Change of Personal Data (Residence and Bank Details)
Change of residence
The Ph.D. student may notify a change of residence through the IL MIO PROFILO application.
Here are the required steps:
- connect to U-WEB using the link;
- after authentication with Uniud e-mail credentials, access the IL MIO PROFILO application;
- click on the "indirizzi" tab and then on "inserisci nuovo indirizzo di residenza";
- click on "salva".
After saving, the system will automatically update the address * and notify the change via e-mail to the competent offices.
For information or reports, please contact
* The Esse3 master data will be updated by the research formation office.
Change of bank details
The Ph.D. student may notify a change in the bank details through the IL MIO PROFILO application.
Here are the required steps:
- connect to U-WEB using the link;
- after authentication with Uniud e-mail credentials, access the IL MIO PROFILO application;
- click on the "coordinate di pagamento" tab and then on "inserisci nuova coordinata di pagamento";
- click on "salva".
After saving, the system automatically updates the change in the salary payment program * and notifies the change via e-mail to the competent offices.
For information or reports, please contact
* the PHD STUDENT is required to UPDATE their personal Esse3’ PAGE: "home -> Master data" (reimbursement details - payment details).