Privacy Policy
Table of contents
General InformationInformation note on the processing of personal dataData controllerIdentification and contact dataStudent and academic lifeTransactionsNature of personal dataCategories of Data for the calculation of the fees dueParticular categories of DataCategories of Data recipients and possible Data transferTransferring Data to NON-EU CountriesProcessing MethodsRetention PeriodData subject rightsProcedure for exercising rights and lodging a complaintCookie policyWhat are cookies on website?Cookies used by our websiteCookies brief listStrictly necessary cookiesThird party technical cookiesMarketing cookie list
General Information
This information is provided in accordance with art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and in compliance with the law on the processing of personal data. This information is addressed to all those who can be identified as students of University of Udine, and to the services dedicated to them.
Information note on the processing of personal data
Privacy policies related to the processing of personal data for anyone providing their personal data to the University of Udine, also via the web applications made available by the University.
The following privacy policies fulfil the requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (the GDPR); in particular, art. 13 of the GDPR requires that data subjects be informed about the processing of their personal data.
If you are a minor, before providing personal data to the University of Udine you must carefully read these privacy policies with your parents or legal guardian. Parents or legal representatives of minors can exercise the rights stated in Chapter III, Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the GDPR by writing to
Data controller
University of Udine – Delegate by the Rector, avv. Valentina Carollo –e-mail:
Identification and contact data
The University of Udine collects data related to:
- biographical information such as name, title, date of birth, age and gender;
- image of the student (collection with photo, also for participation in distance exams, and videos);
- contact details including address, e-mail address and telephone number;
- information showing periods of residence, stay or domicile at the residences and/or other places;
- information showing family relationships (e.g. through ISEE -Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator);
- national insurance number (or other tax identification number) and passport number, or details of national identity card, country of residence and nationality;
- financial and banking data for the payment of tuition fees. The University of Udine will also assign a student number and a username for telematic services.
Student and academic life
The University of Udine collects data related to:
- admission, enrolment, academic career, i.e. completed courses, dates of enrolment, registration of their attendance and exam results;
- records of assessments, exams taken, grades obtained, disciplinary sanctions and other information kept in the records of your career as a student;
- information related to school and academic history;
- information on communications sent by the University of Udine and received by the student both for institutional purposes and for the promotion of events and other initiatives promoted by the University of Udine;
- recordings of participation in the events (also online) of the University of Udine;
The University of Udine collects data related to:
- details of financial transactions e.g. fees for courses the student is enrolled in and payments for services used.The University of Udine may also collect the following special categories of personal data, where necessary for the purposes set out in this policy:
- information about your health and medical condition (e.g. disability, allergies and other needs);
- information regarding ethnic origin and other categories of special data necessary to ensure access to studies. The data will then be processed in order to be able to manage the application for admission to the courses of study, enrolment and administrative career, including participation in tests and exams, at the University of Udine, and to prepare what is necessary to allow, always for institutional purposes, for particular security needs, the use of technological tools for access purposes containing personal information, which are read through special recognition devices.
Subsequently, in the event that the application for admission is successful, the data will also be processed to manage the entire university career until the continuation of the student status, as identified in the Regulations for the Career of University of Udine students, available in the "University Regulations" section of the University website.
Finally, when the student leaves the university, the same data will be processed to manage the required certifications.
The data collected will be processed in order to carry out the following activities:
- enrolment in and attendance of university courses, both face to face and in e-learning mode;
- university career management;
- management of curricular and extracurricular traineeships;
- calculation of the fees due;
- if they complete their degree;
- use of telematic and e-mail services;
- use of library services;
- access to laboratories and other secure facilities;
- sending and communicating information about the student’s university career;
- application of workplace safety measures in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 81/2008;
- disciplinary proceedings against students;
- surveys for the evaluation of teaching and customer satisfaction;
- filing and storage of university career data (studies carried out, positions held, qualifications obtained);
- elections representing students and for any tasks related to the elected office held by the person concerned in the governing bodies of the University;
- orientation and job placement activities;
- use of contributions, facilities and services related to the right to university study;
- statistics and historical and scientific research, on aggregate or anonymous data, with no possibility of identifying the user.
