; metallic bonding in solids (band theory) (12 hours).
Crystal state: elemental cell and lattice; symmertry and crystal systems; space groups ( 2 hours).
Gases: ideal gases laws; real gases; gas-phase reactions (4 hours).
Thermodynamics and chemical equailibrium: principles of thermodynamics; free energy and chemical potential; chemical equilibrium; quilibrio chimico; ideal and real solutions; phase changes; applications of thermodynamics to chemical equilibria (24 hours).
Electrochemistry: Nernst equation, standard potentials; applications (6 hours).
Exercises (12 hours).


- Chemistry: The Central Science, Theodore E. Brown and others 12th ed. 2011
- Physical chemistry, Peter William Atkins, Julio de Paula, Zanichelli (for extra reading for certain subjects)

Type of exam
