Degrees taught entirely in English

The University of Udine offers one Bachelor and five Master Degree courses that are entirely taught in English.

If you want to know more, click directly on the name of each degree listed bellow:

Bachelor Degree in Management & Business Analytics (under accreditation process)

Master Degree in Economics

Master Degree in International Marketing, Management and Organization

Master Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity

Master Degree in Management Engineering

Master Degree in Industrial Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing

In case you have a FOREIGN bachelor degree and you are interested in applying to above mentioned Master Degree courses, please follow the Application Presentation Guide and start by clicking here 

Documents to be uploaded during the application process:
a) Application form click here
b) CIMEA Statements* or Declaration of value** of the foreign bachelor degree (might be sent also after the pre-evaluation in Esse3 portal procedure)
c) Transcript of records of the foreign bachelor degree
d) Syllabus*** of your foreign bachelor degree
e) Copy of a valid identity document: ID/Passport
f) Curriculum vitae/Résumé

* issued online by CIMEA (
** issued by Italian diplomatic authorities abroad
*** detailed description of studied subjects.

Attachments for more detailed info:
Academic requirements' table click here
Application presentation guide click here
PagoPA payment instructions click here
Additional Notice to the study Prospectus 2025_2026 click here

-the study visa applicants for Italy, must upload the pre-evaluation application before the 24th of July 2025;
-in order to make the pre-evaluation application valid, it will be necessary to pay a non-refundable fee of 20 euro (through the Esse3 portal payment procedure).

Other information, addressed to prospective international students click here