Accessoaccesso liberoClasseL-18 Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendaleCrediti180Durata3 anniModalità di erogazione della didatticaConvenzionaleLingua di erogazioneIngleseSedeUdineTitolo di studio richiestodiploma di scuola secondaria superiore
Management & Business Analytics
The Bachelor’s degree in Management & Business Analytics aims to train managers and professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary for the governance and support of companies with specific IT and digital skills to support decision-making processes in contexts undergoing digital transformation.
The course aims to encourages the acquisition of general and specialised skills in the business environment integrated with the implementation of IT and digital skills. This enables the development and use of decision-support tools that can be employed by decision-makers in problem-setting and problem-solving activities, and in data governance, offering interdisciplinary training in the economic, legal and quantitative fields.
These skills are applicable in a variety of professional context, both internal and external to companies.
The acquisition of relevant specialised and transversal skills is thus fostered, enabling the graduates to enter a dynamic and growing market, both nationally and internationally.
The course provides a diverse range of languages, model, methods, techniques, and tools to equip students for business activities [business management] and professional activities supporting the business [business consultancy] from an economic-business perspective integrated with the IT-digital one.
The course is structured around a curriculum that includes a series of optional exam packages aimed at completing the individual professional profile.
The Degree program allows for the continuation of studies through Master's Degrees, PhDs, as well as potential access to state examinations for the role of junior chartered accountants.
Enrolment to a Degree Course, to a Master’s Degree, to a Single Cycle Degree, or to a PhD:
Prospective international students - Enrolment instructions: