Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Training goals
The training course ranges from the theoretical-formal to the applicative-experimental aspects of computer science, placing in all these aspects particular emphasis on artificial intelligence. The competences of the College, enriched by the University agreement with the Bruno Kessler Foundation (Trento) and the departmental agreement with the Aviano Oncological Reference Center (PN), will allow each student to choose whether to do research in:
• Algorithmica
• Acoustic scene analysis
• Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
• Blockchain and Digital ledger technologies
• Crowdsourcing and Human-in-the-loop AI
• 3D digitization based on artificial intelligence
• Natural language processing
• Medical IT, Telemedicine and e-Health
• Information retrieval
• Software engineering
• Artificial intelligence for agri-food
• Computational intelligence and optimization
• Human-computer interaction, multimodal interfaces
• Internet of things: platforms and technologies
• Logic for computer science
• Machine learning and Deep learning - Formal methods and Automatic verification
• Methodologies, languages and techniques for solving problems in artificial intelligence
• Models and applications of distributed systems
• Monitoring, diagnostics and predictive maintenance
• Automatic planning and scheduling
• Knowledge representation and automatic reasoning
• Virtual reality, Serious games
• Data science and Big data analytics
• IT security
• Autonomous systems
• Social systems and Recommendation systems
• Artificial vision.
At this point the doctoral student will work on the state of the art of one of these topics, at the same time mastering theme intersections also thanks to the advanced teaching program developed together with the Bruno Kessler Foundation: relationships between logic, knowledge representation and automatic reasoning; the role of machine learning in informing the modeling, mathematical and computational aspects of algorithms; analysis, classification, treatment and presentation to users of large amounts of data including those produced in multimedia, social networks, bioinformatics and during the capture of real scenes.
Scientific Disciplinary Sectors
- INF / 01 - Information Technology;
- ING-INF / 05 - Information processing systems
- BIO / 13 - Applied Biology
Employment opportunities
The expected job placement for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence PH.D.'s is excellent. In fact, they will be able to undertake an academic career as researchers and teachers in Italy and abroad, to play a highly qualified role in private and industrial research, to start business activities in applied information technology fields.
Administrative venue of the course
Università degli Studi di Udine: Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche, informatiche e fisiche (DMIF) - Via delle Scienze, 206 - UDINE
Asssociated venue
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Via Santa Croce, 77 - TRENTO