Sustainable Uniud

Sustainability Initiatives of the University of Udine

In 2016, the University of Udine joined the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (Rus), the first experience of coordination and collaboration among all Italian universities committed to environmental sustainability and social responsibility. In 2019, it also hosted the "Magnificent Encounters" of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities, where the manifesto for the sustainability of universities was signed.

In this context, the Friulian university has long promoted significant experiences in research and teaching, including initiatives in the optimal use of energy sources and alternative energy sources. It also encourages concrete practices such as waste separation and, in the social field, the enhancement of well-being at work against discrimination. Many other dimensions of sustainable development are areas where the Udine university community will be able to work in the coming months, with the great opportunity to engage with those who have long initiated good practices as a source of inspiration. On this website, all activity sheets are classified according to the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations.

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