Structural Engineering (Tecnica delle costruzioni)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Structural Engineering (Tecnica delle costruzioni) - cdl in Ingegneria Civile


prof. Gaetano RUSSO


12 CFU


The course is concerned with the methods and criteria to define the static behavior of buildings on the basis of the principles and theories of structural mechanics and safety verification of the structural members. The displacement method and verifications with the admissible stress and limit state methods are analyzed.

Acquired skills

- Behavior of reinforced concrete and prestressed structural members.
- Technical standards for buildings relating to security and calculation of reinforced concrete structures.
- Solution of fixed and movable node frames by means of the displacement method.
- Verifications of reinforced concrete structural members: admissible stresses, and ultimate and serviceability limit states.
- Foundation behavior.- Basics of steel structures.


General information on civil constructions: frames, floors, cantilevers, stairs, plates, vaults and actions on structures. (22 hours)

Behavior of reinforced concrete: behavior of concrete and steel for reinforced concrete, hints on high-performance concrete, acceptance controls for materials. (6 hours)

Method of admissible stress: design and verification of structural members by means of the admissible stress method: centered axial load, tensile load, plane and biaxial bending, plane and biaxial combined bending and axial load, resisting moments, combined bending and axial load in materials that are not tensile resistant. Construction details. (14 hours)

Displacement method: equilibrium equations, influence coefficients, fixed and movable node structures. Solution of hyperstatic frames, solution by means of hyperstatic substructures, force and deflection diagrams, effect of temperature, Mohr corollary, weak restrains. (14 hours)

Limit state method: ultimate limit state (ULS) for axial load, interaction diagram, equilibrium equations for different ULSs, section verification, spiral columns, shear failure, moment diagram translation, torsion in open and compound sections. Buckling. (32 hours)

Serviceability limit states: crack opening limit state, service stress limit state. (8 hours)
Foundations: plinths. Elastic foundation beam on elastic soil; long, medium, short and rigid beam. (10 hours)

Prestressed concrete: prestressing systems. Technical standards. Static behavior of prestressed concrete sections: tensile load and bending. (6 hours)

Steel structures: general information. Bolted and welded connections. (6 hours)


- E. Giangreco, "Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni", Vol.1, 2 e 3 – Ed. Liguori – Napoli.
- "Norme tecniche per le costruzioni" - Decreto del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti, 14 gennaio 2008.
- “Istruzioni per l’applicazione delle “Norme tecniche per le costruzioni” di cui al D.M. 14 gennaio 2008” Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici.

Type of exam

Written and oral tests