University glossary

Agevolazioni per trasporti - Tax breaks for public transportation

The University of Udine offers tax breaks on annual season tickets for both urban and out-of-town public transport services. Additionally, in the Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) region, students may benefit from discounts on rail transportation season tickets.

Website: click here

Alloggi – Accommodation

Ardis is the regional agency responsible for ensuring the right to higher education in the FVG region. Each academic year, it organizes a call for applications for around 600 rooms in the University accommodation. To apply for housing, students must follow specific rules and meet certain deadlines, which can be found on the university website.

Website: click here 

Those who are looking for private accommodation may use the Facebook group administered by University. It is available to all students, with no intervention of real estate agencies or other intermediates.

Facebook: Cerco&Offro Casa Uniud.

Anno Accademico – Academic Year

The academic year is equivalent to a school year, which means that it is a 12-months-long period, during which lectures, exams, and graduations take place. It starts on 1st October and it ends on 30th September of the following year, with the possibility of an additional exam session (up to March of the following year).

Appelli d’esame – Exam Sessions

It is possible to take exams during exam sessions, which take place after the conclusion of term time. It is necessary to register to exams by using a special computerized procedure on Esse3, which is the University computerized and informative system.


Ardiss is the regional agency for the right to higher education in FVG. Its main target is to help those students, who are clever and worthy, but who cannot afford to study in university. The agency provides scholarships, manages accommodations, and organizes canteen service. 

Website: click here 

Associazioni Studentesche – Student Associations

The University of Udine promotes and supports student associations and organizations, in order to improve the students’ quality of life and integrate them in the University environment.

The associations that are approved and actively working are inserted every year in the register of associations (Albo delle associazioni).

Website: Servizi/Tempolibero/Associazioni studentesche e di laureati

Aule studio – Study Hall

The University offers numerous study halls in every university building.

Website: Ateneo/Sedi/Aule studio

Borse di studio – Scholarships

Ardis provides scholarships, which are destined to students who have a particular status of registration, merit, income and wealth. It consists of a sum of money, which may vary, depending on the condition of the student. This means that it may vary whether the student lives in the city, commutes or lives outside the city. The scholarship may also vary according to the economic situation of the student’s family. The economic situation is certified by the ISEE certification and it can be used to obtain special benefits to study at university.

The students who will receive the scholarship will obtain the right to university fee exemption, for the same academic year. In order to participate to the scholarship award it is necessary to follow the rules and meet the deadlines set by the Ardiss, which you can find on the University website.

Website: click here

Borse di studio per mobilità internazionale – Scholarships for international mobility

Within the Erasmus+ programme, it is possible to obtain a financial contribution, during a study and/or internship period in an EU country. Furthermore, there are more than 80 international outside-Europe agreements that allow enrolled students to take exams and work on their dissertation in affiliated outside-Europe universities, while being free from tuitions of the host university.

Website: Opportunities to study abroad click here

Calendario Accademico – Academic Calendar

The academic calendar illustrates designated breaks and holidays during which university buildings are closed. This includes public holidays, summer and winter breaks, as well as the feast days of the patron saints of the cities where the university is located.

Website: click here

Classe di laurea – Degree division

The degree division categorizes university courses that share the same educational goals and confer degrees of equal legal validity. This classification is essential for determining access to Master’s degree programs or other academic competitions.

Crediti formativi universitari (CFU) – Course credits

A credit is the unit of measure of the amount of work that is necessary in order to pass exams. Each credit corresponds to 25 hours of work which include lesson attendance, individual study, and possible practice.

Dipartimento – Department

The department is the structure that manages and promotes educational and university research activities.


The website provides materials dedicated to students by using credentials of the Esse3 university system.

Wifi - Eduroam

EduRoam (Education Roaming) is a service that offers a secure wireless access to the Internet. Roaming users who visit an institute that joined this initiative are able to use the local wireless internet (WLAN) by entering the same credentials (username and password) which they use in their university, with no further formalities in the host institute.

Many cities have joined the Eduroam Wi-Fi connection in order to allow students to surf easily the Internet. EduRoam is now widely spread and used in more than 70 world countries.

Website: click here.


This European Union mobility programme allows university students to spend a study period and/or a training period in European countries, giving a financial contribution and the possibility to attend courses and take exams in a foreign university with no further charges. The University evaluates and accredits education activities carried out during the Erasmus experience, both in terms of course credits and marks. Besides study mobility, the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme funds mobility scholarships for full-time training activities abroad, which is accredited as integral part of training and educational programmes.

Website: Opportunities to study abroad click here

Esame – Exam

An exam is a compulsory test, which can be written or oral. The highest mark consists of 30/30 points, also with honours, but the minimum is at least 18/30 points. The exams may be compulsory or optional. Exams are compulsory when they are in the study plan, thus students cannot replace them and must pass them in order to conclude their educational path. Optional exams are part of the educational path, and thus they represent a contribution to reaching the amount of course credits necessary for graduation. However, optional exams are subject to fixed rules in your study plan.


It is the computerized system of education management, which offers students and professors a reserved area dedicated to the administration of course enrolment, exam registration and academic career certificates.

Website: Click here Esse3. 

HELP! Facebook

“Help!” is a seven-days-a-week virtual information desk, which also works during evening hours. It offers a first orientation service on Facebook about any issue that may affect students’ life.

