Law and Innovation in the European Legal Space
Training Objectives
The aim of the course is to create a scientific and educational context in which doctoral students can acquire the ability to carry out specialised research and excellence in the legal field.
The course is an evolution of the course in Legal Sciences active from the 29th to the 35th cycle with the involvement of the Universities of Udine and Trieste. The new title, Law for Innovation in the European Legal Space, expresses the new approach of the course, which leads to the attribution of specific relevance to the ways in which the various legal subjects deal with the theme of innovation in order to provide doctoral students with the necessary tools to deal with the organisational, technological, digital and design transformations of public and private institutions. All this is done with a view to the European legal space in which the doctorate is situated and thus bearing in mind the context of the EU legal system and the way it relates to other actors in the international community.
The course thus aspires to become a point of reference for researchers carrying out cutting-edge activities in the relevant subject areas and also for legal practitioners.
Scientific Disciplinary Sectors
- IUS/01 - Diritto privato
- IUS/02 - Diritto privato comparato;
- IUS/03 - Diritto agrario;
- IUS/04 - Diritto commerciale;
- IUS/06 - Diritto della navigazione;
- IUS/07 - Diritto del lavoro;
- IUS/08 - Diritto costituzionale;
- IUS/10 - Diritto amministrativo;
- IUS/12 - Diritto tributario;
- IUS/13 - Diritto internazionale;
- IUS/14 - Diritto dell'Unione Europea;
- IUS/15 - Diritto processuale civile;
- IUS/16 - Diritto processuale penale;
- IUS 17 - Diritto penale
- IUS/18 - Diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità;
- IUS/21 - Diritto pubblico comparato.
The course is divided into 2 curricula:
Private and Economic Area
IUS/01 Private Law; IUS/02 Comparative Private Law; IUS/03 Agricultural Law; IUS/04 Commercial Law; IUS/06 Navigation Law; IUS/07 Labour Law; IUS/18 Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity.
Public Law Area
IUS/08 Constitutional Law; IUS/10 Administrative Law; IUS/12 Tax Law; IUS/13 International Law; IUS/14 European Union Law; IUS/15 Civil Procedural Law; IUS/16 Criminal Procedural Law; IUS/17 Criminal Law; IUS/21 Comparative Public Law.
The doctorate is intended to train jurists capable of pursuing research activities in the academic sphere or in qualified research institutes, but also of gaining access to professional figures linked to the traditional legal professions (such as the legal profession and the judiciary) with a knowledge base open to the international, European and transnational context and to the challenges posed by innovation in all legal spheres.
Other 'natural' professional outlets include access to higher levels of public administration, ministerial legislative offices, careers as parliamentary officials, European Union officials and international bodies. It will also be possible to gain access to careers within the various police forces, the prison administration and management, and all those bodies operating in the derived sector.
In addition to the civil service, the training offered to doctoral students also allows them to enter the private labour market, with the possibility of assuming important positions in the legal departments of companies, in management and in offices dedicated to international relations.
Administrative venue of the course
University of Udine - Department of Legal Science - Via Treppo, 18 - UDINE
PhD Office: Dott.ssa Cristina Galliussi cristina.galliussi@uniud.it
Asssociated venue
University of Trieste: Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation studies (IUSLIT) - Piazzale Europa, 1 - TRIESTE