The Hardships and Pleasures of Academic Writing

Course - Research


Being a scholar has many facets and requires a suite of skills that are characteristic for the respective discipline, but there is one common denominator: we all must convey our results to an (mostly anonymous) audience. Besides oral communications, writing is of paramount importance to advertise, negotiate, and disseminate scientific concepts. As it may be deduced from its title, the aim of this workshop is to convert discomfort or insecurity associated with drafting scientific manuscripts into confidence, excitement and pleasure. Starting out with some general considerations and a collection of essential do’s and don’ts, I will guide you through the process of drafting an academic text, be it your thesis, a paper for a conference, or a publication to be submitted to a scientific journal.


Thursday 12 and Friday 13 June 2025 from 09.00 to 11.00

Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th June 2025 from 09.00 to 11.00

Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 June 2025 from 09.00 to 12.00- for the concluding discussion.



Wolfgang Schmidt, Academic Editor



On the PhD Notebook by May 16, 2025

The course will be held in presence and in English.

Further information