Facebook: Help! Università degli studi di Udine (official!)

Immatricolazione – Enrolment

It is the first registration at the University and it corresponds to the assignation to students of their university identification number.

Laurea – Bachelor Degree  

It is also called First Cycle Degree and it has a duration of 3 years. It is necessary to cumulate 180 course credits in order to graduate.

Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico – Single Cycle Degree

It is a degree that does not consist of 3+2 years, but it has a duration of 5 or 6 years with, respectively, 300 or 360 course credits.

Laurea Magistrale – Master Degree

It is also called Second Cycle Degree. It has a duration of 2 years and it requires the achievement of 120 course credits. The access is granted only after a Bachelor Degree.

Lavorare con l’Università - Work with the University

Among various forms of study supports, there are also student collaborations, which allow to work in the university buildings for a maximum of 200 hours a year, after participating to a selection. Student collaborations are remunerated according to the modality described in their announcement.

Website: click here

Manifesto degli studi – Prospectus

It is the official document that the University adopts every year, in order to define modalities and terms for admission test, as well as modalities and terms of enrolment, registration, and transfers from one course to the other.

Website: click here

Materiale didattico – Educational material

It consists of booklets and documents which professors make available for students on the dedicated online platform.

Website: clicca qui

Matricola – Student ID number

It is the identification number that is associated to each student as soon as he or she enrols in the University. This number provides the access the Esse3 computerized system as well.

Mensa – Canteen

Students may have access to many canteens, run by Ardis and by other authorized organizations. The price of a complete menu is the same for everyone, but it may be changed according to tax brackets and Ardis fixed procedures, which are available on the University website.

Website: click here

Part time Student

It might not be possible for some students to conclude their educational path within the regular timescale because of job or family reasons. This is why there is the possibility to enrol as part-time student and thus attend university for a longer time period, long as twice the regular timescale, with no out-of-prescribed-time fees and while benefitting of subsidy.

Website: click here.

Piano di studio – Study plan

It contains the exams, which it is necessary to pass in order to complete the chosen educational path.

Programmi degli insegnamenti – Course details section

It contains the detailed information about every course, teaching materials, exam arrangements and possible preparatory exams. 

Website: click here

Propedeuticità – Preparatory exams

Exams can be preparatory when they must be passed before taking other exams. Generally, they are introductory exams, containing basic information that allow to take more specific and complex exams. Usually, the information contained in each preparatory exam is described in the course details section.

Rappresentanti degli studenti – Student Representatives

Students can participate in academic life and contribute to the development of the University through their student representatives. These representatives promote ideas and projects that help improve teaching and services. They are active members of the university’s main organizations.

FB: Consiglio degli studenti Università degli studi di Udine

Segreteria studenti – Administrative office for students  

The administrative office manages students’ study plan and their academic career.

Semestre – Semester

Every academic year is composed of two semesters, and every semester corresponds to the period of time in which students attend lectures and take examinations.

Servizi per stare bene a Uniud – Services for a fine living in Uniud

These services are destined for the wellbeing of those students who have some difficulties in integrating in the university environment or are having some trouble in their studies. The University offers free anxiety management workshops, study methods and problem-solving activities.

Website: click here

Servizi disabili e DSA – Services for physically challenged people and SLD

Uniud meets the needs of physically challenged students in order to allow them to fully participate to academic life. The service is available for students with SLD as well, and it guarantees adequate examination and evaluation, as well as free welcoming and support services.

Website: click here

Sessioni d’esame – Examination sessions

They correspond to the period of time in which examinations take place, according to the schedule presented in each degree course.

Smart card

It is the identification card that represents students’ electronic record book. The card is necessary in order to have access to canteen services and in order to access and take exams. Students must take care of it, and whether it gets stolen, damaged or lost, it will be possible to buy a duplicated copy.

Spes (e-mail)

It is the official communication channel between the University and students. This is why it is crucial to use only the Spes mailbox, when emailing the University, and to check regularly your mailbox. Emails written from a different mailbox might not receive any response. 

Website: click here


The university centre of sport (CUS) organizes services and sport activities, tournaments, competitions, national and international sport events, and national championships dedicated to the university students.

Tasse universitarie – Tuition fees

It is the tariff quota to pay for what the University spends in order to guarantee the education of its students. It is compulsory to pay the amount in three tranches, and the failure to pay within the given deadlines entails an extra payment (€50 for the first thirty days, and €100 afterwards). Students disposing of the necessary merit points and income status may obtain reductions or waivers.

Website: click here

Tirocini– Internship

During university career it is expected form students not only to attend lectures and to pass exams, but also to complete a period if internship. Internship may be curricular which means that it is in the study plan voluntary or after graduation.

Website: click here

Trasporti per le sedi Uniud – Transportation among Uniud locations

Detailed information concerning the public transport in order to move and reach all university locations can be found on the university website.

Website: click here. 

Tutorato – Tutoring

Students may turn to various tutor services, which the university makes available. Besides the figure of informative tutors, there are educational tutors as well, whose aim is to support students and help them study basic subjects during their first year.  

Website: click here

Uniud app

Remember to download the EasyUniud app in order to have a click away all the info you need about lectures, exams and classrooms.

Website: click here