- processes related to the drafting of the final papers for the different courses of study;
- services provided to support users with specific learning disabilities and disorders (DSA - disabilità e disturbi specifici di apprendimento);
- services provided in the field of counselling and psychological support (;
- student mobility, inbound and outbound;
- enrolment and certification for participation in events and training courses and Summer Schools;
- accreditation procedures for courses of study;
- admission test/verification of initial knowledge;
- state exams;
- career management for students in gender transition;
- provision of services for students in prison or under restriction of their personal freedom;
- participation in tests and exams for academic evaluation;
- administration of social and sports activities with the University of Udine;
- the recording of audio/images for university purposes, to be used in the University's official promotion channels and materials. These materials may be disseminated on the website, social media channels, in press releases and mailings, and on event posters;
- communications regarding events of the University of Udine;
- assistance and information for the student, through the OTRS TICKET management system or via e-mail and chat systems.
Nature of personal data
The nature of the provision of personal data is to be considered mandatory.
Failure to provide data makes it impossible to carry out the operations necessary to establish the relationship between the student and the University, therefore, the purposes envisaged and the correct administrative and didactic management of the student's career, necessary to carry out the fulfilments required by law.
The processing of any aggregated or anonymous data does not provide for the application of EU Regulation n. 679/2016.
Categories of Data for the calculation of the fees due
In accordance with art. 14 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, the purpose relating to the calculation of the university fees due involves the request by the University of Udine for information relating to the ISEU value [University Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator], the composition of the family nucleus, as well as all the information contained in the DSU [University Financial Aid] directly from the INPS database in application of D.P.C.M. [Prime Ministerial Decree] 5 December 2013, n.159, provided that they are relevant and not excessive for the same purpose, in order to apply any benefits provided.
Particular categories of Data
For the processing purposes already indicated, special categories of data such as:
- racial and ethnic origin (for non-EU citizens, and for refugee status) may be collected and processed in specific situations at the request of the data subject;
- state of health (in case of pregnancy or for students with disabilities);
- state of health (in case of pregnancy or for students with disabilities);
- judicial data (for detained users and students);
- sex life (for possible rectification of sex assignment).
Categories of Data recipients and possible Data transfer
The data processed for the above purposes will be communicated to, or will in any case be accessible to the teachers of the chosen course of study and to the employees and collaborators assigned to the competent offices of the University of Udine who, being authorised to process data, will be suitably instructed by the data controller.
The University may also communicate the personal data it holds to other public administrations or foreign subjects (i.e. embassies) if they have to process such data for any proceedings that fall within its institutional competence, as well as to all public subjects to whom, in the presence of the relevant prerequisites, the communication is obligatorily required by Community provisions, laws or regulations, as well as insurance bodies when accident files are opened.
In particular, the personal data processed will be transmitted to the following third parties:
- MUR;
- MUR Research Bodies;
- MEF;
- CRUI -(Conference of Italian University Rectors);
- Ministry of Health;
- Ministry of the Interior;
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Italian Revenue Agency;
- CAF;
- European Community;
- Police Headquarters, Prefecture, Public Prosecutor's Office, Embassies, State Bar;
- Judicial authority;
- Insurance companies and INAIL;
- Universities and foreign academic and research institutions;
- Professional Orders and Trade Associations;
- CNUDD - National Conference of University Delegates for Disability;
- CALD - Coordination of Lombardy Universities for Disability and DSA;
- National Agency INDIRE;
- National Register of Students, as required by Law 170 of 11 July 2003;
- Public and private entities requesting confirmation of self-certifications received, pursuant to the "Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia di documentazione amministrativa" -D.P.R. [Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica] (Presidential Decree) 28 December 2000, n° 445, amended by Article 15 of Law No. 183 of 2011;
- Other companies supplying "Software as a service" (Microsoft Italia) used by the University;
- Companies used to scan personal data cards used to carry out Ministerial tests;
Transferring Data to NON-EU Countries
Personal data may be transferred abroad, in accordance with the Regulations, also to countries outside the European Union, whenever this becomes necessary for one of the purposes set out in this privacy policy.
In addition to those cases where the European Commission has issued a decision on an adequate level of protection for personal data, data shall be transferred to non-EU countries in such a way as to provide suitable and appropriate guarantees in accordance with articles 46 or 47 or 49 of the Regulation.
Processing Methods
The processing performed for the above purposes may be carried out either on paper or digital media, manually and/or with electronic or, in any case, automated tools, including in-house databases and/or external databases of companies and consortia: CINECA, CISIA, as well as other companies that provide "Software as a service" used by the University.
Retention Period
The data collected will be stored with the use of appropriate security measures to allow accessto duly authorised personnel, and to guarantee that it remains confidential and integral.
The storage period will be determined according to the principle of necessity of processing. Therefore, with regard specifically to storage times, the data and documents containing data will be kept for the period necessary to fulfil legal obligations and management, administrative and educational requirements.
