Extension for proven reasons which do not allow to submit the thesis
For proven reasons which do not allow to susbmit the doctoral thesis within the deadline set by the legal duration of the PhD Programme, the PhD student has the possibility to request an extension (without scholarship) of the thesis submission deadline which cannot exceed 12 months. The extension request must be evaluated and approved by the Teaching Board.
PhD studenti are required to manage the request through Esse3 (Career - Extension request).
Within the end of the legal duration of the Programme, the PhD student is required to submit the extension request through the online procedure available in Esse3 (Career - Extension application).
The PhD student is not asked to upload any documents in the online procedure.
The application for extension involves the payment of stamp duty (€ 16.00) via the PagoPA system.
Extension for justified scientific needs
Within the legal term of the PhD programme, for justified scientific needs, the Teaching Board may grant the student an extension (with scholarship, for those who already benefit from it) of the duration of the PhD programme for a period not exceeding 12 months.
The extension is managed in Esse3 directly by the PhD Office.
The extension involves the payment of a duty stamp (€ 16.00) and the annual registration fee via the PagoPA system.
WARNING: The periods of extension and suspension of the PhD Programme cannot exceed a total of 18 months, except for specific cases provided for by law.