Food and Human Health
The Ph.D. Programme will be activated for the 2022/2023 a.y. (38th cycle) after ministerial accreditation.
The doctoral course responds to society's need regarding the training of high-profile scientific researchers who pursue excellence in science and technology in order to generate far-reaching benefits. Therefore, the course program aims to prepare leaders from the point of view of innovation potential, capable of bringing new knowledge in the food/health area, solving problems associated with nutrition, proposing effective interventions in this area, and developing products and services with the ultimate goal of improving their quality with clear benefits to human health.
Training objectives are generally expressed as knowledge, technical skills, and soft skills. Regarding knowledge, doctoral students are required to make an original contribution in terms of research in the area of "Food and Human Health" and in particular in "Food Science," "Human Health," and "Nutrition," considering their respective interactions through an interdisciplinary approach. Specific knowledge will be tested by measuring productivity in terms of peer-reviewed publications. Ph.D.s must also acquire "skills" to be used for employment prospects in extra-academic fields.
- AGR/15 - Scienze e tecnologie alimentari;
- AGR/16 - Microbiologia agraria;
- BIO/10 - Biochimica;
- CHIM/01 - Chimica analitica;
- CHIM/03 - Chimica generale ed inorganica;
- CHIM/10 - Chimica degli alimenti;
- MED/01 - Statistica medica;
- MED/03 - Genetica medica;
- MED/05 - Patologia clinica;
- MED/08 - Anatomia patologica;
- MED/09 - Medicina interna;
- MED/18 - Chirurgia generale;
- MED/19 - Chirurgia plastica;
- MED/23 - Chirurgia cardiaca;
- MED/25 - Psichiatria;
- MED/26 - Neurologia;
- MED/30 - Malattie apparato visivo;
- MED/38 - Pediatria generale e specialistica;
- MED/42 - Igiene generale e applicata.
- AGR/15 - Scienze e tecnologie alimentari;
The educational activity of the Ph.D. in is aimed at building an interdisciplinary body of knowledge on food and health relationships so that it can then be translated into effective interventions for human health. This cross-disciplinarity will be able to enable Ph.D. students to work in research and development in both academic and industrial settings in the areas of food production, nutrition, and health in general, in diverse settings such as universities and hospitals, medical centers, nutrition institutes, food industries, government agencies, and international nongovernmental organizations.
Università degli Studi di Udine: Dipartimento di Scienze agroalimentari, ambientale animali - Via delle Scienze, 206 - UDINE