Single Courses
General Information
Those in possession of a degree, which is considered suitable for the admission to university careers, can enrol in single courses being eligible for the ongoing academic year.
“Single courses” are meant to be sole teachings, which are eligible among all the undergraduate and postgraduate careers and which can be attended for a whole academic year (if annual) or a semester (if biannual), in order to take a final exam and earn the corresponding amount of ECTS.
The enrolment is subject to the submission of the form to the Student registry office of the Department, which the chosen course is part of.
It is also possible to submit the form by post to the following address: Università degli Studi di Udine, via Palladio 8 - 33100 Udine.
Each student is allowed to enrol in max. five single courses per academic year, for a total amount of max. 30 ECTS. In case of the threshold being exceeded, ordinary enrolment is required.
Single-course students are subject to the payment of a contribution for each single course, which is defined by the Additional Communication for Fees, Contributions and Exemptions.
The payment must be made by PagoPA, accessing the student’s ESSE3 personal account with the credentials provided by the Student registry office after submitting the form.
In case of postal submission, the student will be contacted to collect the credentials.
The enrolment shall be considered completed only after the registration of the payment.
Exams can be only taken in the rounds established for the academic year, which the application is submitted in.
Enrolments in single courses cannot be accepted if the student is carrying out a degree in the University of Udine.
In case of special organisational or educational needs, the Coordinators of degree courses have the power to select courses, which cannot be taken as single courses.