Real Estate Appraisal and Cost Estimating (Estimo)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Real Estate Appraisal and Cost Estimating (Estimo) - cdl in Ingegneria Civile


dott. Sara DOMINI




Scope of the course is to combine technical aspects with economic and management principles through various valuation methodologies.


Principles of Economics: Analysis of markets: demand, cost structure, perfect competition, other market structures. Principles of financial mathematics. (5 hours)
Real Estate Principles: Value estimation and estimation methodology.Market value and cost value. Others values. (4 hours)
Cost Estimating: legal framework for public and private contracts estimation of surface, siting costs, urbanisation costs, value enginering. (23 hours)
Market Value: Sales, comparison approach, market comparison approach, cost cpproach, income approach. European valuation standards. (20 hours)
Valuation and law: Overview of the Italian cadastre, usufruct, expropriation for public use. (8 hours)


FORTE F. DE ROSSI B., Principi di economia e di estimo, Milano, Etas 1974; GRILLENZONI M., GRITTANI G., Estimo, Bologna, Ed agricole, 1990; MANKIW N. G., Principi di Economia, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2007; MICHIELI I., MICHIELI M., Trattato di estimo, Bologna, Ed agricole, 2004; POLELLI M., Trattato di Estimo, Milano, Maggioli editore, 2006; REALFONZO A., Teoria e metodo dell’estimo urbano, Roma, Ni, 1994; SIMONOTTI M., La stima immobiliare, Milano, Il Sole24ore, 2006; UTICA G., Ingegnerizzazione e gestione economica del progetto, Milano, Maggioli Editore 2007

Type of exam

Written exam and oral test