In particular:
- university career data will be kept indefinitely, taking into account the archiving obligations provided for by current legislation;
- data relating to the use of computer systems (e.g. time and duration of connection) or the use of electronic mail will be processed by automated tools and stored only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, unless otherwise provided for by law (maximum 12 months);
- data relating to any disciplinary proceedings to which it may be subject will be kept indefinitely, except in cases where the final decision is annulled by a final judgment or revoked by the administration.
This data is also stored in hardcopy archives and in digital format for an indefinite period of time, due to the obligations of transparency and proper functioning of the public administration.
Data subject rights
At any time, the data subject may exercise the rights provided for by Regulation (EU) No. 679/2016, and more precisely:
- Right of access to personal data and all relevant information according to art. 15 of the Regulation;
- Right to have processed data rectified or rendered anonymous;
- Right to erasure of data (‘right to be forgotten’), except for data contained in deeds which must necessarily be stored by the University of Udine as processed for reasons of public interest, and unless there are overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
- Right to restriction of processing pursuant to art. 18 of the Regulation;
- Right to object to the processing of personal data concerning the data subject, without prejudice to the mandatory nature of data processing in order to benefit from the services offered;
- Right to withdraw consent for non-mandatory data processing, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal.
Procedure for exercising rights and lodging a complaint
To contact the University’s Data Protection Officer, please email
Data subjects may also lodge a complaint with the national data protection authority.
Cookie policy
What are cookies on website?
Cookies are small pieces of information that a website generates and stores on your browser when you are visiting it from your pc, smartphone or tablet.
Every cookie contains data used to store user preferences (for example the user language) to improve the navigation experience.
There are several types of cookies and we can distinguish them by duration:
- session cookies: they live until the user closes the browser window;
- persistent cookies: they can stay on your computer or device after the browser windows is closed for a longer period (days or months)
We can also distinguish:
- first party cookies: when they are written and used directly by the website, usually to improve user experience;
- third party cookies: when they are written by third parties providers (for example when you play a Youtube video embedded in a webpage).
Cookies used by our website
Our website uses:
- strictly necessary cookies/technical cookies: these cookies do not gather information about you, they are used to run the website and let you have a better user experience (for example when you select a particular language to browse the website this choice will be saved in a cookie);
We use other technical cookies to collect information about how how visitors access and use our site. We use Matomo Analytics ( which is an open source tools, installed on our servers in Italy to understand which areas need to be improved and to give you a better way to access information. We configured this service to collect information in an anonymous form and also your IP address will remain anonymous. We have complete control of collected data, we do not share data with other parties and Matomo has been installed on our dedicated servers and can be accessed only by our staff.
Our website uses also third party cookies, they are disabled by default but you can enable them, to:
- marketing cookies: in some areas of the site and in some periods of the year we can use third party cookies related to social network platforms that allow us to improve our marketing campaigns. Cookies may be used by those third parties to build a profile of your interests and show you related advertising. We use:
- Youtube: to embed or link videos on our pages;
- Facebook/Instagram/Meta: to monitor and improve our social media campaigns on Facebook/Instagram/Meta network;
- LinkedIn: to monitor and improve our social media campaigns on LinkedIn.
For convenience here are some links to privacy and cookie policy for Google, Facebook and Linkedin:
- Web Analytics Italia: privacy policy e information about Web Analytics Italia and Matomo on our infrastructure
- Google/Youtube: privacy policy and cookie policy
- Google Ads: privacy, GDPR faq e cookie policy
- Facebook/Instagram/Meta: privacy policy and cookie policy
- Linkedin: privacy policy and cookie policy
Here are some links to italian privacy authority:
For any clarification please contact us through:
Cookies brief list
- serverid: this is a session technical cookie that identifies which server is working for you
- I18N_LANGUAGE: this is a session technical cookie that stores the language you are using to browse the site
- uniud-tooltip-suggest: this is a yearly technical cookie that allows to display messages/tooltips
- cc_uniud: this is a technical cookie to manage your cookies preferences (duration: 6 months)
Cookie whose name start with _pk* are being used by Web Analytics Italia ( We keep your IP address anonymous and this classifies it as a third party technical cookie (similar to the strictly necessary ones).
Facebook/Instagram/Meta writes on browser a cookie whose name is _fpb (Facebook Pixel), it will be stored only when you accept it from cookie consent panel. Facebook Pixel can be used only in some pages and for some period in a year (duration about 3 months);
LinkedIn writes on browser a cookie whose name usually starts with li* prefix but it writes also other cookies. For this reason you can see the official Linkedin List where they are talking about Insight Tag;
Youtube writes on browser various cookies where the source is, the list of cookies is available on Youtube/Google site.