Often, when talking about sustainability, the focus is on the environmental aspect. However, genuine sustainability can only be achieved by also considering economic and social aspects. In this section, we present a set of projects, training activities, and internal policies related to social aspects.
Internal Policies
Gender Balance
Gender balance refers to a document that analyzes and evaluates, from a gender perspective, the political choices and economic-financial commitments of a public or private entity. It is, therefore, a tool capable of inducing proactive introspection within the entire community because awareness of the existing gender gap can lead to taking necessary actions to overcome disparities, also with a view to adopting the Gender Equality Plan-GEP. For information.
Single Guarantee Committee
The CUG - Single Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, the enhancement of the well-being of workers, and against discrimination at the University, established in accordance with art. 21, paragraph 1, letter c), of law no. 183/2010 and art. 23 of the Statute, works to promote and protect equal opportunities and the work and organizational well-being of all University personnel, including non-tenured staff, in continuity with the activities carried out by the pre-existing Joint Committees on the phenomenon of mobbing and the Committee for equal opportunities. For information.
Organizational Well-being
Since 2014, the University has conducted an annual survey on organizational climate aimed at technical and administrative staff. The survey involves administering a questionnaire on 'organizational well-being' with the aim of assessing psychosocial risks for the improvement of the working environment. The questionnaire has been drawn up according to the survey model prepared by the National Anti-Corruption Authority (Anac) and in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008.
Gender Identity in Transition
In recent years, there has been a high dropout rate among transgender students, often linked to embarrassment and discrimination faced when facing an external appearance different from the gender indicated by official documentation during exams. The University has approved a procedure that allows those interested to obtain an alias identity to promote greater serenity in the pursuit of their university career. For information.
Active Ageing Working Group
The University has established a working group that brings together expertise and research interests from various disciplines (medical, scientific-technological, legal, humanistic) to promote and develop policies for active aging for the common well-being.