Fundamentals of Computer Science (Fondamenti di informatica)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Fundamentals of Computer Science (Fondamenti di informatica) - cdl in Ingegneria Civile


prof. Andrea FUSIELLO




The course aims to cover the fundamentals, methods and technologies of information processing systems. It also aims to introduce the principles and techniques of programming, while providing an active tool that can be employed in solving computational problems related to engineering curricular activities.



Acquired skills

Computers operational principles.
Elements of information representation (both text and multimedia).
General principles of computer networks and Internet.
Algorithmic approach to problem solving.
General concepts of programming
Problem solving with MATLAB programming


Introduction to computer science  

Course introduction. Hardware e software. Short history of computing.

2 h

Information coding  

Binary system, base N representation, ASCII and Unicode. Compression.

4 h

Computer architecture  

Boolean logic and logical circuits. Computers operational principles, fetch/execute cycle. Von Neumann's model, memories, devices.

4 h

Operating systems  

The notion of virtual machine, O.S. components, compilers and interpreters.

4 h

Computer networks and WWW  

Introduction to computer networks, internet and the WWW.

4 h


Algorithm properties, linear vs dichotomic search. Hints on complexity and computability.

4 h

Introduction to MATLAB programming

MATLAB fundamentals, variables, data types, scripts, integrated development environment

4 h

Array and Vectors

Collections of homogeneous objects in MATLAB

4 h

Control structures

Control structures for selection (if-then-else) and iteration (for, while)

4 h

Functions and recursion

MATLAB functions, parameter passing, local variables, encapsulation. Activation stack and recursion.

4 h


Functions for string manipulation in MATLAB.

2 h

Structures and Cell Arrays

Collections of dissimilar objects in MATLAB.

2 h

File I/O

Functions for reading and writing from and to a file.

2 h


Introduction to matrix computing in MATLAB.

4 h

Images and sounds

Images formats, simple processing. Sound processing in the time and frequency domain, FFT (hints).

4 h

Numerical methods

Nonlinear equations (one variable), interpolation, linear regression, numerical integration.

4 h


Insertion Sort, Bubble sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort.

4 h


First part: lecture notes
Second part: D.M. Smith. Engineering Computation with MATLAB.  3rd Edition. Pearson, 2013

Type of exam
