Admittance Procedures to the Years after the First

At least two weeks before the end of the first and second year (unless otherwise indicated), the Ph.D. student is required to submit the report on the formation project carried out.

The report must be downloaded from the the Phd Notebook application. The Ph.D. students are therefore required to keep their personal booklet updated throughout the academic year *.

The report must be uploaded in PDF / A format on the Esse3 portal in the “Career Annexes” section. For specific and justified needs, the Office may ask the Ph.D. student to deliver an original.

The passage to the following years is in any case subject to the positive evaluation by the Professors’ Board on the formation project carried out by the PhD student. A negative evaluation leads to exclusion from the course, formalized by a Rector's decree.

The Ph.D. students admitted to the following academic year complete the registration by paying the required fees.

The PhD students annually fill in the evaluation questionnaire on the Ph.D. programme, made available in Esse3 in the period prior to the end of the academic year.

* Please remember that the PhD notebook of the current academic year is activated only if the report of the previous academic year has been approved by the supervisor and if you are up to date with the payment of the fees.


For further information, please see the Internal Regulations for Ph.D. programmes and the current national legislation on the subject.