Accessoaccesso liberoClasseL-18 Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendaleCrediti180Durata3 anniModalità di erogazione della didatticaConvenzionaleLingua di erogazioneIngleseSedeUdineTitolo di studio richiestodiploma di scuola secondaria superiore
Management & Business Analytics
The Bachelor's Degree in Management & Business Analytics is designed to develop professionals who possess the expertise needed to drive business growth, enhance economic value, and navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape. The program seamlessly integrates core business knowledge with advanced IT and digital competencies, equipping students with the tools necessary to make informed, data-driven decisions in an increasingly digitalized and interconnected world.
The program structure offers a well-rounded mix of general business skills with a strong emphasis on the practical application of digital tools for decision-making, problem-solving, and data governance. This combination ensures that students are not only proficient in business management but also adept at utilizing digital technologies to address complex business challenges. Throughout the course, students will engage also with key concepts across disciplines such as economics, law, and quantitative analysis, all of which provide a solid interdisciplinary foundation for tackling today’s business problems.
Graduates of the program will be exceptionally well-prepared to pursue a wide range of career opportunities, both within organizations and in external advisory roles, across industries in a rapidly evolving, global job market. By focusing on the development of specialized and transferable skills, the program ensures that graduates are not only capable of meeting current industry demands but also adaptable to future changes and challenges. Ultimately, the program fosters the ability to thrive in both national and international professional contexts, offering graduates a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment.
The Degree program allows for the continuation of studies through Master’s Degrees.
Enrolment to a Degree Course, to a Master’s Degree, to a Single Cycle Degree, or to a PhD:
Prospective international students - Enrolment instructions: