Working Group

Objectives of the Working Group

The Charter & Code Working Group (C&C WG) is tasked with:

  • analyzing the implementation status of the Charter & Code within the University;
  • defining suitable interventions in order to guarantee their concrete implementation;
  • developing and implementing the Human Resources Strategy and the Action Plan of the University;
  • identifying the self-assessment criteria in order to implement the plan.

Members of the Group

The working group was appointed by the Rector’s Decree No. 1527 dated 06/12/2024, and coordinated by Prof. Luca Quartuccio, the Rector’s representative for the European Charter for Researchers.
The "Charter & Code" Working Group consists of one representative for each Department, ensuring the involvement of an adequate number of young researchers while respecting gender equality. The members are as follows: 


Quartuccio Luca web.jpg
Associate Professor (R3 Established Researcher) of Rheumatology.
Main research fields:
systemic autoimmune diseases, with particular focus on pharmacological-economic and predatory aspects of rheumatoid arthritis response; pathogenesis; cellular anti-B classification and therapies in systemic vasculitis and Sjogren's syndrome; epidemiology of chronic inflammatory arthritis.





Iacuzzi Silvia web.jpgAssociate Professor (R3 Established Researcher) in Accounting and Management.
Main research fields: management of public administration and organizations; financial reporting and indicators; intangible resources, intellectual capital and integrated reporting; multi-level governance and stakeholder engagement; coordination and aggregation of public administrations and organizations. 

Mariani Andrea web.jpg
RTD (b) as indicated in (national) law No. 240/2010 (Researcher in Tenure Track Programme) (R2 Recognized Researcher) in Cinema, Photography and Television.
Main research fields: media theory and new media; media archeology; experimental cinema, documentary and modernist culture in Italy between the two world wars; history of European cinema.

PhD Student (R1 First Stage Researcher)

Liessi Davide web.jpegRTD (a) as indicated in (national) law No. 240/2010 (Researcher with three-year research contract, extendable up to a maximum of five years) (R2 Recognized Researcher) in Numerical Analysis. 
Main research fields: numerical methods for the stability of retarded functional equations and the dynamical systems they generate; theoretical aspects of delay equations; applications to population dynamics models. 

DeLiddo Silvia web.jpgHead of the academic staff office. 

Phd Office of the University of Udine. 

Tecnology Transfer Office & Placement Staff of the University of Udine.