Mathematical 1 (Analisi matematica I)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Mathematical 1 (Analisi matematica I) - cdl in Ingegneria Civile


prof. Elio CABIB


12 CFU


The course aims at improving the capability to use the fundamental techniques of mathematical analysis in one variable, at deepening the knowledge of the theoretical basis of mathematical analysis. Furthermore it supplies the first tools necessary for the study of physics and mechanics.

Acqured skills

- Learning and understanding of the fundamental concepts in Mathematical Analysis;

- maturity in reasoning, awareness and airiness in calculus, in formulation and resolution of problems;

- acquisition of a rational and scientific, critic and creative mental structure, able to modelize situations and phenomena with the necessary rigor;

- acquisition of the concept of limit in its various versions and correct use of the passages to limit for sequences, functions and power series;

- competence to find estimates of orders by using the Taylor formula, for application to limits, numerical series and integrals;

- to be able to correctly deal with an optimization problem for one variable functions;

- competence to describe and graphically represent qualitative properties of one variable functions and to compute their integral;

- mastery in solving techniques of ordinary differential equazions.


Logic and set theory

Propositions and predicates, logical connectives, set operations and analogies with the logical connectives. Cartesian product, relations, functions and their graphs.

10 hours

The real number system

Axiomatic presentation of operations, ordering, completeness and consequences. Infimum and supremum, absolute value and metric, bounded sets, intervals.

10 hours

Number set theory and combinatorics

Natural numbers and mathematical induction, factorial, binomial coefficients, the Newton formula, combinatorics. Infinite sets, the integer numbers, the rationals, the axiom of Archimedes, density.

10 hours

The complex number system

Algebraic and metric structures, conjugate, modulus and argument, cartesian and polar forms, the De Moivre formula, roots, polynomials and usual complex functions.

10 hours

One variable functions

The elementary functions, infimum, supremum, maxima and minima, bounded, monotone, even, odd, periodic, injective, surjective and one-to-one functions, inverse map, convex, Lipschitz, Hölder functions, graphs.

12 hours


Examples, general properties of limits, subsequences, algebraic and order properties of limits, monotonicity and comparison, Cauchy sequences, the Bolzano-Weierstraß Theorem, limit points, limits in metric spaces, neighborhoods, open and closed sets, completeness and compactness.

10 hours

Numerical series

Examples, computation of the sum when possible, convergence tests, absolute convergence, the Leibnitz and the Abel-Dirichlet tests. Real and complex power series and their behavior in the circle and on its boundary, the Abel Lemma.

12 hours

Limits of functions

Definitions, theorems on passing to limit, comparison, limits of common use, existence of the limit for monotone functions, use of sequences, asymptotes, estimates of infinitesimal and infinite order, local expansions and applications.

12 hours

Continuous functions

Properties, connection with monotonicity and convexity, continuous functions on intervals, zeros and continuity of the inverse, continuous functions on compact sets, the Weiersrass theorem, uniform continuity.

12 hours

Differential calculus

Derivative and differential, applications, rules, higher order derivatives, local maxima and minima, differentiable functions on intervals, monotonicity, convexity, Taylor expansion and applications, Taylor series and analytic functions, graph drawing.

12 hours


The Riemann integral, properties, class of integrable functions, the integral function, the fundamental theorem, primitives, rules of integration, improper integrals, absolute integration.

10 hours

Tutoring: 40 hours


  • - E. Cabib, Lezioni di Analisi 1, ebook available at the page
  • - E. Cabib, Esercizi di Analisi 1, ebook available at the page
  • -  P. Marcellini, C. Sbordone, Esercizi e complementi di Analisi Matematica, vol. 1,2, Liguori
  • -  E. Giusti, Esercizi e complementi di analisi matematica, vol. 1,2, Bollati Boringhieri
  • -  G. Buttazzo, G. Gambini, E. Santi, Esercizi di Analisi Matematica 1, Pitagora
  • -  E. Acerbi, L. Modica, S. Spagnolo, Problemi scelti di analisi matematica I, II, Liguori


Modalità d'esame

Written and oral