Uniud Sostenibile relies on various contacts and working groups to spread the culture and best practices. In particular, it is part of various thematic groups within RUS – the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development.
Delegate of the Rector for Sustainability: prof. Salvatore Amaduzzi
WG RUS Mobility: dott. Luca Cadez (University Coordinator), dott. Renato Spoletti (University Mobility Manager), prof. Paolo Giannozzi, dott. Elena Moro, prof. Sonia Gerolimich
WG RUS Resources and Waste: dott. Deborah Gori, prof. Cinzia Battistella, dott. Giovanna Attanasio
WG RUS Food: prof. Francesco Marangon, prof. Stefania Troiano, dott. Veronica Novelli
WG RUS Education: prof. Renata Kodilja, prof. Andrea Guaran, prof. Maurizia Sigura
WG RUS Energy: dott. Patrizia Simeoni
WG RUS Climate Change: prof. Alessandro Peressotti
WG RUS: Inclusion and Social Justice: prof. Nadia Carestiato, prof. Antonella Pocecco
WG RUS University for Industry: prof. Marco Sortino, prof. Emanuele Vaglio
Working Table of the Student Community: Davide Urli