Training Project

The Teaching Board annually evaluates the training and research activities carried out by individual doctoral students for the purpose of admission to the following year and the thesis evaluation stage.

The doctoral student's training project cycle XL consists of:

  • in the development, under the guidance of the Supervisor, of an individual research program referring to a specific disciplinary field among those on which the Course is focused;
  • in the attendance of doctoral level educational activities complementary to research not less than 20 CFU, according to the indications of the College. The recognition of CFUs, which can be acquired by attending teaching and other educational activities, is carried out by the College of Teachers, which authorizes the attendance and evaluates the outcomes.

The doctoral course in Linguistic and Literary Studies provides for the acquisition of:

  • 12 CFU by attending (and passing the final exams) specialized courses in the area and discipline of reference, chosen from those scheduled annually by the Board of Teachers of the doctoral course. Specifically, each doctoral student must attend the specific teaching of his or her curriculum (3 are activated each year, one per curriculum, called "Foundations of the Curriculum") and interdisciplinary courses.

  • 5 CFU by attending (and passing any final exams) specialized courses in the relevant area and discipline offered by the doctoral program itself but also by other universities/research institutions/companies. The College of Teachers evaluates the suitability of these activities with respect to the student's training and research objectives and determines the number of credits to be awarded. The 5 CFUs can also be covered by taking the remaining 2 "Fundamentals of Curriculum" courses.
  • In addition to the course in the Mobility area "English for academic purposes" (compulsory unless the doctoral student holds a C1 level certificate), 3 CFUs can be obtained with compulsory attendance of at least 1 cross-curricular course/seminar (and passing any final exams) for each of the following 4 areas chosen by the College: Research, Communication, Digital, Cognitive and interpersonal.

    The courses scheduled for the current year, with an indication of the CFUs awarded, are available on the dedicated page

  • Beyond the minimum 20 required, may be acquired:

    By attending (and passing any final tests) courses/seminars/conferences organized by the University. The Board of Teachers evaluates the suitability of these activities with respect to the student's training and research objectives and determines the number of credits to be awarded.

    By attending (and passing any final tests) cross-curricular courses organized by other universities/research institutions/companies. The Board of Teachers evaluates the suitability of these activities with respect to the training and research objectives of the student and establishes the number of credits to be Remain unchanged the possibility of earning supernumerary credits through additional certified activities, to be established in agreement with the supervisor.